Baseball 2011 (5 Viewers)


What upset me about the game last night was both Cervelli and Lackey. Cervelli for clapping his hands at home plate on his third homer in three years in the bigs (I know, he really hasn't been there all that often, but you would hope a player would have the sense to at least act like he's been there). Lackey for hitting him above the belt. Cervelli's celebration showed up Lackey, so I have absolutely no problem with Lackey hitting him in the butt or legs, but not in the upper back or head. Both of these players should have known better.

Now, at some point this year, a Yankee pitcher is going to have to drill Ortiz (the Red Sox player who celebrates inappropriately), and a Red Sox pitcher is going to retaliate against one of the Yankees good hitters, and this stupidity is going to be perpetuated.

And, even if nobody ends up with a stupid injury (remember the game at old Yankee Stadium [I think in 2003] when Pedro Martinez drilled Jeter and Alfonso Soriano in back to back at bats and sent them both to the hospital, with them missing a couple of games each? This year it could be Granderson and Teixiera or Gonzalez and Pedroia) it can change the course of a game. If Lackey doesn't drill Cervelli last night, the Yankees are only up 2 runs going to the 9th, putting a lot more pressure on Mo (who has blown more saves against the Red Sox than any other team). Lackey's retaliation was a factor in the Yankees getting the win behind CC against the Sox they so desperately needed.
I agree with everything you're saying Louis. Baseball is pretty idiotic with all of it's codes; don't show up a pitcher as if you do, you'll get drilled, then the other team has to drill one of your guys to retaliate, on and on it goes.

That was a punk move to stomp on the plate and clap his hands like that and as you said, act like you've been there before.

Not sure why he got so upset at getting drilled as he had to have known it was coming, but maybe like you said it was where he got hit that annoyed him.

If one of the Red Sox gets drilled tonight, you know the umpires will then warn both benches, so Beckett had better not get stupid and drill someone anyway.

You know it's coming, maybe Gonzalez will be the target............
I agree with everything you're saying Louis. Baseball is pretty idiotic with all of it's codes; don't show up a pitcher as if you do, you'll get drilled, then the other team has to drill one of your guys to retaliate, on and on it goes.

That was a punk move to stomp on the plate and clap his hands like that and as you said, act like you've been there before.

Not sure why he got so upset at getting drilled as he had to have known it was coming, but maybe like you said it was where he got hit that annoyed him.

If one of the Red Sox gets drilled tonight, you know the umpires will then warn both benches, so Beckett had better not get stupid and drill someone anyway.

You know it's coming, maybe Gonzalez will be the target............

I don't think it will be tonight, unless the game gets totally out of hand score wise. And I don't think it will be Gonzalez. He is a player who plays the game the right way, and I can't see the Yanks throwing at him because a backup catcher (who deserved it) got plunked, but in the wrong place.
Hi Guys,

Sure it was a chump move for him to stomp and clap his hands but really for a guy with only two homers to get drilled like he did was just another chump move by a pitcher who was pissed that he gave the guy a meatball to hit to begin with. I also agree that its stupid to drill him high above the belt put the ball in his butt and get on with the game.

I am also jealous that my best friend, a huge Sox fan, was at the game last night and now I see that George will be there for the next two have fun George.

Well, that was unimpressive. Hughes was given the lead twice and promptly gave it back both times. I hate it when that happens. Next, game 3. -- Al
Well, the Bombers won a game against the Red Sox, in Boston, with CC getting the win. Go figure. I see that Hughes has been moved up to face Beckett. Could be that AJ is finally out of the rotation. Hopefully. Now we will see if Hughes has figured it out. -- Al
Drat! Hughes hasn't figured it out and I see AJ is back in, scheduled to start tonight.:mad: -- Al
Hi Peter. Brewers got it in the bag unless they pull the el foldo of all time. Their lead is so big all they have to do is play .500 ball the rest of the way and the Cards will never catch them unless the Cards can go something like 25-3. Never happen. Early congratulations as I believe the Brewers will finish burying the Cards over the next couple of games. -- Al
Ok. Brewers have another chance to drive that last nail, which is still sticking out. Win the last game of the series and it is just a one game loss in the standings and the Cards will still be in big trouble. -- Al
Good grief...for teh Brewers, a couple days of errors, gaffes, and mistakes.

