Best and Worst of 2006 (so far) (4 Viewers)

jazzeum said:
I didn't mean to say it was the worst but all in all, notwithstanding what I said previously (and I don't include the figures in this because I think K & C figures are much better), the Panther was somewhat disappointing and in comparison the HB Panther is much better. Andy has had, and will have, some successes this year, but I don't think the Greif and Panther will be in that category.

I was troubled but if you express that opinion by making abstraction of the figures then it makes sense. For sure, the HB Panthers are much better but the figures...(watch out the winter panther, the figures looked really good).

As for the Greif, I share your opinion (which is Louis too).

jazzeum said:
I didn't mean to say it was the worst but all in all, notwithstanding what I said previously (and I don't include the figures in this because I think K & C figures are much better), the Panther was somewhat disappointing and in comparison the HB Panther is much better. Andy has had, and will have, some successes this year, but I don't think the Greif and Panther will be in that category.

Geez Jazz, you should be a lawyer or something :)
boot51 said:
Great figures, as per K&C usual, but it has lousy tracks, way too much mud, dirt, rocks, weeds, whatever stuck on the side skirts, looks like my dog chewed on left front fender, gun doesn't stay put, and a crappy graffitti-looking paint job. Other than that it's quite nice.:D


I may be too blinded by the figures.

As for the tracks, I find them not so bad (maybe I'm the only one) especially since I saw that photo (sorry for the strange appearance, I can't scan it as the original).



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    Copy of Photo tracks.jpg
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OzDigger said:
Geez Jazz, you should be a lawyer or something :)

I'm quite proud of being an attorney and analyzing issues in perhaps ways others don't and dissecting words. Being an attorney has enabled me to afford this hobby, for one thing.


Is your avatar your cat? Reminds me of a cat we used to have, Orange by name, one of the sweetest cats with the best dispositions. Unfortunately, he died three years ago.

Your not wrong, I think King & Country makes wonderful stuff. It has improved to the point where many collectors are somewhat spoiled.

They have done the hard work, finding a product (polystone) creating products and creating a market for them. Its easy for other companies to follow their the Forums and compete.

We need to remember who put us in our current position.....lots of new products being made for us to choose from!

So some people don't like K & C treads.......I'm sure they will improve, but I really think its unfair not to acknowledge that their products keep getting better and better.

The current batch of new products are wonderful, what a selection compaired to 10 years ago!

My only beef is Loooooooong product runs! If Andy C. would remember how o retire items again they would be off to the races!

How do you guys rate the figures that came with the HB Panthers?..........Alex
I am perhaps the most obviously biased in favor of K&C products in general, and consider Andy a good friend, so maybe my opinion is jaded. That being said, I don't think any other toy soldier company has done as much to steadily improve the quality of its products, and raise the bar for the toy soldier community as K&C has. The one and only exception to this has been the tracks of armored vehicles. If you compare the top decks and turrets of K&C armored vehicles from the advent of polystone to the present, the improvement is remarkable, but the tracks still look basically the same. That's my big beef with K&C tracked vehicles.

Everyone is all caught up on Honour Bound, and rightfully so, considering the quality of Anna's first aattempt at polystone armor, but I think Figarti has the best approach for armor. If you look at the realism of their Chi Ha Japanese tank or their Stuarts, you see what can be done with a combination of polystone and metal details. Only when Andy sees collector dollars being diverted into the coffers of these competitors will he be forced to adopt a new approach to tracked vehicles. That is what I hope occurs, anyway.
Louis ........I think Figarti has the best approach for armor. If you look at the realism of their Chi Ha Japanese tank or their Stuarts, you see what can be done with a combination of polystone and metal details.

I Agree..........Alex
Alex, if we start agreeing with each other like this, I'm really going to get scared!
My job has made me an extreme Team Player, and I am starting to learn how to play in this team. Although we do get into some heated arguments around the Kitchen table in the Firehouse...Alex
Louis Badolato said:
Everyone is all caught up on Honour Bound, and rightfully so, considering the quality of Anna's first aattempt at polystone armor, but I think Figarti has the best approach for armor. If you look at the realism of their Chi Ha Japanese tank or their Stuarts, you see what can be done with a combination of polystone and metal details. Only when Andy sees collector dollars being diverted into the coffers of these competitors will he be forced to adopt a new approach to tracked vehicles. That is what I hope occurs, anyway.

Congrats on breaking 1,000 posts. Doesn't HB also use metal details? I have seen both the Figarti Stuart and Chi Ha. They are nice but not close to HB in my opinion. Maybe that just reflects my bias for the larger German tanks though.
Combat said:
I have seen both the Figarti Stuart and Chi Ha. They are nice but not close to HB in my opinion. Maybe that just reflects my bias for the larger German tanks though.

