Combat! (1 Viewer)

This was my favorite TV show as as kid as well....Does anyone remember collecting Combat bubble gum cards?? I had quite the collection along with my baseball cards
Hi Vezzolf. I had a bunch of them when I was much younger. Most have long disappeared but I still have 2 or 3 of them, somewhere. The set of those cards is quite expensive to buy on the secondary market so I have never tried to recover that portion of my childhood.{sm2} -- Al
Don't feel bad mate, I doubt that any of us enjoy early TV shows as much as we did when we were kids, those were the days, and we won't see them again as we did then {sm2}[/QUOTE/]This is a very true statement. There are many shows I loved as a kid that I now find unwatchable, the fabled MASH being foremost amongst them. I have found, however, that Combat! and the early Gunsmoke episodes have held up very well and can still compete with TV shows that are on today. Some of the Combat! episodes rate as high (with me, anyway) as anything I've ever watched on the tube. For the most part, our memories of the old shows are the best part of those shows. :wink2: -- Al

I agree Matt and Al, i used to love watching "Black Sheep Squadron" as a kid but when i watched an episode recently that was being re-run on one of the TV channels over here, i found it to be ridiculous with very poor acting. I still like how the producers managed to get a good number of F4U Corsairs together (as well as some replica Zero's) for the show although it was tiresome watching the same footage of the dogfights they had.

This is a very true statement. There are many shows I loved as a kid that I now find unwatchable, the fabled MASH being foremost amongst them. I have found, however, that Combat! and the early Gunsmoke episodes have held up very well and can still compete with TV shows that are on today. Some of the Combat! episodes rate as high (with me, anyway) as anything I've ever watched on the tube. For the most part, our memories of the old shows are the best part of those shows. :wink2: -- Al

Al, I agree with you there, Combat is still good entertainment.
I agree Matt and Al, i used to love watching "Black Sheep Squadron" as a kid but when i watched an episode recently that was being re-run on one of the TV channels over here, i found it to be ridiculous with very poor acting. I still like how the producers managed to get a good number of F4U Corsairs together (as well as some replica Zero's) for the show although it was tiresome watching the same footage of the dogfights they had.


Tom, same as you mate, I watched one of the recent Black Sheep reruns, but not for long :wink2:
I agree Matt and Al, i used to love watching "Black Sheep Squadron" as a kid but when i watched an episode recently that was being re-run on one of the TV channels over here, i found it to be ridiculous with very poor acting. I still like how the producers managed to get a good number of F4U Corsairs together (as well as some replica Zero's) for the show although it was tiresome watching the same footage of the dogfights they had.

Also agree about Black Sheep. Best part of that show was the Corsairs.:wink2: -- Al
Also agree about Black Sheep. Best part of that show was the Corsairs.:wink2: -- Al

What could be better than Corsairs over southern California! I remember watching the takeoff and landing scenes, not a piece of vegetation in sight. :rolleyes2: Wonder what airport they used to film that.

I have several seasons of Combat and Rat Patrol. Most of Combat was "human drama" with a little actual combat thrown in. Still, nothing better for me as a kid. Saw a stone wall prop swaying as the squad jumped over while watching an episode on DVD. Rat Patrol usually ended with everyone back at the club after a hard day's fight, with a Brit, Aussie and every other nationality, and a WAC, enjoying a beverage celbrating another victory over the Afrika Korps. :smile2: I think the poor guy lost a kidney going over the sand dune in the opening sequence.
Anyone remember 12 O'Clock High? Chris
Thanks for the info Al, come to think of it I'm not surprised that Kirby was runner-up in the wounds category. If I remember right he was a kind of an argumentative, pain-the- neck, wise guy when he first joined the squad and had Saunders snapping "shut up Kirby" to him quite often. But after he became the BAR man he his disposition seemed to mellow a bit ..... wonder how Germans wandered into Kirby's BAR over the years ..... is that in Davidsmeyer's book? :smile2:

One of my favorites was a two part episode at a railway station held by the Brits where the squad teamed up them with to hold off a German counterattack.


Hi Buster, that was one of my favorites as well. Haven't seen it on DVD yet, but always seemed like one of the most realistic episodes to me.

Kirby irritated me as kid, but he's my favorite character now. :smile2:

Would be cool if someone would make TS figs of the squad. FL made characters out of Sharpe's rifles and Kronprinz has some from J Wayne movie She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. Chris
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What could be better than Corsairs over southern California! I remember watching the takeoff and landing scenes, not a piece of vegetation in sight. :rolleyes2: Wonder what airport they used to film that.

