Brisbane Collectors Dinner (1 Viewer)

Looks like you all had a fine time at the dinner in Brisbane, sorry I didn't make it there, but my only compensation was going to the London Toy Soldier Show instead and meeting so many other UK collectors and makers there and in my travels around the country for 4 weeks.
Hopefully I will make back to Brisbane again next,
Well done,
Yes, it was a very good night. I've been hearing the various ideas for ages and though I thought some were a bit ambitious, I have to say all of Brett and Jack's calls turned out to be winners! I think the best aspect to all the lead in entertainment and commemoration was that it gave people something to talk about. This was by far the most social of the Military Workshops dinners I've been too. It was easy to go up to someone new and open a conversation. It's also hard to complain about the food when you get to select it yourself. All in all, great value for money.

My suggestion to start next year is paratroopers landing on the main oval forming the initials K & C!
Possible or the footage of Jack making off with the cricket club building..............:wink2:
Wayne. mistake it was the footage of Tom almost making off with highland dancer, you don't see him being held back by Toddy............{sm3}^&grin
Wayne. mistake it was the footage of Tom almost making off with highland dancer, you don't see him being held back by Toddy............{sm3}^&grin

Probably a good thing as Toddy had a devil of a job keeping me subdued...^&grin

Tom mistake it was the footage of Tom almost making off with highland dancer, you don't see him being held back by Toddy............{sm3}^&grin

......he's a slippery sod, I might have saved the Highland dancer, but I later found him chatting up the kitchen staff wearing the piper's kilt...{eek3}^&grin
......he's a slippery sod, I might have saved the Highland dancer, but I later found him chatting up the kitchen staff wearing the piper's kilt...{eek3}^&grin

Now your talking porky pies mate, I would never knock off a Scotsman clobber, way to much danger involved in that! {eek3}{sm4}

All I know is someday I need to go drinking with all of you!!!!

First's rounds on me PA and I'm sure it will happen someday and knowing those dodgy Aussie lads, it would be a night to remember....^&grin:wink2::tongue:
Now your talking porky pies mate, I would never knock off a Scotsman clobber, way to much danger involved in that! {eek3}{sm4}


It's alright tom mate, I won't mention where his bagpipes ended up.....:wink2:{eek3}^&grin
First's rounds on me PA and I'm sure it will happen someday and knowing those dodgy Aussie lads, it would be a night to remember....^&grin:wink2::tongue:


Eventually I will "have to" visit my brother in Australia, I will try and time it to coincide with the Brisbane Collectors Dinner.

Now all I need is an excuse to tell the wife.....


Eventually I will "have to" visit my brother in Australia, I will try and time it to coincide with the Brisbane Collectors Dinner.

Now all I need is an excuse to tell the wife.....


Mate, you wouldn't regret it and why not bring the wife along, she'd have a ball, although the credit card might take a pounding!{eek3}

I feel very privileged to have been invited to this wonderful event and then to have been asked if I'd like to lay a wreath on behalf of the Kiwi's was the icing on the cake. Finally meeting all the guys was magic too, plus staying with Wayne & Tom was a highlight and spending some time in Brett's shop.

I kind of got the 'full monty' was my first time to Oz, my first K&C dinner, first time in Brett's shop, first time meeting the 'Brissy Boy's' and all the other Aussie collectors, first time meeting Andy, first time seeing big TS dio's and my first time laying a wreath.....the list goes on.:salute::

Great people, great location, great figures, great food and lots of nice cold beer......heaven. {bravo}}
Mate, you wouldn't regret it and why not bring the wife along, she'd have a ball, although the credit card might take a pounding!{eek3}

I feel very privileged to have been invited to this wonderful event and then to have been asked if I'd like to lay a wreath on behalf of the Kiwi's was the icing on the cake. Finally meeting all the guys was magic too, plus staying with Wayne & Tom was a highlight and spending some time in Brett's shop.

I kind of got the 'full monty' was my first time to Oz, my first K&C dinner, first time in Brett's shop, first time meeting the 'Brissy Boy's' and all the other Aussie collectors, first time meeting Andy, first time seeing big TS dio's and my first time laying a wreath.....the list goes on.:salute::

Great people, great location, great figures, great food and lots of nice cold beer......heaven. {bravo}}


With all due respect to the other members of this forum, no one deserves a world of "firsts" like that more than you do.

And someday soon I will be there. I am ok with the credit card hit, those of you that have met the wife know that her hit would be worse, lol.

All kidding aside, this event was clearly great and I hope to be there for it in person someday soon.

All I know is someday I need to go drinking with all of you!!!!

And im looking forward to the day that I can shout you a jug or 2 Jason...{sm3}

P.S. Keep an eye out for those dodgy Kiwi's, they get very friendly when there are some bagpipes lying around! {sm2}{eek3}{sm4}

View attachment 155120
Nice shot of Waynepoo, Andy, Martin & Bob in front of the fantastic ALH diorama.[/QUOTE]

Impressive ww1 desert diorama, and very big so that it can show well the size of the battle and many things to see. The ground work very well done but......In my view, a big mistake: the turkish position is really on the corner of the table and it shouldn' t be on the border, in fact only half of the turkish defence has been displayed, and you have to imagine the other side.
It' s a pity with so much space available, even considered the fact you wish to put in evidence the australian charge. Maybe a problem to imagine and realize the whole turkish position?

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