One team is playing like they have to win...the other is resting on a comfortable lead. Time to play ball, boys!
Drat! Hughes hasn't figured it out and I see AJ is back in, scheduled to start tonight.:mad: -- Al

That was a good game last night, after the Ortiz bomb with the way Beckett was pitching, I thought for sure it was game over.

Not so fast.

First "Teshata" (his pet name around here as there is this Yankee fan from Gloucester who calls the talk radio shows and that's how he murders the name) gets hit off of one of his honking feet, jumping around doing the one legged bunnyhop, pretty comical until Cano ripped a double, then the corpse of Eric Chavez hit a single that turned into a three run triple, then he scores, in the blink of an eye it's 5-4.

The Sox got it right back, then Ellsbury (he's going to look great in pinstripes patroling centerfield in a few years by the way) rips a home run over the monster, it landed about 15 feet from where I was sitting.

We'll see how tonight shakes out............
Miracles do happen. The NYY's win a series in Boston and AJ "I love throwing gopher balls" Burnett didn't get shelled back to the stone age. Let the dogfight continue. -- Al
Miracles do happen. The NYY's win a series in Boston and AJ "I love throwing gopher balls" Burnett didn't get shelled back to the stone age. Let the dogfight continue. -- Al

It was a miracle, but despite the fact that he has his best performance since he threw 7-2/3 scoreless against the Red Sox in 2009, AJ still managed to groove one to Pedroia. Still, if he can pitch into the 6th and give up 3 runs or less, I'd take it every time out. The Yanks and the Sox are separated by 1/2 game, tied in the loss column, and the rest of the season should be a dog fight right up to the end for which team will win the division and have home field (they are both going to the playoffs as they are separated from the next wildcard contender by 9 games with 27 left to play).

There was some pretty darn good defense in this series. Pedroia and Scutaro for the Sox, Granderson and Gardiner for the Yankees each turned in more than one "web gem". Gonzalez and Teixiera both played their usual gold glove caliber 1st base. With the exception of letting Cavez's double get by him along the wall and turn into a tripple, Reddick played great, robbing the Yankees of 3 hits that should have fallen in. Both Cervelli and Martin did a great job behind the plate for the Yankees, with Martin saving at least 3 wild pitches for Burnett.

Also, with the exception of Aceves for the Sox and Boon Logan for the Yankees (both of whom stunk it up), the bullpens for both teams were terrific, although both Bard and Mariano looked a bit vulnerable.

CC proved he could hold the Red Sox offense down this year (he was 4-1 as a Yankee coming into this season, and is 1-4 this season) and the Yankees showed they can score some runs against Beckett (while he got his 4th win against the Yankees, he had a 1.0 ERA coming into the game, and the Yankees scored 5 runs off him in 6 innings). Hughes showed he can't get the job done in a big game yet again, and Lester showed that the Yankees just cannot score on him.

Both Swisher and Posada were awful in clutch situations, Swisher striking out with runners on third and less than two outs or losing track of the number of outs and bunting with a runner at second base and one out, and Posada repeatedly hitting into double plays with runners in scoring position and less than two outs. I can forgive Swisher, because he has been a very valuable part of the team this season, but Posada is done and needs to be benched, especially in big games. With the exception of game 7 in the 2003 ALCS and game 6 of the 2009 World Series, Posada has never been any good in big games, and has probably hit into more double plays to cost the Yankees scoring opportunities than any other player in the team's history (I must admit I am biased, I never liked Posada from the day he became the starting catcher - he could never call a good game, could not frame a pitch, could not throw out runners, could not handle a pitching staff, and while he was overall a borderline hall of fame hitter as a catcher, he was never clutch. Early in his career (1999), the Yankees had an opportunity to trade him for Ivan Rodriguez, but Cashman refused to pull the trigger on the deal [you know my thoughts about Cashman as a GM]. Had that trade been made, the Yankees would have at least 2 more Championships in my opinion).