I have several seasons of Combat and Rat Patrol. Most of Combat was "human drama" with a little actual combat thrown in. Still, nothing better for me as a kid. Saw a stone wall prop swaying as the squad jumped over while watching an episode on DVD. Rat Patrol usually ended with everyone back at the club after a hard day's fight, with a Brit, Aussie and every other nationality, and a WAC, enjoying a beverage celbrating another victory over the Afrika Korps. :smile2: I think the poor guy lost a kidney going over the sand dune in the opening sequence.
Anyone remember 12 O'Clock High? Chris
Hi Chris. Certainly do remember 12 O'Clock High. It was a goody. I remember Robert Lansing played Gen. Frank Savage (great name for a pilot) during the initial seasons and Paul Burke played the CO after Savage was lost in combat. It was a show I watched with my dad. He liked Lansing. Can't go wrong with B-17's.:wink2: -- Al
Hi Buster, that was one of my favorites as well. Haven't seen it on DVD yet, but always seemed like one of the most realistic episodes to me.

Kirby irritated me as kid, but he's my favorite character now. :smile2:

Would be cool if someone would make TS figs of the squad. FL made characters out of Sharpe's rifles and Kronprinz has some from J Wayne movie She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. Chris

Was that episode the one where the mortars were damaged but they set them up when the German officer came to offer them the chance to surrender?
Was that episode the one where the mortars were damaged but they set them up when the German officer came to offer them the chance to surrender?
Sounds right to me.:smile2: -- Al
I saw that 30 years ago and remember it but I cannot remember what I had for breakfast yesterday!
That's the 2-part episode titled 'What are the Bugles blowin' for?'. -- Al
There is something to be said for consistency and predictability.
Did anyone know that there are words to the theme music?
Proudly we bear the name of the infantry,
Knowing we share the fame of the Army Infantry,
Where-ever liberty's battle must be won,
The Infantry has gone and so it shall go on,
Where there's a job to be done is where we'll be,
For we are the fighting men of the Infantry.
Follow me, left, right,
Follow me, left, right,
We'll go marching to hell and back if it has to be.
Follow me, left, right,
Follow me, left, right,
We're the ever ready men of the Infantry.

Credits- words by Leonard Adelson and music by Lepnard Rosenman

Everything you always wanted to know about Combat! but didn't bother to ask!{sm2}{sm3} -- Al
I have a couple of the DVDs from the show. I used to love this as a young teenager in the 60s, particularly the theme music. Another favorite was 12 O'Clock High. In my mind, they are inseparable.
I have a couple of the DVDs from the show. I used to love this as a young teenager in the 60s, particularly the theme music. Another favorite was 12 O'Clock High. In my mind, they are inseparable.
Agree. Both shows and their themes songs are embedded in my head to this day.^&grin I'm a true child of the TV generation.:redface2::tongue: -- Al
Hi Buster, that was one of my favorites as well. Haven't seen it on DVD yet, but always seemed like one of the most realistic episodes to me.

Kirby irritated me as kid, but he's my favorite character now. :smile2:

Would be cool if someone would make TS figs of the squad. FL made characters out of Sharpe's rifles and Kronprinz has some from J Wayne movie She Wore A Yellow Ribbon. Chris

Hi Chris, "What are the Bugles Blowin' For" is part of the Season 2 - Mission 1 set - disc 4 .... for me seasons 2 and 3 are the best.

Although I've never been a big fan of TS figures of movie/tv characters, but I think I'd willing to make an exception in the case of " Sgt Suanders and the squad" ..... checkmate king2, this is white rook, over! ^&grin

Hi Chris, "What are the Bugles Blowin' For" is part of the Season 2 - Mission 1 set - disc 4 .... for me seasons 2 and 3 are the best.

Although I've never been a big fan of TS figures of movie/tv characters, but I think I'd willing to make an exception in the case of " Sgt Suanders and the squad" ..... checkmate king2, this is white rook, over! ^&grin


Every season of COMBAT! has its great episodes. I have tried to think of my top ten COMBAT! episodes, but there are so many good ones.
I remember back in the 90's seeing COMBAT! for the first time in along time. One episode that stood out was "Duel", where Saunders takes on a German tank. I had a moment of DE ja Vue as I saw the scene of Saunders on top of the tank turret as it turns wildly trying to throw him off. I was taken back to the 60's and was watching the same scene as a kid. One of my favorite episodes.
I too, would love to see someone make a set, (or sets with each character in several different poses) of COMBAT! character figures in plastic. Maybe someone could do like Steve Weston did with the Mag.7. Make character figures with close liknesses but slight differences so that they wouldn't go bankrupt paying royalty fees.
Of course, do everything legal.
Hi Chris, "What are the Bugles Blowin' For" is part of the Season 2 - Mission 1 set - disc 4 .... for me seasons 2 and 3 are the best.

Although I've never been a big fan of TS figures of movie/tv characters, but I think I'd willing to make an exception in the case of " Sgt Suanders and the squad" ..... checkmate king2, this is white rook, over! ^&grin


Thanks Buster, I'm going to look that one up. I have that season. :smile2: Chris

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