Battle Scene Productions (2 Viewers)

You are right, and we will attempt to remind collectors how good the Allied Soldiers and Vehicles also look when put in realistic historic settings........... Yes there will be Germans too :) Alex

I look forward to seeing it.

Like most of the froggers on here I always thoroughly enjoy viewing your predominantly WWII work-but reading your latest comments I must ask-What happened to your proposed American Civil War epic you mentioned in despatches a few months ago?

I have been really looking forward to that as yours truly and old Mike (Mestell) are the only two on these boards fighting this war in fact I'll go as far as to say the only two on here even remotely interested in that war :D

Surely you have not been swayed by the majority and discarded the idea have you? or is it still on the back-burner?:D

I have been really looking forward to that as yours truly and old Mike (Mestell) are the only two on these boards fighting this war in fact I'll go as far as to say the only two on here even remotely interested in that war :D

Surely you have not been swayed by the majority and discarded the idea have you? or is it still on the back-burner?:D

Bob, you know full well that your legion of followers here, including me of course, is amply confirmed by the thousands of posted comments (north of 44,000 is it:eek::D) on your excellent work. I would say that demonstrates much more than a "remote interest" in the war as you portray it. I think mate, thou dost protest too much.;):D
Bob, you know full well that your legion of followers here, including me of course, is amply confirmed by the thousands of posted comments (north of 44,000 is it:eek::D) on your excellent work. I would say that demonstrates much more than a "remote interest" in the war as you portray it. I think mate, thou dost protest too much.;):D

Bill/General Oz

Points well made and my terminology was perhaps a little too harsh-I was referring more to the apparent lack of serious ACW collectors and therefore the apparent lack of any meaty and worthwhile discussions on the war/battles/personalities etc with like-minded collectors that rarely if ever appear on these boards unless of course instigated by one's self only to see the thread quickly wither through no interest from others. I always envy such WWI & II & Napoleonic threads that regularly appear as major discussion topics. But I promise not to protest anymore and will learn to live with the fatal mistake of selecting to study and collect the wrong conflict for this particular forum :mad:

And Bill you're right again so I must add my sincere apologies to my "legion of followers":eek: of the ACW Diaries:D:D:D

Bill/General Oz

Points well made and my terminology was perhaps a little too harsh-I was referring more to the apparent lack of serious ACW collectors and therefore the apparent lack of any meaty and worthwhile discussions on the war/battles/personalities etc with like-minded collectors that rarely if ever appear on these boards unless of course instigated by one's self only to see the thread quickly wither through no interest from others. I always envy such WWI & II & Napoleonic threads that regularly appear as major discussion topics. But I promise not to protest anymore and will learn to live with the fatal mistake of selecting to study and collect the wrong conflict for this particular forum :mad:

And Bill you're right again so I must add my sincere apologies to my "legion of followers":eek: of the ACW Diaries:D:D:D


When I first joined Treefrog I was surprised to discover that the ACW wasn't more popular with US based collectors.

Like most of the froggers on here I always thoroughly enjoy viewing your predominantly WWII work-but reading your latest comments I must ask-What happened to your proposed American Civil War epic you mentioned in despatches a few months ago?

I have been really looking forward to that as yours truly and old Mike (Mestell) are the only two on these boards fighting this war in fact I'll go as far as to say the only two on here even remotely interested in that war :D

Surely you have not been swayed by the majority and discarded the idea have you? or is it still on the back-burner?:D


We love the Civil War, but you guys have that subject well covered with your excellent diodrama, as does the Lt with his Zulu epic. Frontline supported us in two Civil War scenes, which were preparing for battle. And we will do a major battle scene shortly. But it will not compare to your work. Britains also wants to support a project, which we might do.

We are NOT a business, as many think. It is mostly Nick and I having fun, and BSP and our Supporters, wanting to entertain the troops. To that end, we like to build drama around what we do, so we play it up a bit. It is like waiting for a new movie to come out...... And we are not wealthy by any means. So yes, most of our collecting money goes into our main interest, which is WWII. And most of our manufacturer support is WWII. And most of our knowledge is WWII.

So we are going to do what we do best... WWII. We like to think we had a big part in starting the ultra realism movement. And we had a corner on the market. But some very good artists have brought much to the table since.......With our first Mini-Series in the wings, we hope to up the bar again. That is why we don't chat much any more on thr Forum, we are hard at work developing new techniques.

There is a lot of pressure to top what we and others have done so far, but we feel we are up to it. We will have more info shortly.

Our good buddy George (Minutemen Toy Soldiers) wrote me and told me that the Toy Soldier world is confused and does not know what we are doing.

If it is not clear, let me make it clear. The Collector spends money and the Dealers and Manufacturers make money. BSP provides entertainment.

We provide that entertainment with the help of Dealers and Manufacturers who appreciate those who keep them in business, and want to give something back. So they support BSP in various ways, that help BSP acquire a large inventory of products, so that we may entertain you. BSP also spends a LOT of our own money acquiring products for our projects.

