Awesome! (2 Viewers)

Friday afternoon at the office. I just picked my two Bf-110 (Shark Mouth camo & Winter Camo) at the post office.

Both planes are great. Incredible models and awesome work. They definitely worth their price.

Unfortunately, I am not lucky; both of them are broken. Again, the wheels.

This time, it is the left wheel on the Winter camo model (hooked) while it is worst on the other one: both wheels are broken (out of the landing gears and left landing gear attached to the wing to only one point instead of three).

I should had think of it. When I was young, it was a sure thing that the toy was not in the box of those inedible cereals.

Andy, I will send to Fanny another email.

Best regards,
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God, how awful is that, for crying out loud. Man, you have no luck. Sorry Pierre :(
Bonjour Pierre:

Je suis vraiment desolee! Ca va? I hope that is correct use of the Canadian/French dialect. Have no fear as the Hangar @ K&C will have your Squadron repaired ASAP. All the same, I know too well the sadness of having an item arrived damaged. I hope you have a wonderful weekend though!

Hang Tough & a bientot,
God, how awful is that, for crying out loud. Man, you have no luck. Sorry Pierre :(

Hi Brad-

It is OK. I know that Andy will take care of it. Nobody's fault. But let's say that 3 on 3 is very unlucky :eek:

Bonjour Pierre:

Je suis vraiment desolee! Ca va? I hope that is correct use of the Canadian/French dialect. Have no fear as the Hangar @ K&C will have your Squadron repaired ASAP. All the same, I know too well the sadness of having an item arrived damaged. I hope you have a wonderful weekend though!

Hang Tough & a bientot,

Hi Beaufighter.

You are correct, K&C will repair them (Andy will take care personally of it). They are so beautiful, you should see them.

Your French-Canadian dialect is good :)

Hi Beaufighter.

You are correct, K&C will repair them (Andy will take care personally of it). They are so beautiful, you should see them.

Your French-Canadian dialect is good :)


Merci bien mon ami & bonne chance! Please let us know when your squadron is safely displayed & well in Canada. I look forward to the pictures and a victory roll celebration!

All The Best,
Hi Brad-

It is OK. I know that Andy will take care of it. Nobody's fault. But let's say that 3 on 3 is very unlucky :eek:



Very lucky indeed. Since the wheels seem to be the problem, I hope they reinforce the packaging to prevent this from happening again. Any reports on the first one?

Very lucky indeed. Since the wheels seem to be the problem, I hope they reinforce the packaging to prevent this from happening again. Any reports on the first one?


No reports yet on the first one.

As far as I'm concened, in my opinion, the problem is not with the package itself but when the planes are packed. I am sure that there is too much pressure on the wheels so they hook.

What makes me beleive that it's that the small parts (i.e. the machine gun and the two tiny antennas) are in perfect condition.


No reports yet on the first one.

As far as I'm concened, in my opinion, the problem is not with the package itself but when the planes are packed. I am sure that there is too much pressure on the wheels so they hook.

What makes me beleive that it's that the small parts (i.e. the machine gun and the two tiny antennas) are in perfect condition.


You certainly are a good sport about this at those prices. Hopefully you will enjoy them all the more once they arrive safe and sound.
You certainly are a good sport about this at those prices. Hopefully you will enjoy them all the more once they arrive safe and sound.

Thanks for your kind words, Doug. I appreciate.

Pierre, you either have unbelievable bad luck or a really clumsy delivery man. I have received at least 30 Warbirds directly from K&C, including six from this factory, one of which was an ME110, and not a single one of them ever came damaged. For you to have three come damaged is just unbelievable. I am so sorry to hear it!

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