American Civil War.... (2 Viewers)

Sherman didn't care who you were if you were an enemy of the U.S. he would destroy you.Southern,Indian,it didn't matter.
Sherman didn't care who you were if you were an enemy of the U.S. he would destroy you.Southern,Indian,it didn't matter.
Yes Mark, I think you could stop at he just didn't care. Anyway, no need to turn this into another Sherman thread, there have been more than enough.;):)
Yeah your right we could sit here forever debating the virtures of famous or infamous personalities throughout history.

Tom and I are good buddies and I just like to needle him. The War is long over and we are one country: strength through diversity.

I can't say I can figure out the Burnside figure either. Someone like Halleck or Meade might have been an interesting choice but the great thing about the set is that you can group the figures differently.

True dat, that post was meant for Brad!

Good debate here, though, is Bedford really the most polarizing Southerner? I am not sure, b/c I think he is more misunderstood in history for his after war activiites. I am thinking that they may be others that deserve the polarization title.

What are thoughts on Quantrill? I think he was just an opportunisitic outlaw, yet he is beloved in some parts of the Country/History. That said, I do sympathize with the James brothers.

Yeah your right we could sit here forever debating the virtures of famous or infamous personalities throughout history.

Isn't that fun as long as someone doesn't lose an eye..........:)

Seriously, I like to hear others thoughts.
Just noticed 9 more new advancing Rebs on the website. Looking very nice indeed. :)
Wow!!!! And that is a big WOW!!!!! Those are amazing!!!! If they look that good in person, they will be the best CW figures I have seen this side of St. Petersburg (and probably even better than those). I will likely start with the Union cavalry for the point of something different, but I can't pass up these Rebs either. What a banner year for Civil War figures from First Legion and several other manufacturers. You guys have me cutting back drastically on WWII this year. I can only imagine what one of your artillery sets or mounted officers will look like.
Absolutely a great looking bunch of Southern Gentlemen and "shur nuf Yankee catchers". This looks like its going to be a fantastic range. Mark, if you keep this up I am going to have to come out of retirement so that I can afford it all :eek::rolleyes:
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like them. Here is the original sized image from our website that shows the figures in a bit more detail. We will show additional figures from the first release over the next few weeks.



First Legion Ltd
Looks like 8 advancing to me.That one guy ain't goin no further.:D

Yes, you've got a good point there Mark, but now you mention it maybe we should call it 7.5 advancing as the one gentleman is going to be lying down soon too from the looks of it. :rolleyes:

Yes, you've got a good point there Mark, but now you mention it maybe we should call it 7.5 advancing as the one gentleman is going to be lying down soon too from the looks of it. :rolleyes:


That gentleman caught my eye also , I think this is a First for First Legion I don't remember seeing blood on any of my wounded Napoleonic figures . Could be the next level in Realism ;) G
Matt: Your quality and execution of this topic is superb. I sincerely hope that you will tackle a series of Confederate cavalry either mounted or dismounted. If they are on par with the infantry you will take the hobby up another level. Really nice work. Most impressive.
Matt: Your quality and execution of this topic is superb. I sincerely hope that you will tackle a series of Confederate cavalry either mounted or dismounted. If they are on par with the infantry you will take the hobby up another level. Really nice work. Most impressive.

Thanks Jefman, much appreciated. We will do ACW Rebel Cavalry as well, but not for a bit I'm afraid. As part of Gettysburg we will include the action at East Cavalry Field on July 3rd, but right now the plan is to progress chronologically so it could be awhile until we get to that as there are so many other interesting figures that we need to do first.

Finally, I just want to make clear that the effort at First Legion is an absolute team effort between my partner and I and our many sculptors and painters. I am something of the face of the company, but the compliments you guys give our figures are really in very large part due to the work of my partner. I get the fun part of dreaming up our ranges and putting them in historical context, but he is the one who executes the vision and is wholly responsible for why our figures look the way they do. So I'll be sure to pass all of your comments/compliments on to him as he is the one who truly deserves them.


Matt: That is all I needed to read. I suspect it may be a year or two for that line to reach me but after the execution of the infantry marchers...I suspect members of Heth's Corps searching for shoes marching up the Cashtown Rd. into Gettysburg... the wait will be worth it. The colors used in the palette are beyond reproach. Us cavalry types are being treated to a host of both mounted and dismounted rollouts but it has been mostly Federal. Last years K&C Rebel cavalry was a nice taste but once researched and interpreted we want more and you guys have the vision to do it. Good luck on the dismounted Feds this summer and just keep the feeding frenzy alive. It is just sound historical interpretation to lean towards leaving the Rebs a bit tattered as by mid 1863 Lee makes the bold move to take the war northward...take some pressure off beleagured Virginia. At this point of the conflict however the blockade has had some effect on the southern cause and replenishment of the Rebels is not as pronounced as the first two years of conflict. It shows why your depictions are not over stated and thus more meaningful and realistic as period photos support your partners interpretation.You will probably want to consider those axioms when you create the East Cavalry Field Rebel Cavalry as K&C's Rebel Cavalry were a mostly circa 1861-62 style repleat with lots of yellow and ornately attired troopers somewhat contrary to the look of the southern horseman by Gettysburg. Just a suggestion but one that adds realism and depth to the renditions as most manufacturers get seduced by stereotypes and over the top historical creative license. Again those Rebel infantry validates you and your partner will not fall for any of that chicanery.

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