Baseball 2016 (10 Viewers)

He's a DH, a good one, but a DH. That and his steroid usage will keep him out of the Hall, fortunately.



You're ****ting me right?

He's the greatest DH ever.


Sorry we don't play by National League rules where the pitcher takes three strikes and sits down; wow, you can't buy excitement like that.

Would it be an affront to you if he made it?

It didn't bother me that Piazza got in.
Yes, he's a DH. Edgar Martinez was a heck of a DH and he didn't get in.

It would be an affront because he's an admitted steroid user. No steroid user should ever get in.

Not sure why you mention Piazza. He didn't do steroids. Yes, there were rumors but there was never any evidence, so it's a completely different situation.
Edgar Martinez didn't carry the Mariners to two WS titles.

Edgar Martinez was not one of the greatest clutch post season hitters in MLB history.


Forget it.

Back to baseball; the Red Sox got in a 5-0 hole and lost to the immortal Al Bundy tonight 6-3.

When you go up against pitching talent like that, you've got no shot.

Tonight the announcer commented that the LET'S GO O'S!! have a whopping 17 stolen bases this year, I seriously had to look that up because I thought he was mistaken.

He wasn't.


The Sox lose no ground at the Jays lost too.

Thank Christ.
18 games left and NOTHING in the AL East is decided. Not the division champ, not the wildcard or wildcards. 18 games left and 4 teams separated by 4 games. Time to double up on my BP medicine. :wink2: -- Al
Well, Marinez is considered the best DH of all time. The award for best DH -- an award I wasn't even aware existed -- is named after him.
18 games left and NOTHING in the AL East is decided. Not the division champ, not the wildcard or wildcards. 18 games left and 4 teams separated by 4 games. Time to double up on my BP medicine. :wink2: -- Al

A much better pitching performance from Bundy tonite then last night's disaster, big rubber match for the series tomorrow night, let's go O's!!!!!! :)
Nice picture; when's that from 2004?

What's the point of posting a picture of him next to Altuve; is it his fault he's a short ballplayer, what's your point?

He's put on a lot of weight the past few years and it's not muscle.

His legs are shot; if he was on HGH, he'd bounce back from this injury and play another three of four years. He's retiring because of his injuries, he's not on anything.

And he's definitely not in the same class as Mantle; after he hits his next bomb, he'll pass him on the all time home run list, so he'll be ahead of him.

He's a first ballot HOF lock, he carried the team on his back in their 2004 and 2013 WS wins, so wish in one hand, hope in the other and see where that gets you.

If the MFY's picked him up after the Twins released him, there would already be a statue of him in front of the nouveau toilet in the Bronx.

You hate on him because he's on the Red Sox; if he was on your team or any other team for that matter, you'd love the guy.

Who are you kidding.

I hate him because he is a cheater and he got a pass. His super years were the cheater years, which you continually forget to mention. He did admit to being caught, which you continually forget to mention. He promised to set the record straight ,never did, which you continually forget to mention. It is your selective memory that is the problem. Also, late career constant injuries, as he has suffered is the result of steroid use breakdown. Just about every known player ,juicing, has had his last years effected this same way. Look it up. You bring up Petite and Clemens, who were supposed to be juicing with the Astro, not the Yankees, Giambi, who was juicing with the Athletics, not the Yankees. Arod, who was juicing with the Yanks, might be fair game ,if you named him in the same breath as Poppy ( same MLB user list, best friends.., one ****ed by the Yank media, the other glorified by the Boston media ). Just be fair about it..Michael
Steroids afflicted -- and still afflicts -- the game. All teams were involved. Hopefully, the scourge is on its way out, even though we have people who try to still skirt the rules like the player in Toronto, the 2B for the Marlins and the Mets' Mejia.

People who used them should not be rewarded with admission to the HOF. So far all known users have been kept out and should be kept out.

None of us should play holier than thou.
Getting back to the races, the last two days have been status quo in the NL WC race.

Mets nearly blew a game they had to have with some sloppy fielding in the bottom of the 9th. I felt like I was watching the World Series again. However, a rookie saved them with a HR off the Nats closer. Let's hope they can win today and move onto the Twins while Cards and Giants play each other.
Getting back to the races, the last two days have been status quo in the NL WC race.

