Britain's Zulu War (3 Viewers)

Re: Ken


Brilliant work on all your stuff.! Keep it Up! My real complaint revolved around it sliding down my J G cliff face like a snowboarder, and that's my problem! Mike

:D Perhaps you could do a Zulu olympics dio J/K I get what you mean, could you not disguise the shield with smoe ground cover?

Ken the new releases certainly have great movement to them. Both of the hospital vignette's are amazing. Well Done :)
Hi There! When I designed this set and the other Zulu attacking with the knob-kerrie I wanted to minimize the impact of the bases so they could be used inside the Witt house. That is the reason one uses the shield to stay upright and the other uses some debris from the damaged wall.
Ken Osen

I think it is quite clever and nicely done, like all these new ZW chaps.;)
Re: Ken

:D Perhaps you could do a Zulu olympics dio J/K I get what you mean, could you not disguise the shield with smoe ground cover?

Ken the new releases certainly have great movement to them. Both of the hospital vignette's are amazing. Well Done :)

Thanks much! I think you will like the new releases in the upcoming catalog. Alan Ball and I have both been busy adding to this range, and I am already busy working on the fall line up. If you like the movement in those hospital sets...I think I might have topped that in the new groupings.
All the best!
Ken Osen
Re: Ken

Thanks much! I think you will like the new releases in the upcoming catalog. Alan Ball and I have both been busy adding to this range, and I am already busy working on the fall line up. If you like the movement in those hospital sets...I think I might have topped that in the new groupings.
All the best!
Ken Osen

Awww you gonna leave us a hanging on that? Not even a little hint?
Cheese and Crackers!
Ooooooooh, I can't wait to see the rest of the new ones (we caught a glimpse of 2 of them already :))! Really liking what I've seen so far from this much anticipated new line. Thanks Ken and the rest of the creative talents at W. Britain.

Mister Dave
The time has come for some picture leaking.

Relax my young Lad look how much more you'll enjoy them when seen all together and just think the pictures will be available before the end of the month. Next it'll be when can we get them to play with:D:D:DThe Lt.
The first of Britain's 24th figures joins the roster of B Company at Rorke's Drift.

As another from Dublin Co. Dublin is added to the roster of B Company 2nd/24th....The Lt.

Now I thought they were all Welshmen at the Drift
Must have got his sentance reduced for good behaviour. Three months. Pah! Nothing more than a long weekend break. :rolleyes:
Well I guess it is fortunate I was only in the colonial service; only had to pay for the flight gloves I lost.;)
Another is added to the rolls of B Company 2nd/24th ......The Lt.

Those are fun, like baseball cards for soldiers.:D Fortunately though, you do not have to pay a signing bonus or negotiate with an agent to get the soldier.;)

Say Lt., can you remind me where you posted a photo comparison of the WB matte and Conte (expected to represent the new Conte) figures?
Those are fun, like baseball cards for soldiers.:D Fortunately though, you do not have to pay a signing bonus or negotiate with an agent to get the soldier.;)

Say Lt., can you remind me where you posted a photo comparison of the WB matte and Conte (expected to represent the new Conte) figures?

Here's two new photos showing both the matte and gloss figures and you'll note Conte in the center for a comparison....The Lt.


Ah thanks mate, most helpful. Interesting that the gloss and matte are slightly different in size. I wonder why they did that.:confused:
Ah thanks mate, most helpful. Interesting that the gloss and matte are slightly different in size. I wonder why they did that.:confused:

As stated on an earlier posting they're 1/32 scale with the matte figures being 1/56mm vs 1/54mm for the gloss. I'll let Richard or Ken explain the reasoning.......The Lt.
As stated on an earlier posting they're 1/32 scale with the matte figures being 1/56mm vs 1/54mm for the gloss........The Lt.
Roger that, although pictures are indeed better than words for such things. Still wonder why they did it.;)

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