Confidence?...Or Something Else? (1 Viewer)


Sergeant Major
Dec 8, 2007
So guys, I've been really trying to stay off this forum for the most part and let you all do the talking because the fact is, as a MFR, what I say really doesn't matter. It's what customers and collectors say that means something....

Well, today I received a very large parcel from the UK. In it was a wonderful Stalingrad building done by TM Terrain and the rest of it was Hougoumont and tons of accessories by JG Miniatures. At first I decided that I would just put it away and play with it later when I had time. Well, I'm sure you know how that goes...First I took out some of the terrain....then next thing I knew the entire Hougoumont was setup on the dining room table...then 15 minutes later, it was covered with trees....If any of you went to London in March, then you'd have seen the Hougoumont setup as the setup at the London show was my setup used for the show before it was sent to me. Anyway, I digress...

As a MFR, I'm pretty blessed to have access to, well, a load of our figures. I had specifically been putting French Carabiniers aside for just this moment. So i spent the last hour opening them and putting them on the display and the more I opened the more I realized something. Most of you on this TF forum should turn your ears away because what I'm about to say is probably heretical to you....

As I was opening our Carabiniers, figure after figure (close to 100 - yeah it's good to own the company), the more i realized something. Though this is probably horrible on my part to actually say, the fact is that there isn't even anything close to what we're producing on on the market. Not in a lower price, not in a higher price. Yes, I'm in the "business" but first and foremost I'm a collector and I have to say, as gross as this sounds, I was blown away by the product that WE are producing. I know...that's disgusting....but the fact is that I make it, I approve it, but I seldom get to play with it....well, tonight, I got to play and I have to say, nobody makes figures like First Legion. I'm hooked.

Anyway, I'll show photos over the next few weeks or later as the diorama I'm working on is a BIG one (i.e. 100 Carabiniers is just a small part of it) so it will take some time to put together to where I want it to be. But, if any of you don't collect our figures, I"m going to go out on a limb here and ask, what are you waiting for?? Yes, i know how silly it sounds, but if you could see what I'm seeing then you'd understand....

Blown away....and I feel no shame for saying so, because it's absolutely true....there really isn't even anything close. I giggle at this point when someone says "how does X compare with First Legion." Only people who don't "know" ask such questions.....

Anyway, some will understand what I"m saying, most won't. The fact that I've said it isn't going to make me any friends. Frankly, I don't care...First Legion has always been about making products that "we" want to collect and on that front, I know we've more than succeeded.

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So guys, I've been really trying to stay off this forum for the most part and let you all do the talking because the fact is, as a MFR, what I say really doesn't matter. It's what customers and collectors say that means something....

Well, today I received a very large parcel from the UK. In it was a wonderful Stalingrad building done by TM Terrain and the rest of it was Hougoumont and tons of accessories by JG Miniatures. At first I decided that I would just put it away and play with it later when I had time. Well, I'm sure you know how that goes...First I took out some of the terrain....then next thing I knew the entire Hougoumont was setup on the dining room table...then 15 minutes later, it was covered with trees....If any of you went to London in March, then you'd have seen the Hougoumont setup as the setup at the London show was my setup used for the show before it was sent to me. Anyway, I digress...

As a MFR, I'm pretty blessed to have access to, well, a shat load of our figures. I had specifically been putting French Carabiniers aside for just this moment. So i spent the last hour opening them and putting them on the display and the more I opened the more I realized something. Most of you on this TF forum should turn your ears away because what I'm about to say is probably heretical to you....

As I was opening our Carabiniers, figure after figure (close to 100 - yeah it's good to own the company), the more i realized something. Though this is probably horrible on my part to actually say, the fact is that there isn't even anything close to what we're producing on on the market. Not in a lower price, not in a higher price. Yes, I'm in the "business" but first and foremost I'm a collector and I have to say, as gross as this sounds, I was blown away by the product that WE are producing. I know...that's disgusting....but the fact is that I make it, I approve it, but I seldom get to play with it....well, tonight, I got to play and I have to say, nobody makes figures like First Legion. I'm hooked.

Anyway, I'll show photos over the next few weeks or later as the diorama I'm working on is a BIG one (i.e. 100 Carabiniers is just a small part of it) so it will take some time to put together to where I want it to be. But, if any of you don't collect our figures, I"m going to go out on a limb here and ask, what are you waiting for?? Yes, i know how silly it sounds, but if you could see what I'm seeing then you'd understand....

Blown away....and I feel no shame for saying so, because it's absolutely true....there really isn't even anything close. I giggle at this point when someone says "how does X compare with First Legion." Only people who don't "know" ask such questions.....

Anyway, some will understand what I"m saying, most won't. The fact that I've said it isn't going to make me any friends. Frankly, I don't care...First Legion has always been about making products that "we" want to collect and on that front, I know we've more than succeeded.

