Cannons to the Left of Me, Cannons to the Right of Me (2 Viewers)


Four Star General
Apr 23, 2005
Union artillery prepare to send the Confederates a good morning wake up call.


The artillery and the figures in the foreground are First Legion while the artillery in the background are Aero Art.
Really great and realistic! Like a photo {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
Nice arty sets, Brad. The figures from both makers are quite well done. -- Al
Very good Brad {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}....but not very shiney:wink2::tongue:


Thanks all, both for the comments and the likes. FL really makes some great sets and as you can see there is not that much of a difference between First Legion and Aero Art.

I really like the breech sight. I have never seen one of those on a toy soldier cannon before.
Nice scene Brad. Those artillery sets look great.

Will your next scene be titled, "Clowns to the left of me...jokers to my right....."

Great collection of artillery you have started there, ACW guns can be like potato can't eat just one! Just ask Mike and Chris, I think they have many of the 1st Legion artillery figures along with the W. Britain and ONWTC artillery, and they seem to work very well together.

By the way I modeled the earlier removable brass sight for the gun over eight years ago when we did the Loomis Battery (1st Michigan Light Artillery Battery A) set for ONWTC. I measured an original Parrot and carriage surviving from that unit (No.23) to make the pattern.

These are very accurate rifled guns (full sized) to shoot, and you can hit a paper plate at 1000 yards with shell.
Canister is devastating and we have used that on the machine gun range at Camp Grayling. There is enough energy left in the canister balls to knock down the armored targets even at 900 to 1000 yards. The front of these guns would not be anyplace to be. It is hard to imagine facing these guns as advancing infantry.

Here is a picture of the old ONWTC set, occasionally these still appear on the secondary market.


Thank for sharing the pictures of your collection with us,
This is a great set-up Brad. You and Chris should join forces on these artillery scenes. Is that the H&A backdrop for the Chosen Ground sets?

Getting to view this diorama is a real treat.

Thanks for sharing with us.

Thanks for all the great comments and likes but particularly Ken's awesome comment. High praise when someone like him gives it.

Speaking of Ken, and Ericka, the display base and backdrop that I used is the Chosen Ground Display Base they made for Britains. Unfortunately, it's no longer available but that was probably one of the best purchases I've made. Thanks again Britains and Ken and Ericka.

Superb looking dio Brad, the terrain works perfectly with your troops and Cannons, thanks for posting...Sammy
Aw artillery . . . the Queen of battle . . . . . Nicely done Brad.
:smile2: Mike
Thank you Mike, Xavier and Sammy,

To get nice comments from the likes of Ken, Mike and Xavier, superb diorama makers, is high praise indeed. Much appreciated.

Great collection of artillery you have started there, ACW guns can be like potato can't eat just one! Just ask Mike and Chris, I think they have many of the 1st Legion artillery figures along with the W. Britain and ONWTC artillery, and they seem to work very well together.

By the way I modeled the earlier removable brass sight for the gun over eight years ago when we did the Loomis Battery (1st Michigan Light Artillery Battery A) set for ONWTC. I measured an original Parrot and carriage surviving from that unit (No.23) to make the pattern.

Here is a picture of the old ONWTC set, occasionally these still appear on the secondary market.


Thank for sharing the pictures of your collection with us,

Indeed, you can view this very set, although with a 3" rifle in my Gettysburg Chronicles series. An outstanding set from Ken. One thought regarding the FL piece is the sight is fixed to the gun. Collectors may not want that on all guns in a battery as I think it would be removed when firing. But looks very good in Brad's presentation. Chris

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