Casting copies of K&C..etc (1 Viewer)



There are a lot of collectors who know how to cast correctly and cast copies of whatever they question is......I presume casting ...for example....K&C figures for your own use would be okay...even sharing them with some of your mates...selling them would be a ..No..NO.....I see no harm casting to fill in numbers for a dio....TomB
As long as it's O.K. for King and Country staff members to come into your home and help themselves to your belongings. As long as they only share them with their friends. I MEAN REALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad:

1/ A man walks into a shop and buys a figure. On his wayout he steels two figures. He now has three figures, two of which he gained illegaly. The legal owner has lost the value of the two figures, lets say £60.00

2/ A man walks into a shop and buys a figure. He takes it home and makes a mould so that he can copy the figure twice.
He know has three figures, two of which he gained illegaly. The legal owner of the copyright has lost two sales, lets say £60.00

3/ The legal owner sells three figures but on his way home loses his wallet. The wallet contains the money for the three figures, £90.00. The wallet is returned but the finder has helped himself to £60.00
As long as it's O.K. for King and Country staff members to come into your home and help themselves to your belongings. As long as they only share them with their friends. I MEAN REALY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:mad::mad:

It is a No No...fine...that is what I wanted to know....I aint got a clue on casting...not interested....but I have seen on the nett where figures are cast and used by collectors...for their own use....thank you for your reply....this is a very interesting hobby and has a lot of different people with different idea's....the debate on scales was great......TomB
I think Martin has summed it up rather well. the type of casting you talk of is illegal in every respect.
I hate to say this guys but this sort of thing goes on all the time. I was speaking to the owner of a company the other day and he told me a story exactly like this, only difference was the figures were being sold. Needless to say the seller found himself in some hot water with the law. But with home casting/mold making components available there probably is a good deal of this sort of thing happening.

Look out Tom, looks like its pitchforks and torches time {eek3} ^&grin Guys into recasting have been copying figures for decades to add extras to their own collections and I don't see why K & C products would be exempt, and it's worth remembering that some early K & C figures looked a lot like certain Airfix poses :wink2:
I hate to say this guys but this sort of thing goes on all the time. I was speaking to the owner of a company the other day and he told me a story exactly like this, only difference was the figures were being sold. Needless to say the seller found himself in some hot water with the law. But with home casting/mold making components available there probably is a good deal of this sort of thing happening.


I have been the victim myself which is why it winds me !

Look out Tom, looks like its pitchforks and torches time {eek3} ^&grin Guys into recasting have been copying figures for decades to add extras to their own collections and I don't see why K & C products would be exempt, and it's worth remembering that some early K & C figures looked a lot like certain Airfix poses :wink2:

Bank robbery has been going on longer! Should the banks be happy about it?

Copying figures or anything for which there is trademark protection is illegal no if and but about it. Does it go on? Probably, but if the creator knows about it, they will do their level best to stop it.
Look out Tom, looks like its pitchforks and torches time {eek3} ^&grin Guys into recasting have been copying figures for decades to add extras to their own collections and I don't see why K & C products would be exempt, and it's worth remembering that some early K & C figures looked a lot like certain Airfix poses :wink2:
Thanks mate.....that is the impression I got from surfing around the net....wont mention the site...but what was innocently said was a certain figure was a casting of etc etc ( funny enough it was a Airfix figure) plastic figure which he wanted in metal...for himself only....I cant see any harm in that.....seems I am a bit of a loner on that view in some sweat...we all have our own thingo......TomB

I am sure he would not be that way if the owners of airfix came after him. There are sites all over that are doing this and, as has been mentioned its wrong. no matter how its dressed up or, supported by members thats what it comes down to plain and simple. The ''we have our own things'' in this case is those who wish to break the law and those that don't mate. As you won't mention the site its obvious its illegal.

As for mention of K&C poses being used from airfix to use an image for inspiration to design a figure is a bit different from cloning it and then selling it on as either your own or, as original.

If there is no problem then its as easy to contact airfix, K&C, martin etc and say I wish to do this with one of your figures for my own collection do you mind?

For the malmedy dio I did I e-mailed K&C to say that I was wishing to take molds or, sections of molds back arms legs etc from some of their existing figures to be half buried in snow. That was more for the effect of the massacre than copying and making money or adding to a collection.

They were fine with that but, if they had said no then case closed.

