Not everyting I post is aimed at you. From your post it has become contrived with many wanting this draconian method against this so called usual suspects. What I have said and was saying there is that many of those calling for these methods have been as guilty of derailing threads suppressing debate because its boring or not worthy and, IMO thats as bad as one or two who seem to like having a pop at certain manufacturers.
I have also said that if commenting on toy soldiers evokes such anger and upset then its those who are easily offended who have taken the hobby to a level in which it is not fun. I have many ranges and if someone says one is pants I don't have sleepless nights. There are many intelligent professional on here who make comments that are very childish (including myself)
Sticks and stones is a great addage here IMO. I think what this has started will be worse for the forum as now some will decry its spoiling my fun should anyone have the timerity to go on a thread and say this is wrong or that. It will cause more animosity and work for the mods.
You ask why some are not posting but, my answer is this forum has changed little in the year I have been on and, the eight months I read before participating. There were the same arguments about the same stuff with, the same people.
Now I have seen worse arguments about history Haig, Montgomery the Blitz,ACW etc but, has this contributed to the restrcition or leaving of posters as thats not fun?? To say, that posters are leaving or restricting because of comments about toys for me is ludicrous. any topic which could cause acrimony should be moderated so it does not spoil peoples fun.
We are grown ups who should be able to take the rough with the smooth and, all of this nonsense would be over should those who wish to defend to death a manufacturer would respond with thats your opinion and your welcome to it.
I still think the forum is fun but, then I have not argued with anyone over my sets better than yours it just does not bother me in the slightest that remark or similar. If anyone wants to debate the merits or limits to a set I will but, everyone should remember they are just toys
It most certainly is not contrived in anyway at all. I merely asked why people who are friends of mine have gradually drifted away from posting, anything wrong with that?