Andy's Post at Toy Soldier Chat (1 Viewer)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
Andy posted this over at Toy Soldier Chat, for your information.


To : Toy Soldier Chat

Re : Andy’s Participation

Hi Guys,

There has been a fair bit of correspondence of late regarding how much I (and some other manufacturers and dealers) participate on this and other forums.

Not only that but how much or how little I let everyone know about K&C’s future plans and present activities.

For the record I try and let K&C dealers and collectors know what we’re up to at least one or two months in advance. I do that in several ways:

1) Through our “DISPATCHES” newsletter to K&C dealers which is issued at the beginning of each and every month throughout the year. Many dealers in turn pass on this information directly to their regular customers.

2) Through “COLLECTOR”, K&C’s own quarterly newsletter which is distributed to all members of K&C’s Collectors Club as well as to K&C dealers, four times a year and …

3) Through personal replies to collectors who request info from us (or me) directly in Hong Kong.

4) By advertising our latest releases and some upcoming ones in toy soldier magazines in the U.S., Britain and mainland Europe.

5) And, occasionally, on the Forums themselves both Toy Soldier Chat and Treefrog.

For very good commercial reasons I seldom talk or write about K&C’s mid to long-term plans and ideas for figures, fighting vehicles and accessories.

Obviously most manufacturers don’t want to “spill-the-beans” to their competitors and I’m no exception.

Another reason I try not to build up any collector’s hopes and dreams is that priorities and schedules do change and get adapted constantly. I know from bitter experience in the past how disappointed some collectors are when their particular favourite vehicle is delayed (or even dropped) from a previously announced schedule.

Whilst I know some manufacturers do announce a whole raft of their future releases K&C don’t want to do that or go down that particular path.

Summing up, I do believe K&C does communicate with its collectors through a variety of ways and apologise, in advance, if it’s not often enough or detailed enough to satisfy every collector’s requirements.

Best wishes and … happy collecting!

Andy C.
At the risk of being seen as a creep I think Andy does a great job. Thanks for posting this Brad, I don't usually get to the other forum.

Yes, I think Andy does a superb job. I only posted it because some people don't belong to the other forum and I thought they might like to see what he has to say.
Some people think that because they are buying K&C products that, not only the company, but also the person of Mr. Neilson belongs to them and that he has to come off the bottle when they rub it.

I get the feeling that Toy Soldier Chat may close down. The administrator asked for comments and not a lot of folks seem to be chiming in.
I have to say i think Andy does a superb job.I think his judgement and selection of releases is spot on.I think he communicates with his customers and gives them as much info as possible.I also think he must have the patience of a saint,some of the demands(and i mean in some cases "demands")are absurd.I know of no other company that consistently release such top quality products and is always looking to improve its operations.I say all this because as collectors we are quick to complain but slow to praise where its due.

Combat said:
I get the feeling that Toy Soldier Chat may close down. The administrator asked for comments and not a lot of folks seem to be chiming in.

The Toy Soldier Chat site never did have much support. I used to post a few comments to help things along but it now seems to be mainly used by people to increase their own sales. The deletion of several tasteful pics posted by long term members didn't help matters :)
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That forum has become hopeless. I regularly check it for some new posts, but I gave up posting there a long time ago. The only reasons I check it, is a) to see the diorama-stuff and b) to annoy myself.

The people over there are, well, pretty egocentric. They expect every bit of information of every company on the market, but they don't go searching the info theirselves: they just expect that Andy and co. post their every bussiness plan on the site. Also, most of those members have a firm belief that they are on the most important forum on the web. It's impossible for them to realise that toy soldier manufacturers have something better to do. Pierre said it correctly: "Some people think that because they are buying K&C products that, not only the company, but also the person of Mr. Neilson belongs to them and that he has to come off the bottle when they rub it."

So I won't grief that much if it closes down...
I hope that if it does shut down, something that I don't wish to see happen, that this forum does not change its flavor.
I don't think that will happen. Shannon and I are here to make sure we keep you guys in line :D
I sometimes got the feeling there was one person on Toy Soldier Chat with multiple identities that carried on little conversations with himself.

Scary stuff.

Mind you everybody on this forum could be different versions of Brad. Firebat might be just the latest of his personas :D

In fact I might be Brad too!!!

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Eazy said:
I sometimes got the feeling there was one person on Toy Soldier Chat with multiple identities that carried on little conversations with himself.

Scary stuff.

Mind you everybody on this forum could be different versions of Brad. Firebat might be just the latest of his personas :D

In fact I might be Brad too!!!


Who gets to be Axis Sally?
I can get a parrot and be "Panama Jack". Maybe I could write in like a pirate: "Grrrh mateys how about those 8th Army figures?"
sceic2 said:
I hope that if it does shut down, something that I don't wish to see happen, that this forum does not change its flavor.
jazzeum said:
I don't think that will happen. Shannon and I are here to make sure we keep you guys in line :D
I interpret Michael's comment as fear that some of the "quirky" characters on the other forum will migrate here if that forum shuts down. Do you really think you can keep personalities like that in line?:eek:
Combat said:
I can get a parrot and be "Panama Jack". Maybe I could write in like a pirate: "Grrrh mateys how about those 8th Army figures?"

Arrrrrrrr Jim Laaad. That be a crackin idea. We could have a pirate themed day me hearties where we all speak like feasome Pirates!

Avast ye land lubbers.

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