Civility on the Forum (1 Viewer)

As well as showing civility I think it would be good if some kept any extreme/racist views firmly in their closet at home, this is not the place for them.


Well said Rob {bravo}}
Things could go even smoother if all members would respect the opinion,thoughts and ideas of others without acting authoritive or...higher than thou attitude. Hurling rude comments and arguing over Toy Soldier Collecting just seems ridiculous when you sit back and look at it. I am not going to converse anymore with the constant disagree type whose opinion is not the know all end all. Too many good people here to converse with. ^&cool

I think what get members back up when people make bold statement not based on fact but just there opinion then you will get people responding to them comments as it only there opinion and not facts .
I think some of you blokes need to get out more often,as far as the world is at the moment i find the forum very civil.
I you can't handle the heat get out of the kitchen and if you don't like someone don't bother answering there posts or replying in there threads etc,etc.
Just my 2 bobs worth.....................................:) (compulsory smiley face..............:D)

Thats a very good one mate (does that mean my jerry uniform has to go back in the closet???) also, those who can only converse with threats of violence. Really no place for that either. I do agree fully with Wayne that this place is civil 99% of the time and, you hear far worse in everyday life across the world

As well as showing civility I think it would be good if some kept any extreme/racist views firmly in their closet at home, this is not the place for them.


Thats a very good one mate (does that mean my jerry uniform has to go back in the closet???) also, those who can only converse with threats of violence. Really no place for that either. I do agree fully with Wayne that this place is civil 99% of the time and, you hear far worse in everyday life across the world

Mitch, just put it on to scare the kids at Halloween!{eek3}:wink2:

I fully agree with you on the serious point. Threats of violence over toy soldiers is beyond me, thankfully this doesn't happen too often and as you say its mostly peaceful these days. I must say the vast majority of people here are well balanced,open minded, friendly and open to discussion. Far better to walk away from antagonistic posts these days I find, this forum is full of good folk and its these I enjoy debating with.


Mitch, just put it on to scare the kids at Halloween!{eek3}:wink2:

I fully agree with you on the serious point. Threats of violence over toy soldiers is beyond me, thankfully this doesn't happen too often and as you say its mostly peaceful these days. I must say the vast majority of people here are well balanced,open minded, friendly and open to discussion. Far better to walk away from antagonistic posts these days I find, this forum is full of good folk and its these I enjoy debating with.



Wow! Threats of violence on this thread? Racist remarks? What did I miss? Where they deleted?
I hope this thread does not wind up being moderated but the brit farmer has some excellent advice in his signature that might help things:

1) Am I adding anything new? Or has the thread reached the circular stage of ‘Everything has been said, now everyone is just having their say’?
2) Don’t post in contentious threads – I do discussion, I don’t do arguing.
3) Remember that I am under no obligation to post – I don’t have to click the ‘Reply’ button, I can just read the thread.

Respectfully submitted,


I actually find that signature of his pretty arrogant- I'm a grown man, I can figure things out for myself- I really don't need to be given "Advice" from anyone. But hey, that's me, I still like the BF, and I know he accepts me for my flaws as I do with what I perceive to be his. :)

I've had quite the laugh over the years listening to the "civil" clique tell the rest of us when we are and aren't being civil- you know because this forum doesn't have excellent moderators already, we need the rest of you to tell us when we aren't being civil. Last time I checked, most of us are males on this forum at various stages of age and maturity development. Men fight bicker and argue about all sorts of things- 99% of which is complete nonsense- heck, there are several of you lawyer types on this forum who make a living essentially arguing. Anyway, men fight to the death about nonsense like- best rock band, best football team, LAH vs. Romans, North vs. South- after being a card carrying member of the man club for 39 years now, I simply chalk it up to genetic flaw in our design and drive on. What men also do is agree to disagree and don't carry grudges- I may argue till I'm blue in the face about something idiotic like the LAH and collectors preferences but that doesnt mean I still wouldnt respect the guys who collect it and judge them by how I condcut myself.

