A few words in response...then back to the FL conversation!
You'll note that our policy towards FL is the same one we apply to Conte, Collector's Showcase, FOV, Frontline, Little Legion...(the list could go on).
The Treefrog Forum exists to support, promote, and expand the toy soldier hobby. Collectors have interests that cover the spectrum of collecting: from gloosy to matte, from plastic to metal, from simple to conoisseur. The Forum has space for all. We have seen the membership expand rapidly over the past years, making this Forum a primary source of information and relationships for many people. We're proud that it has done so well. Had we attempted to limit discussion to companies that we carry we would have excluded a large portion of this hobby, limiting the usefulness of this forum.
As you can tell, the Treefrog Forum is not simply the marketing arm of Treefrog Treasures LLC! We welcome ALL to come and discuss, and they have done that. Do we reap benefits from having our name on such a forum?Of course we do.
We are proud that manufacturers, dealers, and collectors all feel welcome on the Trefrog Forum, whether they are affiliated with Treefrog Treasures or not.
Way back when Shannon told me about her concept for a forum, I told her that she was nuts and that it would never work. I think she knew what she was talking about!
I don't have a Harvard MBA - I have a Luther Seminary M. Div. It's still a Master's degree, right???
Well said....Applause is in order