Any news on the Glory of Rome range Germanics? (1 Viewer)


2nd Lieutenant
Sep 26, 2007
Just wondering if anyone knows if the Roman adversaries are coming soon. I just ordered my first two First Legion Romans, and I'm pretty excited about that.
The preview pics we've seen of the forthcoming ancient Germans have really got me antsy for more word on them.
I have not heard anything on the release of the Germanic figures. I just ordered my first four FL Roman figures so I have a lot of catching up to do before I will be able to consider purchasing any of the Barbarians. I am already making plans though for my first diorama. I am going to use my Hudson and Allen shelf diorama "At the Edge of the Forest", which will nicely represent a wooded area in Germania. I plan to position my Roman Legionnaries in the central part of the diorama base in a defensive "Orb" with the Barbarians attacking from all sides. As I understand, the "Orb" was a Roman defensive formation in the shape of a complete circle which could be taken by a unit which had either become detached from the army's main body and had become encircled by the enemy, or a formation which might be taken by any number of units if the greater army had fallen into disorder during a battle. It can hence be seen as a formation representing a desperate 'last stand' by units of a collapsing army. But also it can be seen as a disciplined holding position by a unit which has been divided from the army's main body in battle and which is waiting for the main force to rejoin them. In either case, it is not a formation one would like to find oneself in, as it obviously indicates that they are surrounded by the enemy. The officers and insignia/standard bearers would be positioned in the centre of the orb.
:) Mike

Great idea Mike. I am really looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'm sure like all your other dioramas it will turn out fantastic. I figured now that winters here I would start up on my Roman diorama again. I still have much to do but I think I will finally be able to finish this one by spring. I put some figures on the diorama for a couple shots and what was suppose to be a simple water detail for these Romans turned into a ambush. Good thing the Legate is quick to respond by personally leading a small contingent of Romans to the rescue.


Nicely done Joe . . . . . I see you have a couple of helpers in the background on the staircase :wink2: . . . .
:) Mike
Cool set up Joe...I like how you have the Celts coming out of the woods and the mounted Roman rushing out from the gates to help...your diorama turned out nice...

Mike...kudos to you...I knew it was just a matter of time...have fun with them...they will look great on your table...
Love the setup and the photos!! That slashing Celt looks great with them. He is a rarity for me - a figure I ordered just because I thought it was so nice looking on its own.
I have not heard anything on the release of the Germanic figures. I just ordered my first four FL Roman figures so I have a lot of catching up to do before I will be able to consider purchasing any of the Barbarians. I am already making plans though for my first diorama. I am going to use my Hudson and Allen shelf diorama "At the Edge of the Forest", which will nicely represent a wooded area in Germania. I plan to position my Roman Legionnaries in the central part of the diorama base in a defensive "Orb" with the Barbarians attacking from all sides. As I understand, the "Orb" was a Roman defensive formation in the shape of a complete circle which could be taken by a unit which had either become detached from the army's main body and had become encircled by the enemy, or a formation which might be taken by any number of units if the greater army had fallen into disorder during a battle. It can hence be seen as a formation representing a desperate 'last stand' by units of a collapsing army. But also it can be seen as a disciplined holding position by a unit which has been divided from the army's main body in battle and which is waiting for the main force to rejoin them. In either case, it is not a formation one would like to find oneself in, as it obviously indicates that they are surrounded by the enemy. The officers and insignia/standard bearers would be positioned in the centre of the orb.
:) Mike

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Thanks for the info Mike. I had never heard of the orb formation before. Indeed it sounds like a very difficult situation to be in, but probably much more effective in turning the tide than running amok on one's own. Great, dramatic idea for a dio! I would love to see that take shape. I have a lot longer of ways to go than you in building my forces. I only ordered my first two FL Romans a few days ago from our hosts. I'll report back upon on their arrival.
Great idea Mike. I am really looking forward to seeing what you come up with. I'm sure like all your other dioramas it will turn out fantastic. I figured now that winters here I would start up on my Roman diorama again. I still have much to do but I think I will finally be able to finish this one by spring. I put some figures on the diorama for a couple shots and what was suppose to be a simple water detail for these Romans turned into a ambush. Good thing the Legate is quick to respond by personally leading a small contingent of Romans to the rescue.



Awesome dio Joe. Great job on the Roman fort and fighting field. It really tells a story. Thanks for sharing the pics
would also like to see some British Celts after the Germanic's ....if possible .....that display looks terrific....great job......
would also like to see some British Celts after the Germanic's ....if possible .....that display looks terrific....great job......

I'll second that...I have a great Hadrian's Wall diorama in mind if the figures were there to make it. I live in Canada now but moved here from North-East England about an hour south of the wall and would often visit it growing up...would be fun to recreate it myself through FL!

Sahara, that is a great looking dio! A simple, yet very realistic idea. Your fort looks amazing and is certainly worth all the work you put into it.

Hey guys thanks for the nice words about my diorama. Hopefully I can finish it soon so I can start on my next idea that i have been chomping at the bits to start. Sorry about the 2 buggers in the background. As you can see they look a little bummed. They just got yelled at for sticking their noses where they shouldnt have^&grin
I'll second that...I have a great Hadrian's Wall diorama in mind if the figures were there to make it. I live in Canada now but moved here from North-East England about an hour south of the wall and would often visit it growing up...would be fun to recreate it myself through FL!


Chris, I would love to see your Hadrian's Wall dio idea come to life....sounds like your research is already done!
Chris, I would love to see your Hadrian's Wall dio idea come to life....sounds like your research is already done!

Thank you, it would be fun to make though my model-making skills aren't nearly as impressive as some of our fellow forum members.

If you can call school trips and family days out to the wall and a lot of walking on the wall itself research, then I am quite the expert! I am heading back there this summer...the place is amazing. I particularly love Housteads fort on a windswept Northumbrian hill, you can just imagine Roman troops stood on the wall looking out over the endless hills and valleys wondering if an attack will come...

Great looking fort {bravo}} it looks like the one at the beginning of the movie Centurion.
Perhaps we could all hope that First Legion will develop some Roman structures for this range similar to what they have provided for the Crusader range. I for one would welcome a Roman watch tower similar to those found along the Limes of Germania Inferior or inbetween the milecastles on Hadrian's wall. Even perhaps a small Roman fort similar to what K&C offered many years ago and is now long retired and almost impossible to find.
:) Mike
Perhaps we could all hope that First Legion will develop some Roman structures for this range similar to what they have provided for the Crusader range. I for one would welcome a Roman watch tower similar to those found along the Limes of Germania Inferior or inbetween the milecastles on Hadrian's wall. Even perhaps a small Roman fort similar to what K&C offered many years ago and is now long retired and almost impossible to find.
:) Mike

I wonder how well the JG Roman structures would go with FL's figures. I'm guessing they'd be a good match. I too wonder if FL will be developing their own structures for the GoR range.

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