Thanks mate.....that is the impression I got from surfing around the net....wont mention the site...but what was innocently said was a certain figure was a casting of etc etc ( funny enough it was a Airfix figure) plastic figure which he wanted in metal...for himself only....I cant see any harm in that.....seems I am a bit of a loner on that view in some sweat...we all have our own thingo......TomB
Bank robbery has been going on longer! Should the banks be happy about it?

No nastiness intended Martin...but have not ...we the customers..been robbed by the Banks in their profit making greed.....I can say this from long experience.....TomB

I am sure he would not be that way if the owners of airfix came after him. There are sites all over that are doing this and, as has been mentioned its wrong. no matter how its dressed up or, supported by members thats what it comes down to plain and simple. The ''we have our own things'' in this case is those who wish to break the law and those that don't mate. As you won't mention the site its obvious its illegal.

As for mention of K&C poses being used from airfix to use an image for inspiration to design a figure is a bit different from cloning it and then selling it on as either your own or, as original.

If there is no problem then its as easy to contact airfix, K&C, martin etc and say I wish to do this with one of your figures for my own collection do you mind?

For the malmedy dio I did I e-mailed K&C to say that I was wishing to take molds or, sections of molds back arms legs etc from some of their existing figures to be half buried in snow. That was more for the effect of the massacre than copying and making money or adding to a collection.

They were fine with that but, if they had said no then case closed.
Thanks for the serve Mitch....I hope you did not think I was referring to you and your dio...of which I am totally unaware but reckon it would be a good' can get hot on this site...good O...thats how it should be.....I just happened to see a site..and the bloke said such and such was a metal fig he made from a plastic seemed ...I cant spell the you can fill it me......I can understand the forgery bit.....I give my figures away...I would not be happy to see them sold.....I love is a very informative site......regards TomB

No issues for me here really. I can see why people are annoyed at this as its often their work and livelihoods that are threatened by those who would rather make a profit from someones work than earn it themselves.

Thanks for the serve Mitch....I hope you did not think I was referring to you and your dio...of which I am totally unaware but reckon it would be a good' can get hot on this site...good O...thats how it should be.....I just happened to see a site..and the bloke said such and such was a metal fig he made from a plastic seemed ...I cant spell the you can fill it me......I can understand the forgery bit.....I give my figures away...I would not be happy to see them sold.....I love is a very informative site......regards TomB
Thanks mate.....that is the impression I got from surfing around the net....wont mention the site...but what was innocently said was a certain figure was a casting of etc etc ( funny enough it was a Airfix figure) plastic figure which he wanted in metal...for himself only....I cant see any harm in that.....seems I am a bit of a loner on that view in some sweat...we all have our own thingo......TomB

Tom, you are not a loner mate, it's the usual silent majority on this forum that don't give a rats what people do with their figures and don't bother to enter into forum discussions like this. For example I know of several guys that make copies of the well known brands for their own use, no big deal, same as the countless people that copy DVD's and rip movies etc off the net, who cares, not many that's for sure.
Tom, you are not a loner mate, it's the usual silent majority on this forum that don't give a rats what people do with their figures and don't bother to enter into forum discussions like this. For example I know of several guys that make copies of the well known brands for their own use, no big deal, same as the countless people that copy DVD's and rip movies etc off the net, who cares, not many that's for sure.
Oz..excellent comparison with the DVD's and Vidoe's.....these thing go on all the time I matter what the gizmo....there are two views to every arguement and everybody has a right to thier view...and what I have seen on this site....Hey ! Hey!...where are the silent majority ??? ... people here aint backward in coming forward to express their sure stirred the possum with your Tank/scale subject...good stuff.....TomB
No nastiness intended Martin...but have not ...we the customers..been robbed by the Banks in their profit making greed.....I can say this from long experience.....TomB

Perhaps a bad example at the present time! Perhaps I should have said house breaking, as anyone that pirates my stuff steals my profit, so steals the food from my childrens mouths!!!

Tom, you are not a loner mate, it's the usual silent majority on this forum that don't give a rats what people do with their figures and don't bother to enter into forum discussions like this. For example I know of several guys that make copies of the well known brands for their own use, no big deal, same as the countless people that copy DVD's and rip movies etc off the net, who cares, not many that's for sure.

Do you think they would care when the company they are ripping off decides it's not worth making new figures? You do realise that none of the toy soldier companies are multi million dollar internationls. Most work hand to mouth!
I can only be held responsible for my own honesty not someone elses!!

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