Confidence?...Or Something Else? (2 Viewers)

just to the contrary.
I am not endorsing this post at all.
It was meant to be a sacarstic comment saying "you don't need no enemies".
Every now and then I came across this "saying" and found it very appropriate.
Sometimes your supporters can make comments that hurt you more then any "enemy" could do.
No, I am not supporting/endorsing the post. I think it is disgusting.
The #1 post of this thread is provocative to say the least.

Is it confidence ? I think it is something closer to arrogance.

The sword cuts both ways.

If the writer intended to rally his fan club, he would succeed. On the other hand, it may repel would be collectors of FL who have been watching some excellent product releases from the side.

I do not collect FL. After this thread, I am sufficiently put off not to do so in the near future. I am sure FL neither wants nor needs my business.

The #8 post of this thread is rank obnoxious and repugnant.

The writer makes an uncalled for swipe at other manufacturers (some named) and non-FL collectors on this forum. This is downright un-gentlemanly.

By all means, you can praise the work of any manufacturer. There is no need to take a cheap shot at collectors of "badly painted gloss toy soldiers", as you put it. This is conduct unbecoming.

I think you should seriously consider an unreserved apology to the forum.


Note to Moderators: Please edit and delete my posts on this thread as you deem necessary.

Dear "Glossman":
Your comments repeated above from your posting #20 to this Tread are splendid! Perhaps Matt's ("First Legion") posting #1 starting this Tread was NOT meant to get collectors who mainly buy from other manufacturers angry. In any case, Andy Neilson at King & Country's HQ is likely not too worried about being put out of business by First Legion or anyone else anytime soon!
Best regards, "Iron Brigade" 4/25/2010
just to the contrary.
I am not endorsing this post at all.
It was meant to be a sacarstic comment saying "you don't need no enemies".
Every now and then I came across this "saying" and found it very appropriate.
Sometimes your supporters can make comments that hurt you more then any "enemy" could do.
No, I am not supporting/endorsing the post. I think it is disgusting.

Hi Konrad,

Thanks very much for the clarification.

Best Wishes, Raymond.

For the love of Christ, can we just stop this. It's getting ridiculous. At some point, just don't post anymore :mad:
I've had a glass or two of sparkling shiraz, I'll admit, but I laughed out loud at Brad's post. Still am.
The #1 post of this thread is provocative to say the least.

Is it confidence ? I think it is something closer to arrogance.

The sword cuts both ways.

If the writer intended to rally his fan club, he would succeed. On the other hand, it may repel would be collectors of FL who have been watching some excellent product releases from the side.

I do not collect FL. After this thread, I am sufficiently put off not to do so in the near future. I am sure FL neither wants nor needs my business.

I was going to let this obviously misguided post go but given that some have incredibly chosen to celebrate it I found the need to offer an alternative view. The part quoted above frankly distorts the meaning of the original post for whatever reason. Perhaps it is because sometimes the truth is difficult to accept, particularly when it has the potential to devalue something in which the commentor has some financial or emotional investment. Is it provocative to express your honest joy in the celebration of the objectively demonstrable superiority of your collection of figures; perhaps but it is an understandable excess to anyone who attaches much importance to their commitment to the hobby. Is it a right that one forfeits because those figures are produced by his company; I think not. There is no sword to cut both ways. It is one of those "For those who understand, no explanation is necessary, for those who do not, no explanation is possible" situations.

The fact that someone would chose not to buy the best product because one of the owners said it was the best product of its kind is frankly ludicrous. Someone claiming that either has an peculiar sensitivity to pride of achievement or, more likely, they are being less than candid, perhaps even with themselves, about their true agenda. Thus I think those supposedly repelled were actually so enamored of their alternative that they never were seriously considering a purchase in any event. Thus as noted, they will not be missed.

In art, beauty is in the eye but among the knowledgeable collectors, there is little debate about the technical prowess of artists as diverse as Picasso and Michaelangelo. That doesn't mean that one cannot or should not be free to enjoy their alternatives in style, quality and price but claiming offense from a declaration of a technical achievement that can be objectively established is not splendid, it is simply unfortunate.;)
Gentlemen if certain members or posts bother you to the point it takes away from the pleasure you derive from our great hobby then may I humbly suggest the following. You can either avoid reading certain posts altogether or even better yet set up your profile to block certain members posts.
I for one often enjoy the entertainment value these lively discourses and disagreements stir up. I would rather our intelligent, knowledgeable collectors have passion and disagree about things than have no interest at all, I think its healthy as long as things don't get personal ( thats what the moderators are for anyways ).

great reason for deletion...

"This dead horse has been beaten"...

and beaten and beaten and beaten and beaten and beaten...

this post needs to take a nap.
Gentlemen -

We have received much feedback regarding Ian's post. The moderator council agrees that the post's rude remarks go against the rules of this forum. An infraction has been given in this case.

Normally we delete any post receiving an infraction, however in this case we have made the decision to allow it to stand. This thread (at least for a while) has been a good example of the forum moderating itself. People didn't turn this into a personal issue - they simply called the post for what it was and moved on.

Now, back to talking First Legion...
Gentlemen -

We have received much feedback regarding Ian's post. The moderator council agrees that the post's rude remarks go against the rules of this forum. An infraction has been given in this case.

Normally we delete any post receiving an infraction, however in this case we have made the decision to allow it to stand. This thread (at least for a while) has been a good example of the forum moderating itself. People didn't turn this into a personal issue - they simply called the post for what it was and moved on.

Now, back to talking First Legion...

