First of all I'd like to say I don't normally post on FL threads for some of the reasons below so I hope regular visitors here won't mind me popping in at this point.
Firstly I see absolutely no problem at all in Matt having pride and enthusiastic reverance for his product,pride ignites passion and passion is great for this hobby,I suggest all TS makers have it in spades and because they do we have a great hobby with a huge range of different choice before us.So no problem for me.
The thing I would differ with Matt is,is the subject of comments driving way customers(I'm not talking about his own comments here).I do not post on these threads because of the very open agression shown to those who raised points/criticisms in the past.Now before anyone says it I fully appreciate that K&C's threads also were VERY aggressive in the past with doubtors being shouted down etc.I although a self confessed and enthusiastic flag waver,tried never to shout down or insult anyone of a differing opinion,but unfortunately many K&C fans were unfairly tarred with the same brush
But here I suggest Matt is maybe not considering the 'floating voter' as it were,this what happened to me.
I went to the London show(Dec 09) to look at the Stug with honestly a 70% certainty of buying it because I really liked what I'd seen in the pics.Now before you jump on me please let me explain,having been used to years and years of heavier Tanks and equating that to quality(rightly or wrongly) I thought the weight of it very light and this was a shock,just a shock thats all and it made me pause before flashing the credit card.I was then not allowed to pick it up again and re examine it.Both these factors made me pause purchase.I then came home and posted my thoughts on another forum where I was instantly berated for my views,obviously I was a K&C fanatic who could not possibly look out of the box (despite owning many Figarti,HB,TG items in WW2 collection)and needed to be shouted down,forgetting that I'd said how good it looked.
My point is a simple one,if you are trying to make up your mind about something (I'm afraid I'm not rich enough to make instant decisions and hang the consequences)and you are criticized or mocked,it instantly puts you off and drives you away from the product.Its a shame becuase often I've wanted to comment on FL products as some of them look superb,but confrontation on the forum about products is just not worth it anymore,I always end up having to send 'Sorry about that pm's'

Just my thoughts guys,best wishes to all