Castings I have painted (2 Viewers)

Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Do you know - I was wondering where I had seen or heard your name before - and now I've twigged it! I thought it might have been from my Army days - though I must confess, I never met many Life-Guards.

Yes - it was on the BMSS web-page. You clever old dog! I must admit to them being some of my favourites. That Capt. with the sword held across his legs is a stunner. Are you still doing them then? johnnybach
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings


Right-ho - washing up done, dog walked on we go. Sorry about slightly darker photo this time.

The above are some figures from castings by the BMSS that I bought and painted a while back - which I understand from trooper are no longer available from that organisation. Shame that, because they are really nice. Maybe they will come back again with a new owner.

In the foreground is a Colour Party of the Grenadier Guards around the 50's.
Rear on foot (left to right) are: Sergeant, 1st Grenadier Rgt. Foot Gds. 1831
Trooper, 1st Life Guards 1832: Captain 8th Kings Royal Irish Dragoons 1832;
Major, Rifle Brigade 1832; Sergeant 5th Dragoon Gds. 1832.

Finally there is a Kettledrummer, c.1933 of the Duke of Connaught's Own Lancers on a Skewbald Horse.

I must admit to favourites here - and the Irish Captain with the drawn sword and the Kettledrummer are mine.

In the background, by the way, is my Xmas present - which is a set of British Regimental Badges, originally given away by Texaco Oil company - for buying petrol. They could be collected and put into an album.
Hope you like this instalment. johnnybach


You have a very nice collection of figures. :cool:

I remember collecting those Badges, that's going back a few years! :eek:

Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Yes - my Mum told me about collecting those badges - but was only in a pram back then and never bought petrol for it. (only joking bach!).

Did you see the earlier post that Martin Tabony actually makes some of the figures featured? This forum is certainly a small world.

I'm going to have to have a look back at what I have put on so far - and maybe dig out a few more from producers I haven't shown yet. Sun's gone now, so will do a few more pics tomorrow.

Do you have any more "gems" to show that would fit in with this thread Jeff? - johnnybach
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Yes - my Mum told me about collecting those badges - but was only in a pram back then and never bought petrol for it. (only joking bach!).

Did you see the earlier post that Martin Tabony actually makes some of the figures featured? This forum is certainly a small world.

I'm going to have to have a look back at what I have put on so far - and maybe dig out a few more from producers I haven't shown yet. Sun's gone now, so will do a few more pics tomorrow.

Do you have any more "gems" to show that would fit in with this thread Jeff? - johnnybach

Tradition of London 4.7" Gun etc from the Boer War. That's a lot of Bullocks to paint if I remember right! :D



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Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Yes - my Mum told me about collecting those badges - but was only in a pram back then and never bought petrol for it. (only joking bach!).
Did you see the earlier post that Martin Tabony actually makes some of the figures featured? This forum is certainly a small world.

I'm going to have to have a look back at what I have put on so far - and maybe dig out a few more from producers I haven't shown yet. Sun's gone now, so will do a few more pics tomorrow.

Do you have any more "gems" to show that would fit in with this thread Jeff? - johnnybach

Yes! so was I ;):D My Dad got the petrol and gave the badges to me.

Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Holy Cow!

Desperate Dan would be licking his lips at that sight. What a load of old bull!:)

Now then - there's yet another set from Tradition of London - made up from a kit and painted by you Jeff?
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Holy Cow!

Desperate Dan would be licking his lips at that sight. What a load of old bull!:)

Now then - there's yet another set from Tradition of London - made up from a kit and painted by you Jeff?

There's a few more from a while back, but you next Johnny. ;):)

Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Do you know - I was wondering where I had seen or heard your name before - and now I've twigged it! I thought it might have been from my Army days - though I must confess, I never met many Life-Guards.