Makes perfectly good sense to me Matt. Welcome to the elite of the FL collectors world.;):D It is good that FL is about what its principals want to collect; fortunately for the rest of us, that is one very fine product indeed. I have been known as a picky ******* in my more important purchases and these are no exception. In fact, I have been known to regret more than my share of product purchases that I thought were just the right fit before I took them home. I am pleased to say I have never had that thought with any FL purchase. My wife appreciates this greatly since she has said "finally something I can get you that I won't have to worry about your returning.:eek::) In fact, were FL figures were not available, my figure collection would be rather modest indeed.

Enjoy your confidence Matt, in my book you have most decidedly earned it.;):cool:
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Where to begin? First off, I must say that I read this post with a smile on my face. The thought of having 100 of your figures, from any of the series, would be amazing in and of itself. Any description of your diorama could never do it justice, so we will have to wait for the pics when you get to them.

And now, on to the 'meat' of the post.

Though this is probably horrible on my part to actually say, the fact is that there isn't even anything close to what we're producing on on the market. Not in a lower price, not in a higher price. Yes, I'm in the "business" but first and foremost I'm a collector and I have to say, as gross as this sounds, I was blown away by the product that WE are producing. I know...that's disgusting....but the fact is that I make it, I approve it, but I seldom get to play with it....well, tonight, I got to play and I have to say, nobody makes figures like First Legion. I'm hooked.

I don't feel this is a horrible thing to say at all, as it is only the truth. And as you well know, you have a loyal following who rightly agree. While others may deride this claim, I feel that honest comparisons will only bring about this same conclusion: First Legion makes the best figures for the price point, hands down.

Blown away....and I feel no shame for saying so, because it's absolutely true....there really isn't even anything close. I giggle at this point when someone says "how does X compare with First Legion." Only people who don't "know" ask such questions......

I couldn't agree more. At first, I did have figures from two other manufacturers. However, they are no longer in my collection because they didn't 'measure up' in my eyes to First Legion's work. Does that mean those manufacturer's products are no good? Not at all. It does mean than in my case, I found something that I felt was superior, and have invested accordingly.

Anyway, some will understand what I"m saying, most won't. The fact that I've said it isn't going to make me any friends. Frankly, I don't care...First Legion has always been about making products that "we" want to collect and on that front, I know we've more than succeeded.

I think to say that First Legion is a sucess is certainly an understatement. Matt, you should rightly take pride in your work. You and your company create amazing figures and you will have the continues support of those who do apprecaite such quality. Thank you for your dedication.

Matt, I certainly can appreciate your confidence and that makes me even more confident that I will also thoroughly be "blown away" by my first FL purchase which will be very soon - American Rev War. I am looking forward to experiencing the same feelings/reactions that you have described above as you enjoyed playing with your creations. The experience may change my whole out look on what/who I collect.
Hi Matt,
I'd like to just say welcome to the club :) You are finally doing exactly what I would be doing if I were in your shoes . To have access to the number of First Legion Figures that you do would be the ultimate IMO. I'm now dying to see the pictures .
I think the fact that you are a collector is what has made First Legion what they are . You are making figures that collectors and yourself have been waiting for , Great sculpts and Painting at a price that is affordable to the masses.
Your question of "What are you waiting for ? has been on my mind since I First Found this this forum . How anyone can be the least bit interested in Toy Soldiers and not at least make an effort to give First Legion a try is beyond belief . The Sculpting and Painting are to be seen to believed and are in a Class to their own . How does anyone compare to FL in both quality and depth of release ? its simple IMO they don't . For example Borodino was made up of more then French and a hand full of Russian Figures ( and some of us know that ) , nobody comes even close to giving the coverage to a Battle that First Legion do period .
Confidence is a good thing and your Pride in what you are doing is evident in the products you are releasing , If anything with what First Legion are doing I feel your comments are reserved . Thanks for making the products I have always hoped someone would make . And as First Legion grows and produces new lines more and more collectors will come to enjoy the quality that is First Legion ... Please bring on those photo's . Happy collecting all the best Gebhard
Must say, I thought I would be in a state of depression this spring after I decided to sell off my collection, but once I decided to stick with one company only and bought a few Stalingrad Germans there was no looking back!!! my small collection of WWII is growing nicely at my pace, but now we have different lines to choose from, the civil war will be in my collection soon enough, as I stated on a thread earlier, the sculpting/painting are awesome!! everyone has thier own taste/likes/dislikes..but I'm over joyed with the product I have recieved so far, keep up the great work Matt and company...Sammy
I couldn't possible comment on your meanderings Matt until I see/own all of those new darn Rebs of yours