At the end of the day, this "civility" notion is pretty pompous in my opinion and is simply ignorant of the fact that we are men and we argue. I would prefer to simply accept the "flaws" I see in people and recognize that no one is perfect- moi being a case in point.
I actually find that signature of his pretty arrogant- I'm a grown man, I can figure things out for myself- I really don't need to be given "Advice" from anyone. But hey, that's me, I still like the BF, and I know he accepts me for my flaws as I do with what I perceive to be his. :)

I've had quite the laugh over the years listening to the "civil" clique tell the rest of us when we are and aren't being civil- you know because this forum doesn't have excellent moderators already, we need the rest of you to tell us when we aren't being civil. Last time I checked, most of us are males on this forum at various stages of age and maturity development. Men fight bicker and argue about all sorts of things- 99% of which is complete nonsense- heck, there are several of you lawyer types on this forum who make a living essentially arguing. Anyway, men fight to the death about nonsense like- best rock band, best football team, LAH vs. Romans, North vs. South- after being a card carrying member of the man club for 39 years now, I simply chalk it up to genetic flaw in our design and drive on. What men also do is agree to disagree and don't carry grudges- I may argue till I'm blue in the face about something idiotic like the LAH and collectors preferences but that doesnt mean I still wouldnt respect the guys who collect it and judge them by how I condcut myself.

At the end of the day, this "civility" notion is pretty pompous in my opinion and is simply ignorant of the fact that we are men and we argue. I would prefer to simply accept the "flaws" I see in people and recognize that no one is perfect- moi being a case in point.

I actually find that signature of his pretty arrogant-

Right on spot Chris …Me, I call this Power Trip, whatever happens you can not criticize nothing here.. If someone put three tanks and a bunch of soldiers on top of the table, you have to say ’’ What a nice dio Mate, otherwise they will complain and start to cry....

Critique is the lifeblood of improvement; if you want to get better, ask for it.
{sm0} harden up troops those bayonets arent going to float into the enemy.

Last time I checked, most of us are males on this forum at various stages of age and maturity development.

On average, 6 - 9 years of age and 'im' to 'not very' :)
I tend to put myself at the lower end of the spectrum on each count. :p
I actually find that signature of his pretty arrogant- I'm a grown man, I can figure things out for myself- I really don't need to be given "Advice" from anyone. But hey, that's me, I still like the BF, and I know he accepts me for my flaws as I do with what I perceive to be his. :)

I've had quite the laugh over the years listening to the "civil" clique tell the rest of us when we are and aren't being civil- you know because this forum doesn't have excellent moderators already, we need the rest of you to tell us when we aren't being civil. Last time I checked, most of us are males on this forum at various stages of age and maturity development. Men fight bicker and argue about all sorts of things- 99% of which is complete nonsense- heck, there are several of you lawyer types on this forum who make a living essentially arguing. Anyway, men fight to the death about nonsense like- best rock band, best football team, LAH vs. Romans, North vs. South- after being a card carrying member of the man club for 39 years now, I simply chalk it up to genetic flaw in our design and drive on. What men also do is agree to disagree and don't carry grudges- I may argue till I'm blue in the face about something idiotic like the LAH and collectors preferences but that doesnt mean I still wouldnt respect the guys who collect it and judge them by how I condcut myself.

At the end of the day, this "civility" notion is pretty pompous in my opinion and is simply ignorant of the fact that we are men and we argue. I would prefer to simply accept the "flaws" I see in people and recognize that no one is perfect- moi being a case in point.

I suppose part of the problem is that no one ever goes around saying "I am rude" - we all contextaualise it it by saying things like "I am honest" or "I am outspoken" or "I have a right to free speech". The notion of civility is not so much pompous as ill defined - what I think is civil others may find rude. One of the posts included a comment like 'toughen up' which I laughed at because it is a phrase I use and have had used against me. To someone else it may offend.

