Concentration camp (1 Viewer)

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Jul 15, 2009
I would like to make a dio with a liberation of a concentration camp. So some fences and a tower will look nice, maybe some guards and jews in their uniforms.

If this is inappropriate or offend someone, please let me now, then I will delete this.


It's history, isn't it? It happened, so, why not?

Some painters do this subject from time to time; you can find threads over at PlanetFigure and Timelines/Historica on the KZ theme.


I am sure that you have answered your question by your own comments to the extent that some will immediately be offended at this. I am sure, although historically defendable, as it happened, it would be controversial.

I saw a superb display in terms of its graphic reality at the Auschwitz camp and, it was chilling. I have done POW camps with GI surrender sets repainted in multiples for a scene like Harts war and, the well known Malmedy massacre but, never asked to do one like this.

I did see a train carriage with deportee's done in 1/35th scale at a modelling show and, it was very moving dio done very well, and in a way that depicted the horror of it. It recieved a bronze

If you do it it would be something that would cause a whirlwind if you posted it. I would myself be interested to see how it panned out in a dioramic sense. The truth is we deal in war and, a period of history where really nasty things happened. What this shows is that some wish to take these events further than some would. I personally don't see it as wrong or right.

I would like to make a dio with a liberation of a concentration camp. So some fences and a tower will look nice, maybe some guards and jews in their uniforms.

If this is inappropriate or offend someone, please let me now, then I will delete this.


We approached the Holocaust in our presentation of The Great Crusade and we have been complemented for our efforts worldwide. Check our website if you have not seen it.
I have no issues with the subject may be poignant to some...but it's history...
The Holocaust Museum in DC has a large 54mm (As I remember) diorama in monochrome figure os the process to the gas chambers from the train. A diorama of a liberation scene could be more hopeful. My uncle Eddie walker was in a unit that liberated one camp according to my cousin. Uncle Eddie said "don't let anyone tell you it didn't happen!" The Holocaust museum has unit banners for the US units that liberated camps.
The Holocaust Museum in DC has a large 54mm (As I remember) diorama in monochrome figure os the process to the gas chambers from the train. A diorama of a liberation scene could be more hopeful. My uncle Eddie walker was in a unit that liberated one camp according to my cousin. Uncle Eddie said "don't let anyone tell you it didn't happen!" The Holocaust museum has unit banners for the US units that liberated camps.

I agree. The scene from "Band of Brothers" comes to mind, too.

I am cautious by nature. If I was a manufacturer with a business and reputation to consider, the thought of the possible misuse or abuse of the figures would preclude me attempting any such series. Pass.
While I can appreciate the historical significane of the events, I would without hesitation pass.

Given what is on the market today, I do believe you could possibly scrape something together the current civilian offerings and using some of the JG miniatures fencing sections....perhaps.....
Speaking only for myself I wouldn't want starving, emaciated concentration camp victims in my collection, I have to enjoy looking at what I collect at the end of the day. Sorry just too grim. Each to their own though.

Velinden do some good concrete posts sections that replicate exactly those which were commonly found at camps. Verlinden, reality in scale etc do great barbed wire sections which can be used. You can also easily scratch build these sections and, depending on what scale you wish to do it in the figures of civillians which could be used are plentifull in lower scales than 1/30th, however, with a bit of imagination the FOB civillians could be used in multiples and repainted and, arms etc changed.

Nice to see how this thread is progressing
To each his own, but I wouldn't have it my house.

I wouldn't, either, doesn't really fit into my collecting themes. I don't collect any Third Reich stuff, either, though I do build some models of WWII German subjects.

But I wouldn't oppose a KZ diorama, seeing it in a competition, for example.

A vere, very difficult subject to depict. You'd find it hard to find figures in the correct poses, how you'd make inmates I don't know. I for one one wouldn't dare make it. But if you do it well, it could be poignant little scene. The rescue scene from ''Band of Brothers'' could be a good place for reference.
It happened, but making a display of it is in bad taste and will be offensive to many people. About the only way to do it is if you are a Jewish holocaust group showing the horror of the camps with emaciated bodies in an historical remembrance context. Just using normal refugee figures would make it seem like the Hogan's Heroes of concentration camps. And what do concentration camps have to do with collecting toy soldiers? Do airplane modellers do dios of crashed passenger planes with body parts strewn about the site? Or model railroaders doing bloody train wrecks?

Everyone is trying to be liberal and politically correct in their comments on this topic. But if a manufacturer came out with figures for such a dio, I would find it difficult to buy anything from that company or even associate with people on a forum who would make such dios.

Why not a diorama of the hangings after the Nuremberg trials? Or the genocide in Armenia, Africa or Bosnia?

To be honest I don't think any of the bigger producers would touch concentration camp victims with a barge pole. The question of taste and sales would probably kill this at birth, especially as they have their ranges that they know sell well. In this current climate you'd want to be sure (as you can be) something is going to sell, so with a subject that could provoke condemnation and complaint you are at a big disadvantage before you start.

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"Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it".....if you make a scene to honor and remember the victims I don't believe there is a problem with it at all.
Thanks everyone - just discovered I am a hypocrite.

Collect Nazi figures with my support - they represent history, they make no political statement in themselves nor on behalf of the collector or the maker. Until ten minutes ago I would have said collect anything.

Fine for a museum, but I just couldn't bring myself to collect or even to discuss rationally Holocaust figures. Yet I have a Royal Doulton plate from 1938 showing the arrival of the First Fleet with a small figure at the side shooting an Aborigine. A friend collects English soldiers and has some in battle with North American Indians and I saw/see no problem with that.

Yet for all that, the Holocaust stands somehow apart from other atrocities, both in conception, scale (and a bit of racism too - we are used to hearing atrocities from Africa, but this was in Europe and perpetrated by 'civilised' people) and dare I say it, intent. As a Catholic I am well aware of the cupability of the Church, both in acts of commission and acts of ommission. Thirty percent of Australians captured by the Japanese died as POWs, yet one doesn't even want to think what the survival rates in these camps must have been.

I suppose we all think we are open minded and only now and then do we just see something that makes us say ' way'. Holocaust figures are my ' way'.
It happened, but making a display of it is in bad taste and will be offensive to many people. About the only way to do it is if you are a Jewish holocaust group showing the horror of the camps with emaciated bodies in an historical remembrance context. Just using normal refugee figures would make it seem like the Hogan's Heroes of concentration camps. And what do concentration camps have to do with collecting toy soldiers? Do airplane modellers do dios of crashed passenger planes with body parts strewn about the site? Or model railroaders doing bloody train wrecks?

Everyone is trying to be liberal and politically correct in their comments on this topic. But if a manufacturer came out with figures for such a dio, I would find it difficult to buy anything from that company or even associate with people on a forum who would make such dios.

Why not a diorama of the hangings after the Nuremberg trials? Or the genocide in Armenia, Africa or Bosnia?


This more closely resembles my feelings on the matter. Considering my feelings about the general topic area, I've desisted from saying anything substantive on the matter.

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