I actually find that signature of his pretty arrogant- I'm a grown man, I can figure things out for myself- I really don't need to be given "Advice" from anyone. But hey, that's me, I still like the BF, and I know he accepts me for my flaws as I do with what I perceive to be his.
I've had quite the laugh over the years listening to the "civil" clique tell the rest of us when we are and aren't being civil- you know because this forum doesn't have excellent moderators already, we need the rest of you to tell us when we aren't being civil. Last time I checked, most of us are males on this forum at various stages of age and maturity development. Men fight bicker and argue about all sorts of things- 99% of which is complete nonsense- heck, there are several of you lawyer types on this forum who make a living essentially arguing. Anyway, men fight to the death about nonsense like- best rock band, best football team, LAH vs. Romans, North vs. South- after being a card carrying member of the man club for 39 years now, I simply chalk it up to genetic flaw in our design and drive on. What men also do is agree to disagree and don't carry grudges- I may argue till I'm blue in the face about something idiotic like the LAH and collectors preferences but that doesnt mean I still wouldnt respect the guys who collect it and judge them by how I condcut myself.
At the end of the day, this "civility" notion is pretty pompous in my opinion and is simply ignorant of the fact that we are men and we argue. I would prefer to simply accept the "flaws" I see in people and recognize that no one is perfect- moi being a case in point.