Another issue - which I can raise now my toy soldier collection has hurtled past 50 - is that it is perhaps not enough to say real life requires you to accept pointed criticism and that it is part of real life etc. It is true - part of my job entails taking some abuse, putting up with criticism, being part of a politicised environment, seeing personal tragedies unfold - as each of us do - but that does not mean I like it or that I seek it in my private time.

I have not enjoyed this forum because it is a microcosm but the opposite. I love the fact that a bunch of predominantly middle aged men from around the world spend so much time and money on toys. I find it a great hobby - once again based on my two months - not because of its importance but because it is the only part of my week which is inconsequential - which paradoxically makes it important.

Just a few thoughts from a newbie!
I think there have been some very good posts on here
debrito;45472R2 said:
I actually find that signature of his pretty arrogant-

Right on spot Chris …Me, I call this Power Trip, whatever happens you can not criticize nothing here.. If someone put three tanks and a bunch of soldiers on top of the table, you have to say ’’ What a nice dio Mate, otherwise they will complain and start to cry....

Critique is the lifeblood of improvement; if you want to get better, ask for it.

Very good post mate .

I love this quote:

"I find it a great hobby.....not because of its importance but because it is the only part of my week which is inconsequential - which paradoxically makes it important."

The therapeutic value of this great hobby!

I actually find that signature of his pretty arrogant- I'm a grown man, I can figure things out for myself- I really don't need to be given "Advice" from anyone. But hey, that's me, I still like the BF, and I know he accepts me for my flaws as I do with what I perceive to be his. :)

I couldn't disagree more. If that were the case, we wouldn't need moderators would we.

As far as grown men, and this is not directed to you Chris, but I found as a moderator (and for those of you who are new here, I was the first moderator), yes there are grown men on here in age but not always in maturity.
Hi Guys,

There are some fantastic posts here! Chris and Jack excellent Posts for very different reasons!!!

The problem is the sense of entitlement, there is freedom of speech and it is easy to hide behind the internet.
However this is a private forum owned by Shannon & Peter and is provided by them free of charge for us to share our hobby. People lose site of this fact and I think one should conduct themselves as if they were in Shannon & Peters own home. Think about if you will, if some of the comments here on the forum occurred in your home, would you put up with it? I think the answer would be NO! (but what about freedom of speech?)I rather think that person would be escorted toot sweet from your home if he continued to behave in such a manner.

The forum should be no different.

No one is saying you have to like this or that or dislike this or that, lets just be nice instead of jumping down each others throats.
The problem is the sense of entitlement, there is freedom of speech and it is easy to hide behind the internet.
However this is a private forum owned by Shannon & Peter and is provided by them free of charge for us to share our hobby. People lose site of this fact and I think one should conduct themselves as if they were in Shannon & Peters own home. Think about if you will, if some of the comments here on the forum occurred in your home, would you put up with it? I think the answer would be NO! (but what about freedom of speech?)I rather think that person would be escorted toot sweet from your home if he continued to behave in such a manner.

The forum should be no different.

No one is saying you have to like this or that or dislike this or that, lets just be nice instead of jumping down each others throats.

Scott what an excellent post! This is the same way I see it, if Shannon & Peter are good enough to let's us use this great forum we should give them & each other the same respect we would in person or as you put it in there own home.

If I can add a point here, I must say the ignore button is a useful tool. If someone is bugging you so much you feel you are about to explode, hit the button. I recently decided I either had to make some changes or leave as I constantly found myself in arguments. So I hit the button and if you stick to it it does work.

Of course if you don't want to go to that extreme you can just do as I did recently and just say ' whatever you say' and add a :smile2:, it may be laced with sarcasm but its better than getting into another row. I really enjoy this forum and always have done, the rows were spoiling my enjoyment, I took both these steps and I'm loving it again:)no


The problem with the ignore button it could come across as you being rude and childish , sometimes it better to let the person know that he up setting you than simply ignoring them don't you think . Funny thing is you can't read this :wink2::D

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