Texas is going through the same hitting and losing slump as the Yanks, but no one is saying boo about that..I guess there is no one else to hate but the Yankees^&confuse...Wake me when Baltimore is in 1st place:rolleyes2: Michael
Don't worry Michael, the commentators on YESPN said last night and again today that the Yankees will win the division going away.
When it comes to impartial analysis, those guys on YESPN are the best, specifically when it comes to the Yankees.
Loved the banter in the booth the other night between the commentators calling the Red Sox/Yankees game, those YESPN guys love the Yankees for sure.
YESPN is a great network when it comes to all things New York.
Right at the moment they are at Jets camp drooling all over Teebow and Sanchez and how "GREAT" their red zone offense is going to be this year, WOW they are going to be dynamic this year. Then they moved on to passing drills; Teebow felt a bit of pressure and whipped an INT, then on the next play he felt pressure again, danced around in the pocket and took a sack.
Wow does he look great it Jets camp according to Jaws; yep, he looks superb to me too.
I saw this morning that horseface got hurt in the game last night; hope it's not a leg injury, they might have to put him down if so.......................He got called out for admiring the 400 foot bomb he hit off of Padilla the other night and when asked what he was doing, he said he thought it was a foul ball; yeah, ok horseface, it was dead red to right center, but you thought it was foul.................next time up, I'd have put one into his helmet earhole, but those days are long gone, where is Bob Gibson when you need him...........