George says he and other Collectors don't understand our Mini-Series. George this is just another word for a Diodrama (Everyone understands that concept). MINI ( As in small 1/30th scale soldiers) SERIES. Clever wouldn't you say.... BSP does not follow...we lead and explore new concepts. If someone is money hungry and a bottom line guy, then they probably don't understand us.

We are here to give, and are supported by those who give.

We will build you buildings and accessories, upon request, and we do acknowledge our supporters and hope you buy their products, because we like to think we work with good guys who make or sell great products, not money hungry bottom line people.

So sit back and enjoy our entertainment, it is that simple.....Oh and George wants to know why we have a table at the Hancensack show. Answer...... live entertainment. It is all pretty simple.

George says he gets reports from Collectors that BSP is Smoke and Mirrors.....HUH !!!!......Thanks for relaying this info to us George....I did not write back to you privately, because I wanted to clear up these "Issues" in front of all of our fans (Check the testimonials on our Web Site it is quite a different story).....Well I can explain the smoke...... I am a retired Firefighter........ Alex
We would like to inform you that we will have a give away starting on September 11th. The Give away will be a sculpting of the Firefighters at Ground Zero, which looks like my avitar. We will do pics shortly. This excellent prize was provided by Frontline Figures, and is no longer in production. It is magnificent. Just sign up as a member on our Web Site and you are in on the drawing....Alex
So sit back and enjoy our entertainment, it is that simple.....Oh and George wants to know why we have a table at the Hancensack show. Answer...... live entertainment. It is all pretty simple.

If you have tables at the Hackensack show, they you are considered a business, ie, you've got items you are selling.

IF the New Jersey Tax folks show up again this year (they've "popped in" twice in the past four years to make sure everyone is current on their quarterly sales tax payments), here's a little tip for you; they won't be interested in your explanation that you are there to provide live entertainment, whatever that means.

Just thought you should be aware of the lay of the land from someone who does this for a living, see you at the show, since you won't be at Chicago (or actually, you will be at Chicago as you've already explained in ten other threads)..............
HI...My name is Andy

My name is Rick

Glad to meet you

Hey did you here we are going to be in a Mini-Series

Your Kidding

No that is the scuttlebutt

Wow that is pretty cool

HI...My name is Andy

My name is Rick

Glad to meet you

Hey did you here we are going to be in a Mini-Series

Your Kidding

No that is the scuttlebutt

Wow that is pretty cool


Looks like there was a bloodbath over here; boy, Battlescene Productions really does keep it real...................naming your toy soldiers, that's a first in the hobby, you guys keep raising the bar, that is for sure..........consider what I said about Chicago Alex, it's only a hop, skip and a 12 hour jump by car from New Jersey, or, "peanut butter and jelly's traveling roadshow"...............think of the possibilities..
Looks like there was a bloodbath over here; boy, Battlescene Productions really does keep it real...................naming your toy soldiers, that's a first in the hobby, you guys keep raising the bar, that is for sure..........consider what I said about Chicago Alex, it's only a hop, skip and a 12 hour jump by car from New Jersey, or, "peanut butter and jelly's traveling roadshow"...............think of the possibilities..

You ain't seen nothin yet!................As I said over there.....After serving as a Firefighter at 911, I have not been able to fly since.....I partially lost my first wife due to this hobby so I don't want to leave my new wife for a long period of time, with a 12 hour drive to Chicago

Speaking of 911...remember to sign up for out Firefighter statue Give away Sponsored by Frontline Figures....It looks like my Avatar.
Hey Alex, this is a nice photo my friend...Any possibility to see more of the background building?



As we have said a few times...... I wish you Nick and I could collaborate on projects, your work is magnificent, we love it as we do our own....I guess you have seen what has transpired in the last few days....We hope is all calm now....Just as you, we do this for pleasure, and for the collectors, to have fun enjoying our respective works.....

And of course there is a slight business element to what we all do ....Debrito (First Legion), Hudson and Allen (Britains), Joe Baker (Conte) BSP (Figarti Frontline and Collectors Showcase) and of course Gordon (K&C). I think we all genuinely respect each others work. Nick and I have spoken to all of the Battle Artists, at one time or another, and everyone has been a pleasure to converse with. There is a subtle competition between us, and yet a sense of camaraderie also... but in this case, due to agreements with Figarti, we can't show any more until Chicago......

Alex and Nick

Nice pics like the mix of figures in the broken truck dio

Nice pics like the mix of figures in the broken truck dio

Thanks Mitch

That is why we are so excited about this Mini-Series. It will be the first time we will be able to mix figures from almost all of the Manufacturers.

Wow what a nightmare though.... with the different sizes and styles etc....We are working on a huge scene for Episode 2 now, and we are encountering many difficulties...But it is coming along.

Alex and Nick

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