Battle of Bulge (old dio with new lighting system) (1 Viewer)

Great dio. Just great atmosphere and the viewer can feel the cold. Love the GI crouched in the building corner. He looks really cold and unhappy. -- Al
Outstanding desk11desk12!!! That's the kind of collection and diorama storytelling I aspire to one day. Thanks for sharing, its terrific. Those BOB Yanks from a variety of manufacturers sure look great together and really tell a story. I eagerly await your next display. :cool: :salute:: %^V
Good morning Carlos. Although I am an ACW fan and collector, I truly did enjoy viewing your photos this morning. I really believe that good lighting is the most important element in creating a great photo. Very nicely done sir.
:) Mike
Great Scott! I'd pay good money to get a close up of it. Well done, please post some more Bulge dios if you have any more.
Carlos im speechless! That's what i think of your dio.

Very well done mate.

Firebat, I don't see any reference to you here, is there any need for this? Can we not chill? This is about Carlos' dios
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Firebat you must be joking?:confused::confused: your going to threaten a forum member to show up in person?? dude you may want to take some time off from the toy soldier world and relax, it's one thing to disagree with someone, but to throw down a threat?? Brad may be right this forum is turning stranger by the day...Sammy
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Now there's one show i hope we get pictures from...................^&grin^&grin
Great dio. Missed it first time around.

Note any comments made by George in this thread are over a year old and thread was revived by a new member.
Superb dio, great work Carlos.

As for what's happening on this forum, must be something in the water.

I woke this morning to see an old thread active with my Battle of the Bulge dio on it. Thanks guys again for all of your kind words.

I hope you know that I love this hobby and my follow collectors. Equally, I love sharing my collection whenever possible and seeing yours.

My wife feels, there’s rate of good in the collector’s ranks compared to the general populous. I agree with her.

With few exceptions, I stay out of conflict on the Forum because the hobby needs to remain a sanctuary for me from real world conflicts in terms economics, politics, and the delayed consequence of social justice.

I guess Firebat's post was deleted. I never saw it. I think it’s because I’ve trained my eye to skip over most hostile posts from anyone. It works most of the time and therefore this Forum remains enjoyable and refuge from gloabl & domestic issue I can’t solve alone.

Continued happy collecting,

I woke this morning to see an old thread active with my Battle of the Bulge dio on it. Thanks guys again for all of your kind words.

I hope you know that I love this hobby and my follow collectors. Equally, I love sharing my collection whenever possible and seeing yours.

My wife feels, there’s rate of good in the collector’s ranks compared to the general populous. I agree with her.

With few exceptions, I stay out of conflict on the Forum because the hobby needs to remain a sanctuary for me from real world conflicts in terms economics, politics, and the delayed consequence of social justice.

I guess Firebat's post was deleted. I never saw it. I think it’s because I’ve trained my eye to skip over most hostile posts from anyone. It works most of the time and therefore this Forum remains enjoyable and refuge from gloabl & domestic issue I can’t solve alone.

Continued happy collecting,


Carlos, great dios, maybe it is time we reclaimed the fun factor, agree with your comments, we should ignore the rest. Very best to you mate.
Hey guys:

Many of you have seen this dio before. However, I've made modifications to it (Ambulance, trucks, etc.) and took some new pictures using a new lighting system I've gotten recently.

Also, I wanted to see how these pictures look using the Treefrog's Forum Format. How does it look?


View attachment 63943

Wow that is crisp, the lighting injects that extra bit of cold. The scenes really stand out , very cool
Is that the conte church or one that you made yourself, really like the interior of it
Carlos, what a brilliant series you've made. Incredible detail and the photography is outstanding. I've looked at these scenes several times. Great collection in a great setting. Chris

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