If the Yankees had lost last night, the big questions would have been (1) how does Swisher not know there was one out, and how does the Yankees coaching staff not tell him there is one out after he unsuccessfully attempts to bunt earlier in the at bat; and (2) why is Nunez (the number 9 hitter) not bunting down 2-1 with a runner on 1st and no outs in the 6th (hit hit into a double play, and the Yankees ended up leaving the bases loaded without scoring in that inning)? In the 2nd game the big question is why did Girardi leave Hughes in when he was up 5-4 after Hughes very nearly walked Crawford (he fell behind 3-0, then got it to 3-2, and after a long at bat Crawford just missed doubling off the green monster) and then walked Reddick after a second long at bat? Hughes pitch count was at 95 at that point, his velocity was way down (his fastball was at 95 early in the game and topped out at 91 or 92 from the 4th inning on) and he has never done well in big game situations. I think overall Girardi is a good manager (usually a great manager when handling the bullpen), but Francona is a great manager, one of the top 3 or 4 in the league, and Girardi's managing could have cost the Yankees in this series, even though they won 2 out of 3 games.
Ok. Brewers have another chance to drive that last nail, which is still sticking out. Win the last game of the series and it is just a one game loss in the standings and the Cards will still be in big trouble. -- Al
Well, that got ugly, fast. Not quite a total disaster as the lead is still 7.5 games with only 24 to play. My money is still on the Brewers. -- Al
I had great seats last night.

But the game sucked.

AJ Burnett, who has two pitches, balls and home runs, looked like Cy Young out there, he of the 11 plus ERA in August; but, it was September 1st, so Cashman was right AJ does suck in August, but is fine the rest of the season.

And Gonzalez sucks vs the Yankees, he of the .186 average.

Who killed the Red Sox this series; Teshata, Jeter, A-Rod, Granderson, Swisher?


Eric Chavez.

Six RBI's in the series.

And Russell Martin.

Huge two run triple.

And Andrew Jones.

A 900 pitch at bat vs Aceves.


Three corpses killed the Red Sox.

Say what you want about Cashman, but he brought in Colon, Garcia, Jones, Chavez, Martin and Soriano (ok, he publicly said he did not want to sign him, but he looked good last night), they all look like pretty good moves to me, he looks like a much better GM than Theo the wonder boy.


That is all.
Maybe all true but does it really matter. Both teams are going to the playoffs. In fact, it may be better to be the wild card because the winner may get to face Verlander.
I had great seats last night.

But the game sucked.

AJ Burnett, who has two pitches, balls and home runs, looked like Cy Young out there, he of the 11 plus ERA in August; but, it was September 1st, so Cashman was right AJ does suck in August, but is fine the rest of the season.

And Gonzalez sucks vs the Yankees, he of the .186 average.

Who killed the Red Sox this series; Teshata, Jeter, A-Rod, Granderson, Swisher?


Eric Chavez.

Six RBI's in the series.

And Russell Martin.

Huge two run triple.

And Andrew Jones.

A 900 pitch at bat vs Aceves.


Three corpses killed the Red Sox.

Say what you want about Cashman, but he brought in Colon, Garcia, Jones, Chavez, Martin and Soriano (ok, he publicly said he did not want to sign him, but he looked good last night), they all look like pretty good moves to me, he looks like a much better GM than Theo the wonder boy.


That is all.


I understand that you are monumentally pissed after losing a game started by AJ Burnett, but remember, your Sox are still 11-4 against my Yankees this season. I am not a fan of Cashman as a GM, but I don't think either of us should be too upset with the rosters on our favorite teams. If it wasn't for injuries your team would have three of the top six starters in the AL in your rotation, and both of our teams have solid bullpens, and insanely good lineups.

We are both pissed off because of our respective GM's big mistakes in the starting rotation: Burnett and Lackey. Despite the screw-ups, the teams are running away from the field in a battle for the best record in the AL, and are both playoff bound. There is a reasonable chance that both teams could meet in the ALCS. The Red Sox just manhandled the Rangers, and Beckett might be good enough to cancel out Verlander. The Yankees have CC, and if AJ somehow channels last night in a playoff start, and Ivan Nova keeps pitching like he is, the Yankees might have a chance of advancing as well. If our teams do manage to meet in the ALCS, and have a great series that goes 6 or 7, I'll promise to stop complaining about Cashman if you promise to stop complaining about Epstein . . .
Nope, I do not want to go the wild card route, having to win two series without HFA.

No thanks.

Would rather win the division and take my chances with the Tigers at this point.

