Mr Dave ,
The Bavarians are what first attracted me to First Legion, being a Napoleonic Wars fan I was just very excited to finally see someone doing them . And as the line grew to include Wurttemberger Jaegers , Westphalian Jeagers , Wurttemberger Line Infantry ,Wurttemberger Guard Chasseurs , and PRUSSIANS ect...... I knew finally there was a Company that was not only making Fantastic figures but also a company that was not happy just regurgitating the same old same old over and over again . A company willing to cover all combatants of a Battle , just not the ones that are popular ( and $$ Money makers ) . The Bavarians were IMO very nicely done but they are not really comparable to what they are doing now. I will wager that you will be most happy with the new Civil War line.... from the amount of research that goes into them , to the sculpting and finally the fantastic painting . First legion have rejuvenated my collecting
and I'm sure with the announcement of the two new lines they stand poised to do the same for a whole lot of soon to be very Happy collectors 
. All the best Gebhard