Mets nearly blew a game they had to have with some sloppy fielding in the bottom of the 9th. I felt like I was watching the World Series again. However, a rookie saved them with a HR off the Nats closer. Let's hope they can win today and move onto the Twins while Cards and Giants play each other.
The current Mets/Nats series has been interesting. I figured the Mets take 2 of 3, but that was giving them game #1, which the Nats won. Mets would take #2 behind Thor, and I figured the Nats best chance was in game #3, with Roark pitching. We'll see how it goes tonight as Roark goes for win #15. I thought the Nats should have won last night's game in the bottom of the 9th but they ran themselves out of the inning with sloppy baserunning. So it goes. -- Al
Getting back to the races, the last two days have been status quo in the NL WC race.

Mets nearly blew a game they had to have with some sloppy fielding in the bottom of the 9th. I felt like I was watching the World Series again. However, a rookie saved them with a HR off the Nats closer. Let's hope they can win today and move onto the Twins while Cards and Giants play each other.

I just saw that the Giants lost last night {eek3} I went to bed when it was 4-1 Giants in the top of the 9th. Figured the game was over. The WC race is now very tight. Mets and Cards are 1 game behind the Giants in the loss column.
I just saw that the Giants lost last night {eek3} I went to bed when it was 4-1 Giants in the top of the 9th. Figured the game was over. The WC race is now very tight. Mets and Cards are 1 game behind the Giants in the loss column.
That's a bad loss at this time of year. Blowing a won game like that can have residual effects. The Nats blew a couple like that a while back that came during a down stretch. Very painful. But it is only 1 game and Bochy won't let them dwell on it. -- Al
Obviously a tough loss but, yes, they can't dwell on it because they have another one today and then that series against the Cardinals starting tomorrow.
I hate him because he is a cheater and he got a pass. His super years were the cheater years, which you continually forget to mention. He did admit to being caught, which you continually forget to mention. He promised to set the record straight ,never did, which you continually forget to mention. It is your selective memory that is the problem. Also, late career constant injuries, as he has suffered is the result of steroid use breakdown. Just about every known player ,juicing, has had his last years effected this same way. Look it up. You bring up Petite and Clemens, who were supposed to be juicing with the Astro, not the Yankees, Giambi, who was juicing with the Athletics, not the Yankees. Arod, who was juicing with the Yanks, might be fair game ,if you named him in the same breath as Poppy ( same MLB user list, best friends.., one ****ed by the Yank media, the other glorified by the Boston media ). Just be fair about it..Michael

Not to hijack this thread, but sorry, this is something else.

So all of those guys cheated, but before they came to the MFY's and after they left the MFY's according to you?


So while they were with the MFY's, they were all as pure as the driven snow, it's the before and after where there were issues.

I've met delusional MFY fans before, but man oh man, you take the cake.

As a matter of fact, you take the whole bakery.
Obviously a tough loss but, yes, they can't dwell on it because they have another one today and then that series against the Cardinals starting tomorrow.

I watched the last inning of the Giants game last night, I wish I hadn't.

If nothing else, the Giants are making me watch all 9 innings of a game. Then again, maybe I shouldn't?

It's the third inning in today's game, tied 1-1, with Bumgarner on the mound.
Mets proably blew today's game when they had the bases loaded in the first inning and came up empty.

Mets and Giants have already received a gift today as Cubs shut out Cards. How that series went is probably a forecast of how the Wild Card winner will fare against the Cubs in the playoffs.
Mets proably blew today's game when they had the bases loaded in the first inning and came up empty.

Mets and Giants have already received a gift today as Cubs shut out Cards. How that series went is probably a forecast of how the Wild Card winner will fare against the Cubs in the playoffs.

The Mets clearly have the tougher draw today with the Nats.

Giants are still tied, 1-1 in the 6th inning.
For the three contenders, no matter who you're playing, every game is tough. Mets play Twins after this and they've given the Tigers a hard time this week.
For the three contenders, no matter who you're playing, every game is tough. Mets play Twins after this and they've given the Tigers a hard time this week.

Good point, as Exhibit B the Giants are down 2-1 in the 7th inning against San Diego. A San Diego team that is 20.5 games out of first. Oh yeah, they have beaten the Giants 5 times in a row too.
Don't know who will eventually score the run that wins it, but I am enjoying the heck out of the Nats/Mets game at 0-0 going into the bottom of 7. Terrifically pitched game by both teams. -- Al

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