College Football 2011! (11 Viewers)

As this situation continues, it is interesting to see the different reactions to it all. The fact that riot police were called in last night at Penn State is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, if they were needed, then they should have been used. What I think is silly is that fact that some students are reacting violently to this 'firing'. Don't such students have other things to worry about than who the football coach is? How childish.

Secondly, I was suprised to hear on local sports talk here in Nebraska the number of people who wanted the University of Nebraska to boycott this weekend's game until Paterno was removed. I mean, it was a pervasive attitude the last couple days. Also, a sports broadcaster here basically told Husker fans to be careful if they travel to Penn State for the game. I thought that was a little excessive, but perhaps not, if Paterno fans are already 'rioting'!


Fans aren't rioting, immature college kids are rioting. I wouldn't worry about coming to the game.

Paterno's own comment to the kids had a certain dignity to it, he told them to go home, study and go to bed, because they have more important things to worry about.
As this situation continues, it is interesting to see the different reactions to it all. The fact that riot police were called in last night at Penn State is ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, if they were needed, then they should have been used. What I think is silly is that fact that some students are reacting violently to this 'firing'. Don't such students have other things to worry about than who the football coach is? How childish.

Secondly, I was suprised to hear on local sports talk here in Nebraska the number of people who wanted the University of Nebraska to boycott this weekend's game until Paterno was removed. I mean, it was a pervasive attitude the last couple days. Also, a sports broadcaster here basically told Husker fans to be careful if they travel to Penn State for the game. I thought that was a little excessive, but perhaps not, if Paterno fans are already 'rioting'!


There's always an element out there that will get caught up in the moment. Thanks for sharing the Nebraska angle as I was wondering if their program had any opinion on the event. I certainly think the sportscaster is very smart in telling people to be careful but I feel that about any event where there are 60,000+ people and scores of young college students consuming alcohol. :rolleyes2:

@Combat- I gotta wonder about Joes attendance as well- I cannot imagine that they can legally bar him from the game??? Guess it's on him on how he wants to handle this. I gotta imagine he'll watch from home or something- he knows that if he shows up, that would be a distraction that could adversely affect his team.
There's a report going around that Sandusky was using his Second Mile Foundation to pimp kids to rich donors. If that's true, I mean what can you say?
Fans aren't rioting, immature college kids are rioting. I wouldn't worry about coming to the game.

Paterno's own comment to the kids had a certain dignity to it, he told them to go home, study and go to bed, because they have more important things to worry about.

True, it is immature students who are causing the disturbance. However, it is interesting to note that the warning the local sports guy here gave out occured before last night's events. In fact, the host gave his warning back on Tuesday. While I personally don't see any reason to worry if I was to attend, I do think some people will see last night's events as justification of thier preconceptions. Meaning, they heard there could be trouble and lo and behold, there is minor rioting.

There's always an element out there that will get caught up in the moment. Thanks for sharing the Nebraska angle as I was wondering if their program had any opinion on the event. I certainly think the sportscaster is very smart in telling people to be careful but I feel that about any event where there are 60,000+ people and scores of young college students consuming alcohol. :rolleyes2:

Yeah, the radio host who gave this warning is not some local hack. He is the primary host on the daily 3-hour Husker radio show. As you can imagine, it is a big deal, since there isn't much else to report on sports-wise in this state! I would say his concern is a little overblown though.

There's a report going around that Sandusky was using his Second Mile Foundation to pimp kids to rich donors. If that's true, I mean what can you say?

If that is true, that is really despicable.

Just saw on ESPN that 2 politicos that were supporting Paterno for the US Presidential Medal of Freedom have pulled their support/backing. How the heck can that award even be considered now? -- Al
I will be watching tonight when Notre Dame comes to town to play UMd at Fedex Field. This game will show whether or not UMd has anything left in the pride tank and if they can haul themselves out of the dark place that they have inhabited for weeks now. I don't really think that there is an iota of a chance that UMd can win but I do expect them to put up a fight and play with stubborn pride in this nationally televised game. If UMd rolls over and plays dead, I'm going to write a nasty letter to Randy Edsall and the UMd AD.:mad:(That'll show 'em.:wink2:) The Terps better show some fight. -- Al
The picks for this week:

Penn. St. 27 Neb. 21 - An important game before the meltdown. Hard to say how the PSU team will be impacted, but I see them coming out with some emotion and getting the win.

USC 35 Washington 27 - The Mighty Trojans get a nice win at home today. Get a shot at Oregon next.

Oregon 52 Stanford 47 - Upset pick. The Ducks win the shootout and end Stanford's BCS chances. Luck should still win the Heisman.

Georgia 24 Auburn 20 - Another ugly SEC matchup.

ND 37 MD 14 - Sorry Al.
The picks for this week:

Penn. St. 27 Neb. 21 - An important game before the meltdown. Hard to say how the PSU team will be impacted, but I see them coming out with some emotion and getting the win.

USC 35 Washington 27 - The Mighty Trojans get a nice win at home today. Get a shot at Oregon next.

Oregon 52 Stanford 47 - Upset pick. The Ducks win the shootout and end Stanford's BCS chances. Luck should still win the Heisman.

