Battle Scene Productions (1 Viewer)

I also love scenery.In fact I think I love it more than the soldiers.I am a complete amatuer but if I ever get the spare time I'm going to do my own scenic base.

It can be very simple.....Would you prefer a City or Country scene ?


Woodland.I am deeply interested in FIW period or earlier.
Woodland.I am deeply interested in FIW period or earlier.

Get some house insulation foam, for a base....rough it up with a file. Go outside and get some twigs that look like tree bark, in the proper size. Stick them in the foam ( Use Elmers glue or hot glue ). Get some Model Railroad shrubs (Lichen) and glue them to the twigs. Coat the base with a mix of Spackle and light brown paint, sprinkle on real dirt to make a path or road. Use Model Railroad grass for the rest . Sprinkle on while the Spackle and paint is wet. This is very simple but will produce a decent result. Alex


The tree on the left is a secret formula :cool:

A little mishap occurred during unloading. Also I want to note Nicks modification and painting of the $10.00 BMC Amtraks.


TARAWA has been sort of a rebirth for BSP......We are slowly getting settled in our new we can concentrate more on our work.

We like to build everything from scratch, with the use of a premade accessory here and there. But we cant "build" a sky. So we have resorted to using backdrops here and there also. We think the result is stunning.

We have a BIG project in the wings, which we will announce, as soon as all of our ducks are in order. The logistics are scary...pulling the support together is scarier...but we are up to it...It should be fun. Alex
Lest not forget the Navy and Coast Guard played a huge role in the Pacific, conquering vast logistical problems, in bringing the War to the Japanese


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