Britain's Zulu War (6 Viewers)

The Little Captain Jag leaves the disposal of the Zulu Warriors to his 24th. The Brit figures are great to put in front of a camera and looking forward to what's heade our way this month and thruout 2009. Two Zulu Warriors advane on a lone member of the 1st/24th they've sited and are determined to wash their spears..........The Lt.



Your forgiven Scott and hello to you to Jag. Now let me finish instructing Colour-Bourne how to get rid of these pesky Zulus before the Lt catches me playing with them.......The Lt.


OHhh It's Godzirrahcaptainsan! Run for your lives!

AKA Fluffy the Destroyer!
He seemed like he may have had a chance of beating the two to one odds but looks like his luck's run out.........The Lt.


does anyone know if the collector's club figure 50008C (24th Foot, wounded) has already been released?

Thank you very much. I have all of the Zulu sets from Britain (new releases) and the matt figures are truly great...
Thank you very much. I have all of the Zulu sets from Britain (new releases) and the matt figures are truly great...

I just started my Zulu collection at Christmas and I am very pleased with them, Ken has done a wonderful job with the sculpting. I have just ordered 7 more sets due to arrive within the next week. :D :D :D
Hope they arrive as scheduled Scott sure could use the help these pesky Zulus love attacking in the sunshine............The Lt.



Hope they arrive as scheduled Scott sure could use the help these pesky Zulus love attacking in the sunshine............The Lt.


I hope so to LT, and I will deploy the troops as soon as possible. Great photo as always. (please send some sunshine this way please as we are being bombarded with snow)
Members of B Company are manning the south wall as the Zulus launch their first assualt against the Mission Station. Enjoy the Trailer....The Lt.





Nice Pictures Joe,

It always gives me a chuckle when Color Sgt. Bourne is admonishing Pvt. Hitch for not having his tunic buttoned up. You always need to look your best when 4000 Zulus are about to attack.:D
Thanks Jag, Martyn and Jeff for your comments. Jeff I agree that the figures are great and a pleasure to put in front of a camera where they come to life and looking forward to what WBritain has in store for us in the near future. You'll note with the next two photos I can't stop playing with them.....The Lt.


Always a pleasure Joe to view your excellent dio's.

We all know which is your favourite 24th foot figure, but what about your favourite Zulu warrior figure?
Nice Osprey Series in natural light, Joe... I'm waiting also for your favorite pick Zulu:cool:

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