As the pickiest ******* that you've ever had to deal with, you would expect me to side with you, as your figures are the best, no question, after all I'm the guy who takes K&C and WB figures, repaints them to a much higher standard, and in the process makes them worthless.
So why don't I quite fall in line with the sentiments expressed by your usual fanboys on here? simple really, it's the nature of the collectors in this branch of the hobby they are :-

1) Older than smaller scale collectors

2) Driven by nostalgia for their childhood = badly painted gloss toy soldiers

3) Most are not artists or modellers therfore don't always appreciate the differences in quality
4) We're in a recession worldwide, and your figures cost twice as much as K&C and WB

Further proof? (UK Reb aside) hundreds of photos on this forum from all periods showing bog standard badly painted WB,Conte et al on poor terrain from collectors who clearly are more than happy with their purchases.I personally cannot see the point in photographing something that you have had minimal creative input into - you may as well buy the catalogue - but I digress

In closing you create the best figures in the industry, you push the envelope more than any other company in terms of quality and quantity, I just feel that some people will never be convinced, because they want shiny toy soldiers, or they're on a budget

Now can we please have some more pics of the ACW please?

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Glad to hear that you will be sharing some pictures of your Hougoumont diorama as it progresses. I would be happy just to see what displaying 100 Carabineers in one place look like.

Please don't keep us waiting too long. :D

King's Man

Glad to hear that you will be sharing some pictures of your Hougoumont diorama as it progresses. I would be happy just to see what displaying 100 Carabineers in one place look like.

Please don't keep us waiting too long. :D

King's Man

I completely agree, a diorama that size would really be something to see. !
As the pickiest b*sta*d that you've ever had to deal with, you would expect me to side with you, as your figures are the best, no question, after all I'm the guy who takes K&C and WB figures, repaints them to a much higher standard, and in the process makes them worthless.
So why don't I quite fall in line with the sentiments expressed by your usual fanboys on here? simple really, it's the nature of the collectors in this branch of the hobby they are :-

1) Older than smaller scale collectors

2) Driven by nostalgia for their childhood = badly painted gloss toy soldiers

3) Most are not artists or modellers therfore don't always appreciate the differences in quality
4) We're in a recession worldwide, and your figures cost twice as much as K&C and WB

Further proof? (UK Reb aside) hundreds of photos on this forum from all periods showing bog standard badly painted WB,Conte et al on poor terrain from collectors who clearly are more than happy with their purchases.I personally cannot see the point in photographing something that you have had minimal creative input into - you may as well buy the catalogue - but I digress

In closing you create the best figures in the industry, you push the envelope more than any other company in terms of quality and quantity, I just feel that some people will never be convinced, because they want shiny toy soldiers, or they're on a budget

Now can we please have some more pics of the ACW please?


Ian ,
why your physiological profile of First Legion collectors ?
I can only speak for this " Fanman" so hear you go .
1. Your way off on this one , I'm far from a retired gentleman
2. Don't own any gloss figures never have ( not that there is anything wrong with that ), My childhood was full of kits and Figures I painted as lifelike as I could because no one else produced them ready made.
3. Although I don't have time to paint anymore with a family :) , and a job :( that takes up more of my life then I like . I'm a collector of Fine figures and having several Figures in my collection painted by the late Great Bob Knee and from other true Master painters of the Hobby , I feel I'm in a position to " appreciate the difference in quality " .
4. Yes we are in a worldwide recession , And for some us we must make harder decisions when it comes to collecting , so why buy a figure you feel is no good waste time and money trying to make it something First Legion is already doing :confused . I have seen and commented on your work ,I didn't really see the need for the in your mind improvement of the Bavarian . IMO the Bavarians are the most crude (albeit Awesome IMO ) of all the First Legion releases being the first . If you were to try and improve on say a Prussian figure IMO you would just paint over a quality you are unable to obtain on your own merit making it really worthless . If you want to really impress . Sculpt your own figure and paint it and enter an international competition or better start your own Company. If you could " improve on what First Legion are doing at a lower price , I'd give ya a shot .
5 As for your shot at WB , Conte K & C ect.. that's a matter for their threads to address . But all the Photo's I have seen posted on this thread by members who collect First Legion are IMO Fantastic (see my photo albums ) . Sorry but I think you are assuming way too much ...Gebhard
As the pickiest ******* that you've ever had to deal with, you would expect me to side with you, as your figures are the best, no question, after all I'm the guy who takes K&C and WB figures, repaints them to a much higher standard, and in the process makes them worthless.
So why don't I quite fall in line with the sentiments expressed by your usual fanboys on here? simple really, it's the nature of the collectors in this branch of the hobby they are :-

1) Older than smaller scale collectors

2) Driven by nostalgia for their childhood = badly painted gloss toy soldiers

3) Most are not artists or modellers therfore don't always appreciate the differences in quality
4) We're in a recession worldwide, and your figures cost twice as much as K&C and WB

Further proof? (UK Reb aside) hundreds of photos on this forum from all periods showing bog standard badly painted WB,Conte et al on poor terrain from collectors who clearly are more than happy with their purchases.I personally cannot see the point in photographing something that you have had minimal creative input into - you may as well buy the catalogue - but I digress

In closing you create the best figures in the industry, you push the envelope more than any other company in terms of quality and quantity, I just feel that some people will never be convinced, because they want shiny toy soldiers, or they're on a budget

Now can we please have some more pics of the ACW please?