Georgia 24 Auburn 20 - Another ugly SEC matchup.

ND 37 MD 14 - Sorry Al.
LOL. No need to be sorry, Doug. I will be surprised if it is that close.{eek3} -- Al
Penn St is laying an egg at halftime. They look flat. I wonder if the crowd starts the "we want Joe" chant in the 4th quarter. Could be quite a seen if Paterno makes his way to the stadium.
Looks like Penn State is trying to make it interesting. Hope they win. No reason everybody should suffer because the top may be rotten, not to mention they could use something positive, a little diversion for a brief moment.
I will be watching tonight when Notre Dame comes to town to play UMd at Fedex Field. This game will show whether or not UMd has anything left in the pride tank and if they can haul themselves out of the dark place that they have inhabited for weeks now. I don't really think that there is an iota of a chance that UMd can win but I do expect them to put up a fight and play with stubborn pride in this nationally televised game. If UMd rolls over and plays dead, I'm going to write a nasty letter to Randy Edsall and the UMd AD.:mad:(That'll show 'em.:wink2:) The Terps better show some fight. -- Al
They have not layed down for ND but the Terps trail 24-7 at the half. That last ND TD with 00:29 left in the half was a killer, otherwise UMd is still in the game. Maybe UMd can get back in the game if they play well in the 3rd. -- Al
They have not layed down for ND but the Terps trail 24-7 at the half. That last ND TD with 00:29 left in the half was a killer, otherwise UMd is still in the game. Maybe UMd can get back in the game if they play well in the 3rd. -- Al
Forget what I said. UMd is now in the process of laying down, digging a hole, crawling in, and pulling the dirt in after them, ie., being buried. Now down 38-7 with 6 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.:mad: Lights out, the party is over. Someone call the police before anyone gets hurt. {sm2} -- Al
Hey Doug, nice call on the UMd-ND point spread. You called ND by 23 and they won by 24. That's real close. Now about this weeks Lotto numbers... :D -- Al
Forget what I said. UMd is now in the process of laying down, digging a hole, crawling in, and pulling the dirt in after them, ie., being buried. Now down 38-7 with 6 minutes left in the 3rd quarter.:mad: Lights out, the party is over. Someone call the police before anyone gets hurt. {sm2} -- Al
Impressive, Doug. You called 4 out of the 5 games correctly that you listed. Sounds like it could be a lucrative sideline business.:wink2:^&grin -- Al
I was out last night but recorded the ND-UM game and put it on when I came home. Fast fwd the last half when it was apparent Terps had rolled over. The Defense is terrible. :( Chris
I was out last night but recorded the ND-UM game and put it on when I came home. Fast fwd the last half when it was apparent Terps had rolled over. The Defense is terrible. :( Chris
Terrible is an inadequate adjective at this point, Chris. This was the third time in the last five games that the defense has given up 500+ yards. Just as a comparison, under Friedgen, the defense gave up 500+ yards four times in TEN seasons. The team is terrible on both sides of the ball and I don't see how it gets better in the next season. The whole situation at UMd is in flux as far as the sports are concerned. The B-ball team is badly undermanned and will be taking the court with 1 senior, 1 junior, 1 soph, and 2 frosh as starters. The ten man bench has 2 seniors, 1 junior, the rest are sophs and frosh. It is a very young team that lost it's top four scorers from last season. It is going to take some beatings for a while, I fear. The financial situation for sports at UMd is grim. There is talk that up to 9 of the 27 varsity sports are going to be axed, including baseball, wrestling, swimming, diving. Things are getting really ugly at College Park. :( -- Al
Terrible is an inadequate adjective at this point, Chris. This was the third time in the last five games that the defense has given up 500+ yards. Just as a comparison, under Friedgen, the defense gave up 500+ yards four times in TEN seasons. The team is terrible on both sides of the ball and I don't see how it gets better in the next season. The whole situation at UMd is in flux as far as the sports are concerned. The B-ball team is badly undermanned and will be taking the court with 1 senior, 1 junior, 1 soph, and 2 frosh as starters. The ten man bench has 2 seniors, 1 junior, the rest are sophs and frosh. It is a very young team that lost it's top four scorers from last season. It is going to take some beatings for a while, I fear. The financial situation for sports at UMd is grim. There is talk that up to 9 of the 27 varsity sports are going to be axed, including baseball, wrestling, swimming, diving. Things are getting really ugly at College Park. :( -- Al

Al, sorry to hear this state of affairs. I had not heard about the deplorable financial condition and possible loss of so many varsity sports. It seems not so long ago UM won some award for best overall athltics in the ACC. It comes from lack of leadership by the president and board of trustees.

I know we're going to take a pounding in bball this yr. That one reason Gary Williams retired, he failed to recruit. Chris
It's a rarity, but Northwestern actually overwhelmed a team they were supposed to beat. The defense, which was so horrible most of the year, held Rice scoreless until late in the 4th when it no longer mattered.