Yes - it was on the BMSS web-page. You clever old dog! I must admit to them being some of my favourites. That Capt. with the sword held across his legs is a stunner. Are you still doing them then? johnnybach

They will be released latter in the year when John Firth (Beating retreat) gets his hands on them.:D

Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Tradition of London 4.7" Gun etc from the Boer War. That's a lot of Bullocks to paint if I remember right! :D


"That's alot of bullocks" ha ha. Sorry just my childish sense of humour!:D

Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

I'll have to have another go tomorrow. I'm still learning how this darn camera works - and I'm finding that I can make it work best when it's daylight and the sun is shining. I press a few buttons on the back - and various symbols come up - as follows:

(a) If I surpress the flash (line through the lightening symbol)
(b) Press button for close-up (tulip shows up);
(c) Press button twice so smiley face thingy shows up; (not sure what that does - but seems to work better with it on).
(d) point it at the target and wiggle it abaht until it looks OK
(e) try to hold it steady and control breathing
(f) press button and wait till it goes "thunk"

A bit like firing the Bren really - though with a lot less noise and not half as much fun! Still, you don't have to give the thing a pull through - or change barrels when it gets hot.(more's the pity).

I find that it's better to play with the darn thing in daylight. I think I might have a go at some Assets some Dorsets and medievals tomorrow - and try my hand at photos of those. Okay with you? jb
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Hey - that's good news Martin - I had a look at some of his painting earlier today - he's an absolutely superb artist. I'll really look forward to seeing them.
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings


Hey Jeff - I do have one last photo to show you. Another Xmas present from the Commandante. Her hobby is patchwork - and she said that my chair needed cheering up - so made me these slip on covers. How do you like them babies then? johnnybach.
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

What regiment, I can't quite make out the button spacings!:D:D

Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

It's a new Territorial unit of the Welsh Guards ( saving a bit more of the taxpayers money) - called The 1st Foot and Mouth! They don't have buttons - too expensive - it's velcro!

Next week - I expect an announcement that the H.Cav will be using scooters - to save a bit more!

Where will it all end? johnnybach
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Hi Everyone. Had an answer to my e-mail to Alexanders Toy Soldiers (ATS) this morning. He does do castings - though this isn't stated in his online shop. When you order, you have to state that you want them as unpainted castings. As a comparison, a price was given: An average Napoleonic figure painted is £13 - unpainted £6.50. (Thanks trooper - I didn't doubt you - just double-checked!)

So we can add this loveley range (have a look!) to our little list of painted/unpainted suppliers.

On to today's examples: First, I would like to show some more examples from Dorset Soldiers. This is of my 16th Lancers Band - around 1890. I made this band up about two years ago - see pics below:



I made this group up from castings supplied. Note the error in my compilation - as the band includes a French Horn - which Martin Tabony advises is never used in a mounted band. A new Tenor Horn and arms is on its way - and poor old French Hornist remains blissfully unaware that he's going in for surgery soon!

Other points to note are that I gave the band an escort at the rear, with four troopers, a trumpeter on white horse - and an officer with drawn sword. The Officer sitting sideways with drawn sword may be seen looking on. He is a copy of the well known Britains figure - again by Dorset - and is meant to be the Colonel of the Regiment - who has seen his band playing - and come to have a look.

At the rear/ side you see a couple of troopers from 9th and 12th Lancers who are looking on. This came about as a "happy accident" when Giles Brown of Dorset Soldiers sent me too many bodies! I owned up and paid for them - and made them up as you see them. I used illustrations by Richard Simkins from Bill Carman's lovely book "Uniforms of the British Army" as a source for painting.

This last point highlights one of the many advantages of using castings - you can make 'em up as any of the regiments that you like! I often see collectors bemoaning that " they don't do it in XX reegiment". With castings, no such rulles apply - you have a blank canvas!

Hope you like them. johnnybach.

Now then Jeff - what are you bringing to the party?
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

PS - I almost forgot - you may note that most horses have been painted in pretty light colours. I have been advised that this is not the case for most cavalry horses, which tend to be darker shades of brown/black. My excuse is that I was having a practice at painting horses generally at the time - and as they are mine - I can have 'em pink if I want to! Point taken though - if you are after realism - check this out first. johnnybach.
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

The next makers/suppliers of castings that I have examples from are shown below. The front pair are by Tradition of London; Rear left is by John Eden Studios and rear right is by Asset.


Front left is Edmund Beaufort, Duke of Somerset as he was in the Wars of the Roses c.1471.
To his right sits Edward Plantaganet - The Prince of Wales, perhaps better known as The Black Prince c1356.

