Announcing The ACW Joe and Mike's Way (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant Colonel
Feb 12, 2008
Well today Joe Baker (playsetaddict) came to my house to play. We spent over 6 hours together setting up scenes and taking BUNCHES of photos. Wow what another great day. First I get a visit from Ken Osen and now playsetaddict. All the photos we took are on Joe's cameras. He is going to edit them on Friday and start posting them here on the forum. Look for them either in the Britian section, or the Conte section, or maybe the Diorama section. We combined both of our WB and Conte armies together and made some spectacular looking scenes. I can't wait to see the edited photos myself.

By the way, the new Conte 5th NY Zouaves are incredible looking and are a nice "fit" with the Britain figures.

Getting Ready To Play

Joe Trying To Make Up His Mind On What To Use Next

My Friend Joe and Myself - Both of us are 60mm Size
What a day! Mike, I want to thank you for your graciousness and your hospitality on Wednesday. You have a wonderful home and an incredible Man Cave...and what I consider the best ACW "Movie Set" in the world. (Not to mention an incredible collection beautifully cared for and displayed!) Thank you for letting me truly make myself at home. I really felt like I was a kid again. It was pure joy to play together with our collections. I don't think I've shared a day of that kind of play dynamic since I was twelve and my friends all started getting interested in moto cross and acting cool. Thanks.

Well, here's the first picture. I took about 90 pictures all together, but we'll be lucky to get 20 good ones out of the bunch. We'll see.

Here we go...

WOW! Mine eyes have seen the glory . . . this first one really came out well Joe - it certainly made me smile. Looks like our time together staging our "armies" is going to pay off. Leep em coming.
:) Mike
Really nice Mike...Joe Baker can work magic on his software...this is a keeper for sure...
One of the things I really came to appreciate about Mike as I got to know him on Wednesday was his passion for history in all it's details. I am still basically doing what I did as a kid in my back yard when the scope of my
imagination setting was "Civil War" as opposed to "Indian Wars" or "World War Two". Mike collects by regiments and units. His context is a specific date at a specific place with specific units involved. He has a great Iron Brigade collection, as that unit has a special place in his heart. (He was an Iron Brigade reenactor for many years.) A few more days hanging out with him and I might have to grow up in my approach to my play...and that would probably be a good thing.

Something else that really really impressed me was the backdrop painting Mike painted of the hills of the Shenandoah Valley. It's an incredible piece! It gives so much depth to the pictures it is used in. You will see it over and over again in the pictures I post from our day of play. As great as the whole diorama base Ken Osen created is... and it is GREAT,,,Mike's background painting adds that extra dimension that is just amazing.

From behind the Stonewall brigade. I love the water feature Ken Osen built into the corner of the layout.


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One of the things I really came to appreciate about Mike as I got to know him on Wednesday was his passion for history in all it's details. I am still basically doing what I did as a kid in my back yard when the scope of my
imagination setting was "Civil War" as opposed to "Indian Wars" or "World War Two". Mike collects by regiments and units. His context is a specific date at a specific place with specific units involved. He has a great Iron Brigade collection, as that unit has a special place in his heart. (He was an Iron Brigade reenactor for many years.) A few more days hanging out with him and I might have to grow up in my approach to my play...and that would probably be a good thing.

Something else that really really impressed me was the backdrop painting Mike painted of the hills of the Shenandoah Valley. It's an incredible piece! It gives so much depth to the pictures it is used in. You will see it over and over again in the pictures I post from our day of play. As great as the whole diorama base Ken Osen created is... and it is GREAT,,,Mike's background painting adds that extra dimension that is just amazing.


You are making me blush Joe. My diorama base looks amazing with your "magical touch" editing these photos. They're great looking.

The problem with taking so many pictures is that you work with a picture and then find a better one later after you've wasted an hour adding the background. O well.

The problem with taking so many pictures is that you work with a picture and then find a better one later after you've wasted an hour adding the background. O well.

How'd he do dat??? This is my favorite one so far Joe because of how you, thru the use of your editing skills, expanded my diorama table. One would never tell from this photo that the dio table ends just on the other side of the road and split rail fence. The backdrop is superb. Everything you have done brings reality/life to the scene we staged. You are really going to have to show me how you do this.
:) Mike
How'd he do dat??? This is my favorite one so far Joe because of how you, thruw the use of your editing skills, expanded my diorama table. One would never tell from this photo that the dio table ends just on the other side of the road and split rail fence. The backdrop is superb. Everything you have done brings reality/life to the scene we staged. You are really going to have to show me how you do this.
:) Mike

I was thinking the same thing Mike, I have been studying that photo for some time trying figure out where it ends and the background begins.

Great stuff Joe & Mike. I am certainly enjoying watching the results of your playtime together.
The editing is lots of fun when it works. Frustrating as all heck when it doesn't. Mike, next time I come over I think I need to bring the software so I can download the images to see them better. I just worked on the first image fromn the camera on the tripod and it is all washed out. Probably a setting wrong. Here at home I would catch that and fix it. Hopefully some of the images still work well even if too light.



I overdid these a little. I think that does it for the first of the scenarios from Wednesday. Only six or so more scenarios to go!
I can see you two really had fun... I am a bit jealous that I a buried in work here getting ready for Chicago. I suppose the good news is that there will be plenty of goodies for both W. Britain and H&A coming soon as a result.
I am looking forward to seeing some more pictures this weekend... nice job Joe!
All the Best,
I can see you two really had fun... I am a bit jealous that I a buried in work here getting ready for Chicago. I suppose the good news is that there will be plenty of goodies for both W. Britain and H&A coming soon as a result.
I am looking forward to seeing some more pictures this weekend... nice job Joe!
All the Best,

Ken, it was blast being able to use all your incredible scenics. My pocket book aches when you talk about the stuff you'll have at OTSN. You really outdid yourself on Mike's terrain base.

Ken, it was blast being able to use all your incredible scenics. My pocket book aches when you talk about the stuff you'll have at OTSN. You really outdid yourself on Mike's terrain base.


My new favorite Joe.
:) Mike

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