And then there is FOV's wheels and Treads..............Alex
Firebat said:
How do you guys rate the figures that came with the HB Panthers?..........Alex

I, along with some others who, in all honesty, are partial to K & C, don't really like those figures. I just don't think they look like people. It seems the K & C figures approximate what a real person should look like.

I've got both the Figarti Honey and the HB Panther and I would have to give the nod there to the Honey. Really love that tank. I think if Figarti were 60 mm, Andy would be concerned.

Also, let's face facts. Without Andy's hard work (and I also consider him a friend) at constantly improving his product, we wouldn't be even having this conversation today (I also think that many of us wouldn't be toy soldiers or military miniature enthusiasts either). And he did that without any competition. In business it's generally the rule that when you don't have competition you don't see the innovation on the scale that we've seen it. His legacy of success is quite unparallel.

99% of my collection is K & C and I don't see that changing that much. There is a certain tendency, rightly or wrongly, to fall in love with the new girl on the block. Right now I'm having to weigh my August buying decisions of the Winter Panther versus the Field of Battle issues. While I would love to have that Panther (and probably will at some point), for me it's no question. I will opt for the FoB issues, especially the Vickers. It's more important for me to have the latest K & C issues than the issues of the other companies.
Jazzeum I, along with some others who, in all honesty, are partial to K & C, don't really like those figures. I just don't think they look like people. It seems the K & C figures approximate what a real person should look like.

I agree, thats why I put the question out there. Lets hear from a few others. Or mention it on the Manufacturers Complaints and Suggestion therad..Alex
Firebat said:
Jazzeum I, along with some others who, in all honesty, are partial to K & C, don't really like those figures. I just don't think they look like people. It seems the K & C figures approximate what a real person should look like.

I agree, thats why I put the question out there. Lets hear from a few others. Or mention it on the Manufacturers Complaints and Suggestion therad..Alex

The HB figures that came with their first three Panthers have a different style than KC. I tend to agree that - with some notable exceptions - KC produces the most realistic figures at that price range. However, the Winter HB figures appear to be substantial improvements that may equal or surpass KC. We will see for ourselves shortly. Brad I can't believe you will hold out very long.
I do agree that they are a different style. No one said they have to go in one direction and I also agree that the Winter Panther figures look better and I also think it may difficult to hold out on the Winter Panther. That just looks fabulous. I like those little touches: holding the rabbit. I also see that little touch popping up with the German kitchen with the cat.
jazzeum said:
I'm quite proud of being an attorney and analyzing issues in perhaps ways others don't and dissecting words. Being an attorney has enabled me to afford this hobby, for one thing.


Is your avatar your cat? Reminds me of a cat we used to have, Orange by name, one of the sweetest cats with the best dispositions. Unfortunately, he died three years ago.

Hi Brad,

Yes, this is one of my cats. Unfortunately, he died last december ( a heart attack). Like yours, he was sweat; in fact, I never had a cat like that.

jazzeum said:
I do agree that they are a different style. No one said they have to go in one direction and I also agree that the Winter Panther figures look better and I also think it may difficult to hold out on the Winter Panther. That just looks fabulous. I like those little touches: holding the rabbit. I also see that little touch popping up with the German kitchen with the cat.

It will be interesting to see the figures that go wit the winter Panther. I love the idea of the guy returning from a hunt and showing his prey. Also, the cat that will come with the field kitchen. Those secondary characters make the whole thing to "come alive".

Njja said:

Your not wrong, I think King & Country makes wonderful stuff. It has improved to the point where many collectors are somewhat spoiled.

They have done the hard work, finding a product (polystone) creating products and creating a market for them. Its easy for other companies to follow their the Forums and compete.

We need to remember who put us in our current position.....lots of new products being made for us to choose from!

So some people don't like K & C treads.......I'm sure they will improve, but I really think its unfair not to acknowledge that their products keep getting better and better.

The current batch of new products are wonderful, what a selection compaired to 10 years ago!

My only beef is Loooooooong product runs! If Andy C. would remember how o retire items again they would be off to the races!


Hi John,

You are absolutely right. It was a shock the first time I saw K&C figures. I was aware of unpainted figures but with my talent... only frustations. The quality was incredible and the beauty of the whole thing is that Mr. Neilson is improving that quality releases to releases. More incredible.

Pierre said:
Hi John,

You are absolutely right. It was a shock the first time I saw K&C figures. I was aware of unpainted figures but with my talent... only frustations. The quality was incredible and the beauty of the whole thing is that Mr. Neilson is improving that quality releases to releases. More incredible.

The first time I saw them about two years ago. while on Vacation in Gettysburg, I was in shock also. Some people have called the K&C Figures "Bright", but as I was looking over my meager collection. I noticed an extreme amount of realism was brought in with the American Bulge figures as far as muted colors and men with a 5 O'clock shadow. I hope this trend will continue. Maybe the next batch of Marines and Bulge figures could even have the hint of sculpted dimentional beards. If you see pics of those particular theaters the men were exceptionally dirty and unshaven. Alex
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