Concentration camp (1 Viewer)

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I collect TS and display them as a 3D picture. I like looking at it - it makes me feel good.
My dancing and celebrating ancient egyptians are just as nice and colourful to look at as my LAH display is.

I don't think a Concentration Camp display or a massive War Graves Cemetery would be something I'ld like to look at every day. Both are places of shame for the human race, but I don't need any of them as displays in my house.
Here are my 2 cents, slightly different perspective. Disclaimer, our family is Jewish (My wife is full blooded).

Here is how I depict LAH. THere is something awe inspiring regarding the uniforms, cars, rallies, etc. Regardless of what the regime stood for, when you see the photos/films, you watch. That said, of course, I cannot stand what the regime stood for.

SO, here is how I have it in my collection, slightly historically inaccurate, but it works for me:

Nuremberg - I show the stand, eagles, etc. and all the bad guys including Cars, Horses, but plan on having a spitfire or hurricane descending upon the rally.

Berghoff - Same thing, show Hitler and Blondie and some other baddies, but show a nice allied plane and tank coming in.

So, it is my way of being able to display high quality figures in a better light for my household.

The point here is, that I think you can display anything in proper context and taste.


I reread my own post and want to clarify something. While I think a lot of things can be displayed in proper context, Camp scenes for me are not one of them. I would not want one in my collection.

My examples are how I do the "bad" guys vs the "good" guys using accurate figures, not necessarily scenes.

It seems like this thread may be winding down so I would like to take the liberty of addressing another similar topic....Casualties.....Should a new thread be started or could we take it up here. Alex
I would like to make a dio with a liberation of a concentration camp. So some fences and a tower will look nice, maybe some guards and jews in their uniforms.

If this is inappropriate or offend someone, please let me now, then I will delete this.



Neils I myself am not offended. But the last sentenence in your quote may offend some that are
Jewish. "Jews in their iniforms" IMO not cool.
I reread my own post and want to clarify something. While I think a lot of things can be displayed in proper context, Camp scenes for me are not one of them. I would not want one in my collection.

My examples are how I do the "bad" guys vs the "good" guys using accurate figures, not necessarily scenes.


Don't quite get this thread, but here's my two cents.

I have a fairly small collection of K&C, WB, Figarti, FL etc. My wife thinks there all a waste of time and money, but there you go, can't win them all. Most of my Military colleagues find some of them OK, but don't share my pleasure or passion.

What I can't understand is how I would explain to my daughter, nephews, nieces etc or colleagues my collection of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders, rallies, marching storm-troopers, drunk SA figures or potentially any Concentration Camp scene. It's a collection that I wouldn't want or like. Still, each to their own I suppose.
Don't quite get this thread, but here's my two cents.

I have a fairly small collection of K&C, WB, Figarti, FL etc. My wife thinks there all a waste of time and money, but there you go, can't win them all. Most of my Military colleagues find some of them OK, but don't share my pleasure or passion.

What I can't understand is how I would explain to my daughter, nephews, nieces etc or colleagues my collection of Adolf Hitler and other Nazi leaders, rallies, marching storm-troopers, drunk SA figures or potentially any Concentration Camp scene. It's a collection that I wouldn't want or like. Still, each to their own I suppose.

Now you have opened the topic all the way. My ex wife and my current wife termed this a DEPRESSING hobby as a whole. My current wife as I mentioned is half German will not allow me to bring German equipment with the Swastika in the house.

So is the whole hobby valid ?...It makes me think for a moment. WAR as a whole is horrible.

My take in it is this..Like I also previously said I celebrate the glorious Allied victory and honor our Veterans with my work. My wife says why dont you like sports like a lot of other guys. I would never worship a sports figure who plays a kids game for millions of dollars and the sports figures of today are a far cry from those in the past. Went to a hockey game $200 tickets $75 food $25 parking, are you kidding. I will buy some new pieces with that money. Once again to each his own I guess.
Tenth of June...

My friends and family know well my interest in the war. They have seen me travel to many parts of the world interviewing veterans from all sides of the conflict. For some, this may seem strange but, I may be in a minority with a wife who is as interested in history and, the toy soldiers that I have. I watch with interest when some posters seem to have lots of problems justifying paying or collecting its just not an issue for me. Indeed my wife bought me a set for £500 as a present and, thats not something I would do so, I reign her in.

When I have friends over they all know my interests and many share that so, no reason to have to feel the need to explain?? My things are not in the front room and, are not displayed in a way that puts it in peoples faces.

Do you have any SS AFV's??? could you explain to me how that is any different and, how you justify these SS units to your friends. I also note everyone who has posted has immediately voiced concerns over the LAH and SS in general. Have we forgotten the Heer?? without their tacit support there would have been no genocide of any real note as their numbers facilitated the actions so, should we all feel as guilty when displaying the 19th or 21st Panzer Division?? or any other heer unit. It was war and all units have blood on their hands.

I would as I have explained it as history and, what happened in WWII.


Jews in uniform!!! How can that be seen as offensive?? Words are just that its the text and tone they are used in which, means they become one thing or another. I think there is too much fear about what words are said and Neils to me expressed no such intent in his post


We have talked about casualties briefly many have recently asked for more and more realistic casualty depictions. I am all for it in terms of the diorama


You have repeated the fact that nobody has said they would buy them many times. lets put it this way, If I wanted to do a diorama similar to what Neils has stated I would buy them if they were on sale. look around the net, you can buy such figures now. I have openly stated its not the rotten emanciated piles of dead bodies that you and others have mentioned but, look at the cover of the boy in the striped pyjama's. If the liberation of a camp interested me enough to do one then as a dioramist I would build one.
Perhaps the mods might want to move this thread to the general toy soldiers section- seeing this thing pop up every ten minutes or so under the KC section might lead people to the conclusion Andy is contemplating it- I really havent seen where anyone mentioned KC specifically doing this idea.

I would find that unlikely but, can see how this would irk some people. Most of this is now about the LAH range so, pretty much within the K&C area

Perhaps the mods might want to move this thread to the general toy soldiers section- seeing this thing pop up every ten minutes or so under the KC section might lead people to the conclusion Andy is contemplating it- I really havent seen where anyone mentioned KC specifically doing this idea.
Mitch, I see your point of view and get it, but IMO this dude NEILS is just trying to get a reaction
IMO I bet he's not even working on a dio. He lost me when he qouted in his last sentence prison guards
and Jew's in their uniforms that sounds sick man.
Of course you could. But not being Ukranian or Armenian or doing it in some positive context, how well would it be received if it was just a model in your house.


As the Nazis are the "Gold Standard" for evil, just about any Nazi themed diorama could offend someone. I don't have much in the way of 3rd Reich figures except Hitler himself. I've seen some of the beautiful figures of military scenes in this era but I can only imagine that collectors collect for the joy of having them rather than have the nieces and nephews and gramma down to look at them during the holdidays.
I must admit I only saw the liberation thing not the bit about guards. I see your point can't see the point if it was a post to get a reaction. Its been interesting hearing the different opinions but, Time to move on at least as Rob has mentioned its all been civil.

Mitch, I see your point of view and get it, but IMO this dude NEILS is just trying to get a reaction
IMO I bet he's not even working on a dio. He lost me when he qouted in his last sentence prison guards
and Jew's in their uniforms that sounds sick man.
The mods believe that everyone has now had their say so we have decided to lock this discussion while everything is still civil. Locking it allows the content to still remain visible to members as we feel it was a worthwhile discussion.
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