Bad experience on first transaction here (1 Viewer)

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Sergeant Major
Oct 10, 2010
My appollogy if this is not the right place to post but I would like to give a friendly warning to collectors who buy items from the Classifieds section. I had a bad experience here with a fellow seller but because of forum rules I could not post name. He sold me a winter german AFV and got paid from me the same day. He said he would send it out next couple days but after two weeks of waiting there was no tank and no email from him. I then emailed him to inquire about it and he accused me of being impatient, and claimed he was very busy with his business, and not selling toy soldiers for a living....etc...So he then promised he would send it out next weekend for sure,and guess what another four weeks went by, and STILL NO TANK...I then emailed him again, and the excuse this time was he was busy again and forgot about it. He then promised AGAIN to send it out next day. By this time more than six weeks had passed since I paid him and still no tank. Finally with no warning he returned my money. And now I see him just posting to sale the same tank again for MUCH HIGHER price. My conlusion is he sold the tank to me but changed his mind because he wanted to sale it at higher price so he gave me all the run around & excuses for not sending it out and WAISTING my time.

So if you would like to know more send me a pm. Enough rant for today and thank you very much for listening.
I know who you are talking about....Live and learn who not to trust. Michael
Hey cnq, If you get a chance send me more details on this character if you would.
Via private message would work. Thanks..and sorry to hear about that deal !
My appollogy if this is not the right place to post but I would like to give a friendly warning to collectors who buy items from the Classifieds section. I had a bad experience here with a fellow seller but because of forum rules I could not post name. He sold me a winter german AFV and got paid from me the same day. He said he would send it out next couple days but after two weeks of waiting there was no tank and no email from him. I then emailed him to inquire about it and he accused me of being impatient, and claimed he was very busy with his business, and not selling toy soldiers for a living....etc...So he then promised he would send it out next weekend for sure,and guess what another four weeks went by, and STILL NO TANK...I then emailed him again, and the excuse this time was he was busy again and forgot about it. He then promised AGAIN to send it out next day. By this time more than six weeks had passed since I paid him and still no tank. Finally with no warning he returned my money. And now I see him just posting to sale the same tank again for MUCH HIGHER price. My conlusion is he sold the tank to me but changed his mind because he wanted to sale it at higher price so he gave me all the run around & excuses for not sending it out and WAISTING my time.

So if you would like to know more send me a pm. Enough rant for today and thank you very much for listening.
I had a thought (OH NO!) yes anyhow I dad had alzhiemers and I just thought... maybe this person could be suffering from the same? My father could function for the most part but just started repeating and forgetting things in a serious way...serious kinda of like this seller has been. My father would get very angry and deny everything which is a symptom...just a thought!
Sorry to hear about this cnq. That must have been frustrating to say the least! But don't let it spoil the hobby in any way for you. There's always gonna be a bad apple or two in every bunch.
If you get a chance, can you please pm the details? I'd hate to buy something from someone who's too busy to ship the item that was promptly paid for. And the worst part is the way you were treated while all the while being extremely patient.
Try not to go sour on this, after all at least you got your money back and the way it was going, that was looking doubtful also. I have only recently started buying here, but to date the eight transactions have been very pleasing and I would have to say without the forum, the items would have been very hard to find, if at all. Some members have also gone out of their way to help locate where the item I am after, might be found. Hopefully this is a 'one off' for you. Cheers, Robin.
I have been very lucky that everyone I've dealt with on here has been very honest and above board.
Sorry to hear you've had a bad experience with someone on here cnq, but glad you've got your money back. I've only ever heard of one of our members being ripped off by another.

A terrible story You are definately more patient than I. I would not have waited so long in such circumstances
Sorry to hear about this cnq. That must have been frustrating to say the least! But don't let it spoil the hobby in any way for you. There's always gonna be a bad apple or two in every bunch.
If you get a chance, can you please pm the details? I'd hate to buy something from someone who's too busy to ship the item that was promptly paid for. And the worst part is the way you were treated while all the while being extremely patient.

I Concur, it is the 1 of only 2 problems I've had with the fine people of the forum. I have had many many fine to exceptional dealings with forum members, they have helped me to find some really hard to find items and I would recomend this bunch to anyone.
i told cqn MY bad trade-experience with a member on THIS board, we both hade very similar experience, you guess why ? - because we both tried to deal with the SAME user !

so now we are 2 and it would interest me how many more people......
My bad experiences have been relativley minor. Only with two or three people. I had a person selling me a winter vehicle, but claimed "his friend dropped and broke the item" while packing the item for shipping, Whatever. Another member claimed he had an item i wanted, claimed to send me a "PM".He never did and never got back to me. Once and while some members have the full mailboxes,but otherwise mostly positive experiences with members. Me personally, im not perfect but I always try to communicate with the people im dealing with..
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you are right, i have also a lot of swaps and buys with very nice people from this board. AND if a seller have ANY problem but comunicate that on a friendly base with me - i have NO problem... but to hear NOTHING for weeks, get not fiendly answers, and at the end after i used paypal to get an answer - money back and some weeks later he offerd the SAME items on the board for more.... thats bad tast.... and i guess that not only cqn and me made this experienve with this member......
i only made a small loss becuase the exchange rate changed between payment and refund... but he waisted my time, and even he dont mailed ONE WORD like sorry or excuse me, i was the idiot in his e-mails, becaus i tryed to get my payed item over weeks...

i can not understand why there is no place at this board where to post the user name to warn others....
.. and i have all of his mails on file...

My bad experiences have been relativley minor. Only with two or three people. I had a person selling me a winter vehicle, but claimed "his friend dropped and broke the item" while packing the item for shipping, Whatever. Another member claimed he had an item i wanted, claimed to send me a "PM".He never did and never got back to me. Once and while some members have the full mailboxes,but otherwise mostly positive experiences with members. Me personally, im not perfect but I always try to communicate with the people im dealing with..
I think everyone kinda knows so, his sales may suffer as a result
Well, since we are talking around issue and forum managers feel this place to air our differences - there is a little more to this story than one person's take.

As every one can guess this is directed at me. I have worked hard over the years to get items to people who purchased them from me to that person fast. I have had in last few months "on again and off again' problems from several different levels from personal life to business. I have never "taken' anyone and yes, this transaction had several issues - which I apologized for over and over again.

Look - no surprise that the usual suspects who have person issues have jumped at this opportunity to take their shots - fine. But, there are a large number of members on this forum who have had very good transactions with me and unfortunately are silent here on this thread.

Their are always TWO SIDES to every story and mine has not been heard. So go ahead - throw me under the bus on this - I did everything I could to please the buyer and then finally returned the money.

This forum has started to become very personal and spiteful - thats a shame.

I would hope the people who have had great transaction would step up and help out in this personal assault on me. I have sold items for good prices and in this case even with the item in question - it is a very good deal on the relisting.

Some point you just say to yourself "is it worth the trouble at all?"

What really blows me away is that no one has PM me on this issue and asked in a friendly way "hey - what happen?" - I guess we are at the point are you inside the little circle or not. Fine, shameful - but fine.

Many of you I do consider friends - this has really questioned my belief that you were friends at all.

I sorry our poster has felt he has been wronged - That was not my intention. I am certainly more than willing to make right this transaction - but it is hard when you say one thing on the internet and say something different here.

These conversations usually never are productive - because sides are taken and shots are fired for more than the reason given by many. I am an honest person and feel this was unfair.

- Ron
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