May not be scared of them, but there are some good pitchers. Thing is, on the Cubs, 3 of their key pitchers are former O's. Arrieta, Hammel, and Strop are a combined 11-0 with a combined ERA of about 1.20. Thanks Baltimore, the NL appreciates your generosity.:rolleyes2: -- AlAside from Arrieta and Scherzer, I dont think any of the other pitchers scare the other team. Not sure who to root against. Could be plenty of high scoring games. Mets will have their hands full the next week or so as they start their longest west coast trip against the Padres.
Brad, the Nats are very happy with the Murphy signing. His bat is one of the few bright spots in a lineup that has it's share of underperformers, so far. His defense has been fine up until the last couple of games where he has mishandled two potential double-play ground balls. Even with the misplay, he got one of the outs, so no error. He is also a very good influence in the clubhouse so it is fair to say he has been a big plus so far. It is hard to imagine where the Nats might be without Murph's bat to this point. -- AlI watched part of the Nationals Cubs game last night (since the Mets are out in California) and I see Heyward is hitting a robust .210. Wow, that was a great signing. Thank god, the Mets didn't think of going after him. What a waste. I think the Nats were interested too. They must be thanking their lucky stars.
So far, not that impressed with the Zobrist signing. Hitting .261 with 3 HRs and 20 RBIs. Neil Walker is slightly better, .276, 9 HRs and 19 RBIs.
Murph has .382, 4 HRs and 17 RBIs.
But for average, these three seem a wash. Glad the Mets didn't sign Zobrist at the price he was requesting.
Brad, Scherzer has been mediocre for a while now, the Cubs just lit him up a little more than has been the norm. He really has been sharp in only 2 of his 7 starts this season. He claims that he has a mechanical flaw that he is working on fixing but in the meantime he has been particularly vulnerable to LH hitters, and he is walking people at a much higher rate than is his career norm. Hopefully he gets it all straight and becomes the pitcher that threw those no-hitters again. -- AlGood pitching is always in short supply, unfortunately.
Al, regarding Scherzer, let's not forget they're facing the Cubs. They seem like a team on a mission. Their start reminds me of the 1984 Tigers' start. They may be the dominant team this year in baseball. As their fans have suffered enough, maybe it's just their year, long overdue.