Also agree about Black Sheep. Best part of that show was the Corsairs.:wink2: -- Al
What could be better than Corsairs over southern California! I remember watching the takeoff and landing scenes, not a piece of vegetation in sight. :rolleyes2: Wonder what airport they used to film that.
I have several seasons of Combat and Rat Patrol. Most of Combat was "human drama" with a little actual combat thrown in. Still, nothing better for me as a kid. Saw a stone wall prop swaying as the squad jumped over while watching an episode on DVD. Rat Patrol usually ended with everyone back at the club after a hard day's fight, with a Brit, Aussie and every other nationality, and a WAC, enjoying a beverage celbrating another victory over the Afrika Korps. :smile2: I think the poor guy lost a kidney going over the sand dune in the opening sequence.
Anyone remember 12 O'Clock High? Chris