Well we are entitled to our opinions, but I will say you had high praise for the WB products in your WB evening event. As you paint your own figures you do make a great job of them but then again you are not painting 700 of them, so I would expect more thought, time and detail spent on the figures.

I also don't quite get the reference regarding the photo shoots:confused: Even though I didn't create the figures I (and many other forum members) have immense fun coming up with new and interesting ways to display our figures and telling the events as they happened. It reads as though only FL are worthy of being photographed in a dio, even though no creative input was put into these figures either by collectors. Sorry just doesn't make any sense.
So guys, I've been really trying to stay off this forum for the most part and let you all do the talking because the fact is, as a MFR, what I say really doesn't matter. It's what customers and collectors say that means something....

Well, today I received a very large parcel from the UK. In it was a wonderful Stalingrad building done by TM Terrain and the rest of it was Hougoumont and tons of accessories by JG Miniatures. At first I decided that I would just put it away and play with it later when I had time. Well, I'm sure you know how that goes...First I took out some of the terrain....then next thing I knew the entire Hougoumont was setup on the dining room table...then 15 minutes later, it was covered with trees....If any of you went to London in March, then you'd have seen the Hougoumont setup as the setup at the London show was my setup used for the show before it was sent to me. Anyway, I digress...

As a MFR, I'm pretty blessed to have access to, well, a load of our figures. I had specifically been putting French Carabiniers aside for just this moment. So i spent the last hour opening them and putting them on the display and the more I opened the more I realized something. Most of you on this TF forum should turn your ears away because what I'm about to say is probably heretical to you....

As I was opening our Carabiniers, figure after figure (close to 100 - yeah it's good to own the company), the more i realized something. Though this is probably horrible on my part to actually say, the fact is that there isn't even anything close to what we're producing on on the market. Not in a lower price, not in a higher price. Yes, I'm in the "business" but first and foremost I'm a collector and I have to say, as gross as this sounds, I was blown away by the product that WE are producing. I know...that's disgusting....but the fact is that I make it, I approve it, but I seldom get to play with it....well, tonight, I got to play and I have to say, nobody makes figures like First Legion. I'm hooked.

Anyway, I'll show photos over the next few weeks or later as the diorama I'm working on is a BIG one (i.e. 100 Carabiniers is just a small part of it) so it will take some time to put together to where I want it to be. But, if any of you don't collect our figures, I"m going to go out on a limb here and ask, what are you waiting for?? Yes, i know how silly it sounds, but if you could see what I'm seeing then you'd understand....

Blown away....and I feel no shame for saying so, because it's absolutely true....there really isn't even anything close. I giggle at this point when someone says "how does X compare with First Legion." Only people who don't "know" ask such questions.....

Anyway, some will understand what I"m saying, most won't. The fact that I've said it isn't going to make me any friends. Frankly, I don't care...First Legion has always been about making products that "we" want to collect and on that front, I know we've more than succeeded.




  • napoleon_dynamite.jpg
    22 KB · Views: 346
Napoleon Dynamite. Go to One of the great cult classics. You've been seriously deprived. Just don't touch my tater tots :D
no I'm not kidd'n I do not recognize the guy??? who may it be??

Kind of a "cult type popularity" movie Sammy...

you're no worse a man for not seeing it...

it had it's moments...

but hardly on the must see list...
The #1 post of this thread is provocative to say the least.

Is it confidence ? I think it is something closer to arrogance.

The sword cuts both ways.

If the writer intended to rally his fan club, he would succeed. On the other hand, it may repel would be collectors of FL who have been watching some excellent product releases from the side.

I do not collect FL. After this thread, I am sufficiently put off not to do so in the near future. I am sure FL neither wants nor needs my business.

The #8 post of this thread is rank obnoxious and repugnant.

The writer makes an uncalled for swipe at other manufacturers (some named) and non-FL collectors on this forum. This is downright un-gentlemanly.

By all means, you can praise the work of any manufacturer. There is no need to take a cheap shot at collectors of "badly painted gloss toy soldiers", as you put it. This is conduct unbecoming.

I think you should seriously consider an unreserved apology to the forum.


Note to Moderators: Please edit and delete my posts on this thread as you deem necessary.

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