It's amazing what a little confidence can do for a team...bring in the Gophers!
Interesting take on the Paterno situation in the NY Times:

First came the atrocity, then came the vanity. The atrocity is what Jerry Sandusky has been accused of doing at Penn State. The vanity is the outraged reaction of a zillion commentators over the past week, whose indignation is based on the assumption that if they had been in Joe Paterno’s shoes, or assistant coach Mike McQueary’s shoes, they would have behaved better. They would have taken action and stopped any sexual assaults.

Unfortunately, none of us can safely make that assumption. Over the course of history — during the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide or the street beatings that happen in American neighborhoods — the same pattern has emerged. Many people do not intervene. Very often they see but they don’t see.

Some people simply can’t process the horror in front of them. Some people suffer from what the psychologists call Normalcy Bias. When they find themselves in some unsettling circumstance, they shut down and pretend everything is normal.

Some people suffer from Motivated Blindness; they don’t see what is not in their interest to see. Some people don’t look at the things that make them uncomfortable. In one experiment, people were shown pictures, some of which contained sexual imagery. Machines tracked their eye movements. The people who were uncomfortable with sex never let their eyes dart over to the uncomfortable parts of the pictures.

As Daniel Goleman wrote in his book “Vital Lies, Simple Truths,” “In order to avoid looking, some element of the mind must have known first what the picture contained, so that it knew what to avoid. The mind somehow grasps what is going on and rushes a protective filter into place, thus steering awareness away from what threatens.”

Even in cases where people consciously register some offense, they still often don’t intervene. In research done at Penn State and published in 1999, students were asked if they would make a stink if someone made a sexist remark in their presence. Half said yes. When researchers arranged for that to happen, only 16 percent protested.

In another experiment at a different school, 68 percent of students insisted they would refuse to answer if they were asked offensive questions during a job interview. But none actually objected when asked questions like, “Do you think it is appropriate for women to wear bras to work?”

So many people do nothing while witnessing ongoing crimes, psychologists have a name for it: the Bystander Effect. The more people are around to witness the crime, the less likely they are to intervene.

Online you can find videos of savage beatings, with dozens of people watching blandly. The Kitty Genovese case from the ’60s is mostly apocryphal, but hundreds of other cases are not. A woman was recently murdered at a yoga clothing store in Maryland while employees at the Apple Store next door heard the disturbing noises but did not investigate. Ilan Halimi, a French Jew, was tortured for 24 days by 20 Moroccan kidnappers, with the full knowledge of neighbors. Nobody did anything, and Halimi eventually was murdered.

People are really good at self-deception. We attend to the facts we like and suppress the ones we don’t. We inflate our own virtues and predict we will behave more nobly than we actually do. As Max H. Bazerman and Ann E. Tenbrunsel write in their book, “Blind Spots,” “When it comes time to make a decision, our thoughts are dominated by thoughts of how we want to behave; thoughts of how we should behave disappear.”

In centuries past, people built moral systems that acknowledged this weakness. These systems emphasized our sinfulness. They reminded people of the evil within themselves. Life was seen as an inner struggle against the selfish forces inside. These vocabularies made people aware of how their weaknesses manifested themselves and how to exercise discipline over them. These systems gave people categories with which to process savagery and scripts to follow when they confronted it. They helped people make moral judgments and hold people responsible amidst our frailties.

But we’re not Puritans anymore. We live in a society oriented around our inner wonderfulness. So when something atrocious happens, people look for some artificial, outside force that must have caused it — like the culture of college football, or some other favorite bogey. People look for laws that can be changed so it never happens again.

Commentators ruthlessly vilify all involved from the island of their own innocence. Everyone gets to proudly ask: “How could they have let this happen?”

The proper question is: How can we ourselves overcome our natural tendency to evade and self-deceive. That was the proper question after Abu Ghraib, Madoff, the Wall Street follies and a thousand other scandals. But it’s a question this society has a hard time asking because the most seductive evasion is the one that leads us to deny the underside of our own nature.
Some people simply can’t process the horror in front of them. Some people suffer from what the psychologists call Normalcy Bias. When they find themselves in some unsettling circumstance, they shut down and pretend everything is normal.

In all the discussions around this issue, I couldn't agree more with what is being said here. I saw this type of thing happen far too many times in the service- the difference between life and death- was simple- boiled down to one word- TRAINING. I know I have froze before in making decisions where timing was critical. Clearly McQueary wasn't trained on how to react to something like this. I believe the older we get, the more life experiences we have faced so we are better equipped to handle bumbling into a circumstance where something horrific is occuring.

At my wife's daycare, I run mock exercises covering fires, shooters, floods and poison. A couple times a year we meet and review what to do if "x" happens. I will typically walk into the center unannounced and inform everyone this is a "shooter" drill and they execute. The kids stay calm and everyone rests easy knowing that they know what to do. The local PD reviews our contingencies with us as well. Heck, even as my house was up in flames last December, I knew from walk throughs at my house what to do- my little guy- age 4- did everything perfectly- no crying or distress. Just did exactly what he was told.

So yeah, in hindsight, given the football teams closeness to the Second Mile Charity, all these guys should have been getting some training in how to react to sex abuse situations.

This is really going to take a long time for me to recover from, if ever. Couldn't care less about the team, just crushed for the families of these kids.

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