Britain's Zulu War (2 Viewers)

Just wondering if WB plans to visit Isandlwana as part of the series (we have already had one set). and if they are going to make a Melvll figure? So that we would end up with two (albeit diiferent) or if they don't them we may miss out on having Melvill at Isandlwana.

I hope everyone understands what I mean.

Also I don't get the pricing.....seems a wee bit high.

The WB new hand to hand sets are approx £39.95 their Cold Steel was £49.99

The WB new French Lancers are about £44.00 their Melvill is £129.99 (Almost 3 times as much :eek::eek:) I realise there are only 300 being made, but the lancers are only having a run of 500...... :mad:
I agree,

not as versatile as could be with the cliff formation on his hooves, would be hard to work in any scenes.

Joe commented to me, "That the angle of the pistol would be difficult to pose also".


Absolutely right about the pose...Unless the Zulu had wings. Looks as if he's heading down a donga edge and firing up and away from the face edge,ie. open space. And I still can't rectify the tactical advantage to putting the pistol lanyard around one's neck:(. I saw the painting also, but seem to think any lanyard would be through the shoulder straps.
Just wondering if WB plans to visit Isandlwana as part of the series (we have already had one set). and if they are going to make a Melvll figure? So that we would end up with two (albeit diiferent) or if they don't them we may miss out on having Melvill at Isandlwana.

I hope everyone understands what I mean.

Also I don't get the pricing.....seems a wee bit high.

The WB new hand to hand sets are approx £39.95 their Cold Steel was £49.99

The WB new French Lancers are about £44.00 their Melvill is £129.99 (Almost 3 times as much :eek::eek:) I realise there are only 300 being made, but the lancers are only having a run of 500...... :mad:

I am confident that WB will go much further into the Isandlwana aspect, with gun teams and rocket battery and Durnford and Pulleine and band boys and wagons!! And Melvill Coghil really belong half way between the Hill of the Sphinx and KwaJimu's:D
Scott the ModelZone Melvill figure is part of the recently introduced Connoisseur Series which puts it in the price range of the series. I hope the next time we see Melvill he'll be standing back to back with Coghill making their last stand against a small group of Zulus Warriors. There's no doubt that those who collect Connoisuer Figures will be very pleased to see it and will add it to their collection.........The Lt.
I have a question for the AZW fanatics, I'm a little confused, did Coghill die, didn't show anything at the end of Zulu dawn so did he live and make it back to Natal or did he die at the end of a spear?

Re: Coghill - died at the end of a spear with Melville near Fugitives Drift Jan. 22, 1879. -- lancer
Here's a quickie. What injury was Coghil suffering from at Isandlwana camp and how was it caused?
I can't remember. Was it a sports related knee injury or was it a horse related accident? -- lancer
Here's a quickie. What injury was Coghil suffering from at Isandlwana camp and how was it caused?

He had a knee injury sustained that day from trying to catch a chicken for Lord Chelmsfords tea. :D

Do I win a prize :confused: perhaps the new MZ figure of Melvill :p:p:p
I can't remember. Was it a sports related knee injury or was it a horse related accident? -- lancer

So close as to get it right. He had suffered a knee injury from a horse riding accident several days prior, and was left at camp to recuperate instead of where he belonged, at the HQ bivvy. And Scott regrettably had points taken away for slighting the Lord General:p
The Melville figure is incredibly nice :cool:. I like the slope he's riding from. Price is high, but probably worth it. Mmm 150 euros. Well, I knew at some point I would have to choose from the range and buy only the best. This must be one of the best. I'm more a Isandlwana man anyway instead of a Drift guy.

It would be helpful to have some more views soon before buying. Otherwise it is pre-sold out before I get a chance to see it up close.
Kinda took these pictures in haste I didnt use flash plus the room was still quite dark yet.



Great photos Jagd, I like how the photos have been taken. Gives the effect that sunset is descending on the Drift. What is your impression of the new figures?
Cool pictures Jagd. I really like the lighting, or should I say the lack of lighting, effect. Perhaps one could entitle these, "Zulu Dawn!"

These two new addition are just has good has there previous releases there all excellent im my book. :cool:

Mike Zulu Dawn is a good title.:)

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