Neils did say he wanted to do a scene of liberation I don't recall him saying he wanted piles of corpses just a fence guard tower and, some prisoners at the fence.
I think, that could be done well and, in good taste (in the loosest of terms) without the gore that some have believed it must contain. Obviously, its not for everyone but, there are many dio builders and, some renowned in their hobbies who have done similar scenes, train deportations and the like and, have not attracted any controversy. If I were asked to build one for a collector I would and, try to do it as best I could. I don't think, I would make one for myself to have in the loft but, thats not what this is about.
We roam around the history books and strive for more and more realism in a hobby which offers history in miniature, many call for dead and wounded and body parts for dio scenes. This is just taking it to its zeneth. I had some killer comments from two members for the Malmedy dio I did a few months ago but, its history.
This shows the complexity of the hobby and what it represents. Individuals have different ideas about what they wish to portray from it and, what they find shocking or not or, bad taste or not. Its also, a hard topic when discussing the SS as we have seen many don't like them for what they were and stood for but, where does the line in the sand be drawn?? Do we have no SS troops in our houses full stop or, do we flex the rigidity of that by saying well some SS stuff or, this AFV or that troops set.
Neil asked about Camp guards. Mostly derived from the troops of Eiche and the totenkopf but, how many who dispise that unit have the Flakgephard in their collections or, the SS from the Leibstandarte who worked in Kanada sorting the belongings and money from the victims have the Wittmann tiger or similar in their homes.
Its a complex question and, is easy to cast comments upon those who have and, are brave enough to say I want this or that. Of course no manufacturer would put out such a range for collectors however few to purchase but, does that mean it should not be recreated with whats available?? I am not so sure.
I think what Neil has been watching and, the many docs on the camps including the world at war show far more graphically what happened than any diorama that could be made and shown on here. If we, as historians can watch such things I am sure we can look at a diorama of the liberation of one of those camps with open minds. I would think that those who have knowledge of the subject would be less offended with a diorama in miniature than watching the world at war.
What is being done is presupposing that any dio coming from Neils or, anyone else would be done in a way that glorifies the regime which started the camp rather than showing the humanity of the act of liberating such a place