I envision the Red Sox having to go to Yankee stadium for a game 7, Lester vs Burnett, Sox winning in the 8th 2-0 with Burnett throwing a no hitter but he hits back to back batters with the bases loaded because Giradi is still pissed over Cirvelli getting drilled in August, then Lester, who is up to 196 pitches the way the Yankees work counts, serves up a single to Martin, Jones rips a double and Chavez drills a three run home run 254 feet down the right field line, Rivera comes in with the bases loaded no outs in the ninth and strikes out Gonzales, Ortiz and Youkalis with his pattened 6 inches outside the strike zone called strike threes, Jeter does his pattened fist pump and the Yankees three clutch performers celebrate by drinking Geritol, then they go on to the World Series, the theme of the team is "The 2011 Yankees, the march of the living dead"..........

And yes, I am monumentally pissed.

I'd rather see A-Rod, Teshata, Granderson and Swisher torch the Red Sox than Martin, Chavez and Jones; granted, all three are all stars.............................from the 1990's..
I don't blame Epstein for Lackey.

After that total POS Boras peddled Teshata to the Yankees after he had basically had him signed, sealed and delivered to the Red Sox, Theo had to come up with plan B, which was Lackey, Mike Cameron and winning with defense and pitching, which has proven to be a disaster as Cameron is gone and Lackey has been a monumental bust.

And write this down now, in pen; Ellsbury will be in pinstripes in two years, Boras will pull the same POS move with him as he did with Teshata, Grandison will be in right, you'll have the fastest outfield in the majors and two 30/30 guys plus Gardner will steal 30 as well.

Awesome, just awesome.
Nope, I do not want to go the wild card route, having to win two series without HFA.

No thanks.

Would rather win the division and take my chances with the Tigers at this point.

I envision the Red Sox having to go to Yankee stadium for a game 7, Lester vs Burnett, Sox winning in the 8th 2-0 with Burnett throwing a no hitter but he hits back to back batters with the bases loaded because Giradi is still pissed over Cirvelli getting drilled in August, then Lester, who is up to 196 pitches the way the Yankees work counts, serves up a single to Martin, Jones rips a double and Chavez drills a three run home run 254 feet down the right field line, Rivera comes in with the bases loaded no outs in the ninth and strikes out Gonzales, Ortiz and Youkalis with his pattened 6 inches outside the strike zone called strike threes, Jeter does his pattened fist pump and the Yankees three clutch performers celebrate by drinking Geritol, then they go on to the World Series, the theme of the team is "The 2011 Yankees, the march of the living dead"..........

And yes, I am monumentally pissed.

I'd rather see A-Rod, Teshata, Granderson and Swisher torch the Red Sox than Martin, Chavez and Jones; granted, all three are all stars.............................from the 1990's..
LOL. This is a great post. George, you have both teams nailed. I think you are correct in regards to HFA. Take the Tigers and their one pitcher starting rotation. Verlander just needs to have one average/bad game and the Tigers are toast. And don't knock Geritol, the breakfast of champions.:wink2: What do you think Garcia, Colon, et al, have had in those Gatorade bottles all year? It's going to be fun watching the dogfight for HFA. -- Al
George you slay me!!! I read your posts laughing all the way because in your anger you have called it! I think you need to get a job with ESPN and call the games like we see them...

Should be a very interesting September.

Al and Dave; this is all in good fun as you know, because the older you get, the more you understand sports is nothing more than the toybox of life, you really can't take this stuff to seriously.

In closing all I can say is you guys should hear Boston talk radio today, this edition of the Yankees in just three games has brought back the pre 2004 hatred Red Sox fans had felt for the Yankees since 1918, it's comical to listen to.

The Yankees have had their way with the Red Sox for so long, even with the Red Sox up 11-4 in the season series, people are torked off, one guy said guaranteed they get swept in the stadium later this month.

All of this makes you wonder how in Gods name did the Red Sox pull off the ALCS 2004 miracle; the more I look back on that, considering what was at stake, the history between the two clubs, that is and always will be the greatest upset in sports history, topping the 1969 miracle Mets, the Georgetown/Villanova game, the 1969 Super Bowl, the 2007 Super Bowl and the 1986 World Series.

I still to this day cannot believe they pulled it off AND went on to win the World Series for the first time in 86 years, something I was 1000% certain I'd never see happen....................

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