Britain's Zulu War (9 Viewers)

Guys I guess it must be me then by all the posts re:- the sizing of these figures being OK with you all, but in the Lt's photo of Tom Cruise inbetween Ivor Emmanuel and Glyn Edwards he sure looks diminutive to me.
And if the difference is supposed to be only 2mm then to my eyes somebody somewhere sure has got a defective measuring implement.


The Classic Redcoat boxes say 54mm but Ken told me that they were more likely 52mm. Since I collect the Classics and would not mix glossy and matte it does not really matter.
Another request be filled for Joachim and hope others. here's a couple of quickie hand to hand scenes featuring the 24th vs the Zulus .......The Lt.

I tend to get drawn to other lines/periods on occasion but pics like these make me fully focussed on one period again: ZULU! ZULU! :D
Comparison between WB glossy Classic Redcoat and matte Napoleonics -all Coldstream Guards. Same contrast as seen in Joe's Zulu War figures


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Hi There!
This Coldstream Guard Classic was one of the first Glossy figures I had ever sculpted. I used one of my late uncles 1960s Waterloo British figures as the standard for size to create some kind of continuity.
Richard and I had already established the larger and bulkier Matt style when we worked for Ertle/W.Britain, later at Conte, and myself with ONWTC. It seemed to make sense to continue with the new proportions so anyone with an established collection could continue to add new figures. It seems to have worked well with both choices and if you consider that we already have Deetail plastics, Ceremonial and Archive Collection, then it is not unusual that we should establish additional series with distinct looks and finishes.
Hi There!
This Coldstream Guard Classic was one of the first Glossy figures I had ever sculpted. I used one of my late uncles 1960s Waterloo British figures as the standard for size to create some kind of continuity.
Richard and I had already established the larger and bulkier Matt style when we worked for Ertle/W.Britain, later at Conte, and myself with ONWTC. It seemed to make sense to continue with the new proportions so anyone with an established collection could continue to add new figures. It seems to have worked well with both choices and if you consider that we already have Deetail plastics, Ceremonial and Archive Collection, then it is not unusual that we should establish additional series with distinct looks and finishes.
Certainly understandable but differences in size for the same scale are among one of the most frustrating aspects of collecting, especially for those who favor action displays. Maybe the manufactuers could sign a Figure Size Compatibility Accord.:rolleyes::D
Certainly understandable but differences in size for the same scale are among one of the most frustrating aspects of collecting, especially for those who favor action displays. Maybe the manufactuers could sign a Figure Size Compatibility Accord.:rolleyes::D

Extremely relevant and very valid comment Spitfrnd. In my 15 years of collecting a consistent 54mm scale has caused me far more grief than cost/paint finish/poses/troops I would like but nobody makes etc. etc.

"New Britains mattes" are always a consistent size whether cavalry mounted troops or infantry-(well they are in my boring army of Rebs and Yanks) and as I do not have a single glossy in the collection I was really surprised at the difference in scale to a 54mm matte as seen in Joe's picture. I had not noticed that before as they have got to be closer to 1/35" rather than the old 1/32".
But as Randy posted if that's what you collect what the heck!
What does really annoy me is when manufacturers state 54mm or 1/32 scale when any collector worth his salt and as soon as he sees them or picks them up clearly knows they are not.
...What does really annoy me is when manufacturers state 54mm or 1/32 scale when any collector worth his salt and as soon as he sees them or picks them up clearly knows they are not.
I hear that.;)
BTW, there is NOTHING the least bit "boring" about your "army of Rebs and Yanks" Reb.:D Sorry, couldn't let that one pass.;)
Extremely relevant and very valid comment Spitfrnd. In my 15 years of collecting a consistent 54mm scale has caused me far more grief than cost/paint finish/poses/troops I would like but nobody makes etc. etc.

"New Britains mattes" are always a consistent size whether cavalry mounted troops or infantry-(well they are in my boring army of Rebs and Yanks) and as I do not have a single glossy in the collection I was really surprised at the difference in scale to a 54mm matte as seen in Joe's picture. I had not noticed that before as they have got to be closer to 1/35" rather than the old 1/32".
But as Randy posted if that's what you collect what the heck!
What does really annoy me is when manufacturers state 54mm or 1/32 scale when any collector worth his salt and as soon as he sees them or picks them up clearly knows they are not.

I think the new mattes are 1/32 but Britains have made the new glossies more like 1/35 to fit in with the older Britains which seemed to be off to begin with.
I hear that.;)
BTW, there is NOTHING the least bit "boring" about your "army of Rebs and Yanks" Reb.:D Sorry, couldn't let that one pass.;)

Thanks Spitfrnd-
Must confess my quote was slightly facetious by being self deprecating-just appears to me ACW figures are not exactly top of the pops amongst collectors on this particular forum even though mysterious pollsters continue to vote for more and more of them:confused::confused::confused:

Thanks Spitfrnd-
...just appears to me ACW figures are not exactly top of the pops amongst collectors on this particular forum even though mysterious pollsters continue to vote for more and more of them:confused::confused::confused:

Well just because they don't talk about them here certainly doesn't mean they don't buy them.;) Certainly the manufactuers seem to see continuing sales for those. Also just because I don't collect them doesn't mean I don't enjoy seeing them.:D

Of course my current favorite Spartan / Persians appear much less popular yet most of the Spartans are out of stock, go figure.:rolleyes:
Thanks Spitfrnd-
Must confess my quote was slightly facetious by being self deprecating-just appears to me ACW figures are not exactly top of the pops amongst collectors on this particular forum even though mysterious pollsters continue to vote for more and more of them:confused::confused::confused:


Yes Reb, as has already been suggested, I think the relative scarcity of talk re: ACW on this forum does not reflect the bigger picture in terms of popularity of this range. The dealer/shop-owners that I talk to most often consistently point out ACW as one of their biggest sellers.

Another is added to the roster of B Company 2/24th Ft.......The Lt.

Another of Britain's privates is added to the rolls of B Company 2/24th...The Lt.

The ammo-crates-guy looks great (as does the rest). I'll post some group shots of mine when they arrive.
got my fist gloss zulu war figure today it the guy loading it is 1/35 scale but i love it don't see why it is but its not hard to confuse me:confused:

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