A lovely pair to paint those two. Interesting that Edward spoke Norman French , little English and no Welsh - even doubtful that he ever visited there - bit like today's holder of the title! (Steady johnnybach!!). I did line the route for his investiture though - and sank a few later that day in "The Prince of Wales" in Caernarfon! (It was packed!!!)

Rear right is a beauty from John Eden Studios. I have loved that figure for years - from seeing pictures of him in books. Originally by Gammage, I believe, he is a Rose casting - and is just a wonderful miniature sculpture. He is, of course an Officer of the 4th Light Dragoons - as they were known then in 1822.He was taken from a painting by J. Pardon - as can clearly be seen in another of Bill Carman's marvelous books "British military Uniforms; from Contemporary Pictures"(1957) plate 70. I only recently found him in the John Eden Gallery web-site. Well worth a look for plenty of Rose castings.

Finally, a pretty good likeness of King George V dressesd in the uniform of a Field Marshall about the time of his Cornation. (nothing new there then!). I am led to believe that he dressed up like this in order to review his troops - shortly after becoming King. Anybody know more about it? This one is by a fovourite supplier of mine Asset Miniatures. On the web - but no pictures. I will post more of their work - because they are darned good - and still not too pricy.

Hope you like them - johnnybach
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings


Incidentally - these three Gordons kneeling to receive cavalry are three britains lookalikes that were finished yesterday. They are going to join their friends who were featured earlier on in this post (page 13?). Brad(Baron)was suggesting that Britains might be my cup of tea. They definitely are - and these are from castings by Dorset Soldiers again, which I make up a few at a time for me to play with. They are intended to look like old Britains. This is yet another advantage of using castings - you can make them up to look like old pieces - and not be afraid of damaging them - as they cost less than a pint of beer, nowadays. They are fun to do too - johnnybach
Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

Hi Everyone. Had an answer to my e-mail to Alexanders Toy Soldiers (ATS) this morning. He does do castings - though this isn't stated in his online shop. When you order, you have to state that you want them as unpainted castings. As a comparison, a price was given: An average Napoleonic figure painted is £13 - unpainted £6.50. (Thanks trooper - I didn't doubt you - just double-checked!)

So we can add this loveley range (have a look!) to our little list of painted/unpainted suppliers.

On to today's examples: First, I would like to show some more examples from Dorset Soldiers. This is of my 16th Lancers Band - around 1890. I made this band up about two years ago - see pics below:



I made this group up from castings supplied. Note the error in my compilation - as the band includes a French Horn - which Martin Tabony advises is never used in a mounted band. A new Tenor Horn and arms is on its way - and poor old French Hornist remains blissfully unaware that he's going in for surgery soon!

Other points to note are that I gave the band an escort at the rear, with four troopers, a trumpeter on white horse - and an officer with drawn sword. The Officer sitting sideways with drawn sword may be seen looking on. He is a copy of the well known Britains figure - again by Dorset - and is meant to be the Colonel of the Regiment - who has seen his band playing - and come to have a look.

At the rear/ side you see a couple of troopers from 9th and 12th Lancers who are looking on. This came about as a "happy accident" when Giles Brown of Dorset Soldiers sent me too many bodies! I owned up and paid for them - and made them up as you see them. I used illustrations by Richard Simkins from Bill Carman's lovely book "Uniforms of the British Army" as a source for painting.

This last point highlights one of the many advantages of using castings - you can make 'em up as any of the regiments that you like! I often see collectors bemoaning that " they don't do it in XX reegiment". With castings, no such rulles apply - you have a blank canvas!

Hope you like them. johnnybach.

Now then Jeff - what are you bringing to the party?

JB, Like them very much :cool:

These were painted by my wife (who is a bit of an artist in her own right :D ) castings are recasts from SoldierPac. Great shame they stopped producing.

The original was seen for sale at one of the London shows last year.



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Re: Argyle & Sutherland Highlanders from Castings

That IS a pretty thing - love those tigers. Clearly you are both very talented artists. Thanks for showing them. johnnybach

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