Right,good idea Pete.

So guys how many of you will be buying those superb looking dismounted Cavalrymen and do you think Matt will give us more in a second wave?.I'm going to build a very small dio from this series and am pretty excited about it.I'll show my mate Bob I'm not just a green Tank kinda guy;):D

Am hoping to visit Gettysburg this year,if so I will be taking some panoramic pics for dio background use.:cool:


If you're going to be in Gettysburg the weekend of July 31st and August 1st, I'll be at Pitzer's Woods with some buddies portraying the 5th Texas.


If you're going to be in Gettysburg the weekend of July 31st and August 1st, I'll be at Pitzer's Woods with some buddies portraying the 5th Texas.


Dave,I'd love to be there for those dates as it sounds good,but I'm afraid I'll be there later in the year around October time,but I hope you have a great time.

Dave,I'd love to be there for those dates as it sounds good,but I'm afraid I'll be there later in the year around October time,but I hope you have a great time.



Assume then you'll be wearing "Confederate gray or Yankee blue" at the London show in June? instead of either that old WWII flying jacket or Churchill's overalls you are rather fond of donning:D


Assume then you'll be wearing "Confederate gray or Yankee blue" at the London show in June? instead of either that old WWII flying jacket or Churchill's overalls you are rather fond of donning:D



Me in Churchills overalls,thats an image to put you off your dinner mate!:D

As an ACW 'Virgin' I don't know which side to support??:eek::eek:;)

Suggestions please!

(puts WW2 Tin hat on and goes down to air raid shelter:D)


Assume then you'll be wearing "Confederate gray or Yankee blue" at the London show in June? instead of either that old WWII flying jacket or Churchill's overalls you are rather fond of donning:D


Knowing Rob he will show up half blue, half grey and still wearing a tin hat :eek::D:D

96 posts replies and we did not see Matt’s photos yet, imagine....:rolleyes:

Moderators, you will be busy.....:eek:
I was going to let this obviously misguided post go but given that some have incredibly chosen to celebrate it I found the need to offer an alternative view. The part quoted above frankly distorts the meaning of the original post for whatever reason. Perhaps it is because sometimes the truth is difficult to accept, particularly when it has the potential to devalue something in which the commentor has some financial or emotional investment. Is it provocative to express your honest joy in the celebration of the objectively demonstrable superiority of your collection of figures; perhaps but it is an understandable excess to anyone who attaches much importance to their commitment to the hobby. Is it a right that one forfeits because those figures are produced by his company; I think not. There is no sword to cut both ways. It is one of those "For those who understand, no explanation is necessary, for those who do not, no explanation is possible" situations.

The fact that someone would chose not to buy the best product because one of the owners said it was the best product of its kind is frankly ludicrous. Someone claiming that either has an peculiar sensitivity to pride of achievement or, more likely, they are being less than candid, perhaps even with themselves, about their true agenda. Thus I think those supposedly repelled were actually so enamored of their alternative that they never were seriously considering a purchase in any event. Thus as noted, they will not be missed.

In art, beauty is in the eye but among the knowledgeable collectors, there is little debate about the technical prowess of artists as diverse as Picasso and Michaelangelo. That doesn't mean that one cannot or should not be free to enjoy their alternatives in style, quality and price but claiming offense from a declaration of a technical achievement that can be objectively established is not splendid, it is simply unfortunate.;)


You are perfectly entitled to express your views on my post and I thank you for the alternative view.

If it is your opinion that I am misguided, so be it. There is nothing I can do about it and it matters little to me.

The title of the tread: "Confidence?...Or Something Else?" If this is not provocative, what is ?

Why am I put off ? It is the arrogant manner in which the products are presented and the utter disdain for those who are not collectors of the company’s product.

If the company does not care for those who do not understand (as you have stated it), why should anyone bother even if it makes the best products in the world.

A good product does not sell on its own. There are host of factors that come into play for it to be a profitable venture for the manufacturer.

What is really ludicrous ? The owner with a vested interest in a company extolling the superiority of his own products above all else in the market. He is blown away by his own products and then admits it is disgusting.

How can prospective customers be reasonably expected to decide on the merits of the company’s products one way or other if they read this ?

As for the matter of "true agenda" (as you have put it), I have no connection to the toy soldier industry, other than being a collector.

We can go on and on, but there will be no consensus. So can we please just agree to disagree and stop.

Yours, glossman.


You are perfectly entitled to express your views on my post and I thank you for the alternative view.

If it is your opinion that I am misguided, so be it. There is nothing I can do about it and it matters little to me.

The title of the tread: "Confidence?...Or Something Else?" If this is not provocative, what is ?

Why am I put off ? It is the arrogant manner in which the products are presented and the utter disdain for those who are not collectors of the company’s product.

If the company does not care for those who do not understand (as you have stated it), why should anyone bother even if it makes the best products in the world.

A good product does not sell on its own. There are host of factors that come into play for it to be a profitable venture for the manufacturer.

What is really ludicrous ? The owner with a vested interest in a company extolling the superiority of his own products above all else in the market. He is blown away by his own products and then admits it is disgusting.

How can prospective customers be reasonably expected to decide on the merits of the company’s products one way or other if they read this ?

As for the matter of "true agenda" (as you have put it), I have no connection to the toy soldier industry, other than being a collector.

We can go on and on, but there will be no consensus. So can we please just agree to disagree and stop.

Yours, glossman.

************ extremely well written and concise have a way with words and logic...I feel the same way...and're right...over 100 posts counting the edited...I wanna see the pics please...

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