Well doing a little digging this morning, the O's, Sox, Jays have all played 127 games as of today with 1 game seperating the 3..unreal{eek3}{eek3} here's how the 3 stack up against each other going into the final 35 games.
Orioles...play Jays 6 more times....play the Sox 7 more times
Red Sox....play Jays 6 more times...play the O's 7 more times
Jays...play the Sox 6 more times...play the O's 6 more times
Can't get much more closer then that, the very last series has the O's in New York, while the Sox are home against the Jays, it wouldn't surprise me those last series decide who wins the East, been that way all season and with all 3 teams having a balanced schedule I see not much changing,........ footballl??? what's that???^&grin...Sammy