Chicago Show report (3 Viewers)

I was also a victim of a theft, someone pilched a powder blue set of Rin Tin Tin character figures from my room. Since I was next door to George I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same guy.

In the 14 years I have been selling at the West Coaster, I have only had one theft. Several years ago, someone pinched a Black Watch officer from a Kingcast gattling gun set I was selling. I am pretty sure it happened when there were 7 or 8 people in my room and I was talking to several collectors. He positioned himself with his back to me and was bent over the bed as if looking at the sets on display. I never saw him before and didn't get a good look at him anyway. That year several other sellers reported a theft during room trading at the show. I had to sell the set at half off since it was missing the officer. Oh, well. However, the overwhelming majority of toy soldier collectors are very honest and trustworthy.

I have recently bought several sets from that eBayer and I am currently bidding on several others. The return address label says his first name is "Tom." So either the widow story is not true or she is still using her late husband's name on the hand printed return address for whatever reason.


I've had the same experience with the Trophy sets I've purchased from this person.

BTW, where were you this year? I was looking for you. Maybe I'll see you next year (hopefully).


I've had the same experience with the Trophy sets I've purchased from this person.

BTW, where were you this year? I was looking for you. Maybe I'll see you next year (hopefully).



Although I have attended 14 Chicago Shows since 1993, I have not attended since 2008. It is an expensive proposition at about $700 or $800 for airfare, hotel, rental car, etc. before I even buy the first toy soldier set. The fact of the matter is that I have so many toy soldiers in my collection that I have no where to display them and the early arrivers scarf up the few Trophy sets I would be interested in acquiring before I get there anyway. But I may attend next year, to just to say hello to everyone who goes to Chicago but not to the West Coaster.

Although I have attended 14 Chicago Shows since 1993, I have not attended since 2008. It is an expensive proposition at about $700 or $800 for airfare, hotel, rental car, etc. before I even buy the first toy soldier set. The fact of the matter is that I have so many toy soldiers in my collection that I have no where to display them and the early arrivers scarf up the few Trophy sets I would be interested in acquiring before I get there anyway. But I may attend next year, to just to say hello to everyone who goes to Chicago but not to the West Coaster.


I can't disagree with anything you've said but my view of the Show is not to expect finding anything that I'm looking for (such as glossy K & C and, now, Trophy) but to use it as an occasion to see people I don't get to see during the year. Anything else is gravy. It makes the Show enjoyable that way. This year I got lucky: I was given a box of retired K & C glossy, three of which I didn't have. That made the Show for me.

Here is a random sample of pictures from the show:










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The diorams are wonderful, superbe.

Thanks for the fotos...
Interesting to pick out the TG sets. bren gun para in the raft looks good also . Tank killers look good.

Thanks for posting

I picked up these Roman figures at the show...Does anyone know who makes them?





They are about 60mm...slightly bigger than Conte. They have square bases.
Well I found a minute to take some pics. Interestingly, all of my purchases at this years show were Glossy. I finally picked up my 2 FFL set- this set I found in a round about way through TreeF. I had made contact with someone who had these two sets I was looking for, and then lost contact-low and behold as i started my quest in Chicago, I was quickly pointed to a room- when i entered the room with my wish list and read off my ....inquiry...." hI, I am looking for Ducal modern Foreign legion color Guard...?" I was promptly met with...."are you Grant?" WOW!!! he had them squirreled away in the hopes i would be at the show!! That is what is great about the Chicago show!!Ducal is represented fairly in my collection the FFL set appealed to me as I once was on the steps of the Strasbourg recruiting building with 3 mates ready to start an adventure we talked ourselves out of- with regrets to this day...(whats 5 years looking back)
I also picked up the marching officer from Patrick at the British Toy Soldier Company-this will go with the 6 sets of this line as I seem to be missing an officer to lead the parade. I also picked up Winston Churchill Figure but I have laready given it as a gift to a comrade-so no pic-It is now sitting front and center on my Commanding Officers desk.

Lastly is the Tommy Atkins set- just sitting there by himself wanting a good home. It has joined the space in my collection reserved for FIW and native figures- there is one other TA figure in my collection- it was purchased at a mueseum gift shop a few years back.

So Chicago was a Glossy trip for me. The same week however I caved in and bought a lot of Conte Zulu, WB Zulu and WW1. So although the take was still big- what is important is to see the hard to see/find stuff.

My Collection gets bigger!



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Well I found a minute to take some pics. Interestingly, all of my purchases at this years show were Glossy. I finally picked up my 2 FFL set- this set I found in a round about way through TreeF. I had made contact with someone who had these two sets I was looking for, and then lost contact-low and behold as i started my quest in Chicago, I was quickly pointed to a room- when i entered the room with my wish list and read off my ....inquiry...." hI, I am looking for Ducal modern Foreign legion color Guard...?" I was promptly met with...."are you Grant?" WOW!!! he had them squirreled away in the hopes i would be at the show!! That is what is great about the Chicago show!!Ducal is represented fairly in my collection the FFL set appealed to me as I once was on the steps of the Strasbourg recruiting building with 3 mates ready to start an adventure we talked ourselves out of- with regrets to this day...(whats 5 years looking back)
I also picked up the marching officer from Patrick at the British Toy Soldier Company-this will go with the 6 sets of this line as I seem to be missing an officer to lead the parade. I also picked up Winston Churchill Figure but I have laready given it as a gift to a comrade-so no pic-It is now sitting front and center on my Commanding Officers desk.

Lastly is the Tommy Atkins set- just sitting there by himself wanting a good home. It has joined the space in my collection reserved for FIW and native figures- there is one other TA figure in my collection- it was purchased at a mueseum gift shop a few years back.

So Chicago was a Glossy trip for me. The same week however I caved in and bought a lot of Conte Zulu, WB Zulu and WW1. So although the take was still big- what is important is to see the hard to see/find stuff.

My Collection gets bigger!


Wow, I did a double take when I saw your Ducal French Foreign Legion sets. Some of their heads bear an uncanny resemblance to Hiriart's set 1170, especially the officer.


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might have that one too one day then- one thing is for sure though- Ducal is going to be hard to get.

There definitley is a resemblance- but then the glossy world does seem a little incestuous.

that is a nice set thanks for sharing it!!


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