Battle for Arnhem.... (2 Viewers)

Re: battle for arnhem....

The officer surveyed the layout and ordered Bill and Ted to patrol further along the road to Arnhem, they must reach Frost at the bridge..........


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Re: battle for arnhem....

They set off down the road to Arnhem.............................


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Re: battle for arnhem....

But various forms of trouble lay ahead......................


  • img_0356red.jpg
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Re: battle for arnhem....

Uh oh.....that nazi is going to have a hearing problem tomorrow!:D
Re: battle for arnhem....

Bill stepped cautiously down the street, past the battle shattered facades of once proud houses.............................


  • img_0097 (Modified)red1.jpg
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Re: battle for arnhem....

Excellent big dio you made there panda1gen.
Re: battle for arnhem....

Panda, your pics as sharp and clear as ever, I can almost guess what that Red Devil is thinking.:)
Re: battle for arnhem....

Panda, actually I don't like the Arnhem series, but your pictures start make me enjoyed them.

Re: battle for arnhem....

His left flank was covered by Jock, who trained his sten on the woods ahead, waiting for any sign of movement......................


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Welcome back to playland you've been missed......The Lt.
Re: battle for arnhem....

Bill and Ted? Are they having an excellent adventure?
Re: battle for arnhem....

Well spotted, they are indeed.....................

Bill moved into the woods, on the outskirts of Oosterbeek...............carefully and quietly looking for the Germans between them and Frost's men at the bridge..............


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Jock moved into the wood as flank guard whilst, Ted, Bill and the other paras in their platoon pushed on with the patrol.

It was vital that they discovered any gaps in the German lines through which they could move on to the bridge................


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Re: battle for arnhem....

As they came out of the wood, they came across a destroyed German kubelwagon...............


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Re: battle for arnhem....

As they moved on through the edge of the wood, they heard a jeep coming quickly along the road, and after satisfying themselves that it was British, they showed themselves.

The recon jeep was armed to the teeth with Vickers K and Bren machine guns. As it went past the crew shouted to them to watch out for panzer grenadiers and armour ahead, before racing off back to HQ to report.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Meanwhile, a mile or so away, a crew were preparing their panther ausf A for battle again.

They were pretty fed up with the panzer grenadiers who just generally sat around on the tank, not exactly helping.

However, they did not make a fuss as they had all fought together recently in Normandy and the long retreat through Belgium, so were all keen to strike back as soon as they could............the grenadiers would need a rest and the tankers would rely on them to keep the paras, with their PIATs and gammon bombs off them.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Between the two groups lay another mixed bag of German defenders.........Kurt was the squad leader of a section of panzer grenadiers.


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Re: battle for arnhem....

Bill sneeked forward to obtain a look through a hedge, having heard the grenadiers talking as well as mixed engine noise............


  • img_0845 (Modified)red.jpg
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Re: battle for arnhem....

Thanks for the pics Panda, if I didn't have so much German stuff to buy I would get some of those terrific Para figs.

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