Bored Tonight...Post a Diorama, LOL (3 Viewers)

Carlos you never overwhelm me with the way you present your photos and look forward on a continual bases to seeing the next diorama and photos. Kevin I always look forward to what you put in front of your camera and it's nice seeing the outcome. Of all the subjects listed on the forum I fine that the Diorama section of the forum offers more to the members and veiwers the best of what the forum has to offer thanks to all who make it happen....The Lt.
Carlos: Your pictures of island fighting in the Pacific are outstanding. Thanks for posting. Pandagen1 I always admire your photography skills. Thanks for posting. There are really some nice dioramas. Leadmen
You guys do some amazing diorama work. Carlos, I love what you do with the Pacific.

Mckenna, great job on those shelf displays.

Here are a couple pictures from projects over the summer and from a while back. I will try to post more often.

Mark Vuncannon


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With Andy and Figarti bringing out more North African figures and vehicles (i.e. LRDG), are you thinking of doing anything more in that area?

You always do very nice job. You've made a nice investment in making your exquisite dioramas. I see must of your diorama materials are from JGM. I use them too, great stuff. Have you used much of Build-A-Rama materials? Them and JGM are best and I use them liberally.

I've always loved the natural sunlight effect on your dio's. Where do you create your scenes in your home and how much room does it take. Is your Normandy and winter dio's permanently displayed in the same room and again, how much space does it take? Any problem with your wife and displays, mean does she feel your encroaching on her space?

If these dio's are permanent, then do you simply accessorize and rotate vehicles and figures to achieve a theme.

Just curious, good job again and keep it up.



Thanks to you and the other guys for your kind comments. No, none of my dios are permanent at present. I have the winter dio which I did on a 4x2 foot board - I will post some from that - I have several hundred pics from that - some were in the WAR thread - but John Gittings does the business for me - I currently have no buildarama, only K&C and JG. Louis and I managed to create some superb dios when photographing for the KC book using some stuff from Louis' great hobby shop and Gordon's dios. Will share some in due course.

Meanwhile have some dios planned if I get time.
You guys do some amazing diorama work. Carlos, I love what you do with the Pacific.

Mckenna, great job on those shelf displays.

Here are a couple pictures from projects over the summer and from a while back. I will try to post more often.

Mark Vuncannon


I probally should put this post on your Build-a-Rama Thread......But, I wanted to tell you really make some great stuff and it works wonderful with my collection. It is great that you have such a variety of detailed items - really brings out the story in my displays inside my Curios. :D

Anyway - Great Job - Thanks !

I had some queries about winter dios, here goes. This photo shows a JG miniatures base with winter bushes and fence - brilliant.


This next shows my own base, done from polystyrene packing, wood and covered with plaster of paris impregnated bandage, painted with silk white household paint, plus a bit of dirty brown streaking. The 'rock' on the hill is a bit of putty.

The whole effect is shown here - all the vegetation is JG Miniatures, all the base is home made from junk.


- the bunkers were cardboard packing - old junk. Good depth and structure, like a concrete trench. The whole thing took no more than four hours including slapping some paint on.

Just the four hours? Did that include tea breaks? ;)

Always a pleasure to see yours and others pics.

Just the four hours? Did that include tea breaks? ;)

Always a pleasure to see yours and others pics.


Whatever you do - don't mention the tea breaks!

The glue was left to dry for a week as I didn't have time to do any more - and it needed to dry - so 4 hours total in two bits. The quality of the snow on my own dio is poor because it was rushed but I didn't have enough 'mod roc' (plaster bandage) to get it all smooth.

I mentioned the tea breaks but think I might have got away with it.
a few more...HB this time


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Matt, you are welcome, but could you now show me how to do daft strap lines at the bottom of the posting and include a 'rick mayall'?

Sure, go to and click on the User CP (Control Panel) button at the top left of screen and click on the Edit Signature button to post your "strap line" (you can use different sized fonts and colors).

To load a small forum picture (called an Avatar) such as Rick Mayall you click on the Edit Avatar button and download an image from your pc (max 80 pixels x 80 pixels). You can find suitable images via Google Image search which you can save to your pc and resize them via the edit function.

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