This is a great figure. It really captures the man's presence. Von M had a huge reputation in post-WW1 Germany. Nice get. -- lancerA grumpy looking August von Mackensen - new from Aeroart:
..For example, the CS models give me the impression more of chess pieces with those bases.
This is a great figure. It really captures the man's presence. Von M had a huge reputation in post-WW1 Germany. Nice get. -- lancer
Sorry for the misunderstanding but the Hindenburg is an equally good get, IMO. Do they do Ludendorff? They are just great figures. -- lancerUnfortunately, Von M is not mine. He is listed on ebay at the moment. I did get the Hindenburg prototype figure.
Sorry for the misunderstanding but the Hindenburg is an equally good get, IMO. Do they do Ludendorff? They are just great figures. -- lancer
Hi Combat. In the picture with the Kaiser in the middle, is the figure on the right supposed to be Rommel? It looks sort of like a picture I once saw of him from WW1. -- AlThey have done Hindenburg, Mackensen, Lundedorff, and the Kaiser before with a different artist. Those were top of line quality. Also 60mm which is a bit unusual for Aeroart as they mostly do 54mm. They were made in ridiculously small numbers and sold only on ebay to my knowledge. For example, the Aeroart book lists three Mackensen and Hindenburg figures produced. When all was said and done there were probably a few more, but not many. I posted a few pictures of the some that I managed to get:
Hi Combat. In the picture with the Kaiser in the middle, is the figure on the right supposed to be Rommel? It looks sort of like a picture I once saw of him from WW1. -- Al
Yo Trooper, sorry mate have to knock this somewhat on the painting. Think the shading in the creases is well over exaggerated for a Connoisseur figure. Thought they were painted by Master painters, if so the standard is slipping somewhat. Put a Chas Stadden model up to show you what I mean, the shading should not catch the eye as your model does. Only my honest opinion.
Great WWI figures! Some of the average Russian stuff (alot of what Aeroart puts out)does have a tendency to have exaggerated shading, almost like theater. However, that is the charm of the pieces as well. I have always liked the Chas Stadden pieces because they are classic, but most look quite stiff and the casting and the painting cannot stand against some of the modern day elite Russian studios, and what Leibowitz does at Metal Modeles.
Why are the Russian painters considered the elite?I'm sure their are people in other countries that can paint as well as them.I see beautiful painted figures on Planet Figure from all over the world but especially Spain,Italy and Greece.
Why are the Russian painters considered the elite?I'm sure their are people in other countries that can paint as well as them.I see beautiful painted figures on Planet Figure from all over the world but especially Spain,Italy and Greece.
From what I know about it, you have talented artists in Russia who can make a decent living painting toy soldiers. That's not the case in most other European countries where the higher cost of living makes it prohibitive. Either the artist could not make a living or the price of the figures would be even higher. As it is, many collectors can't afford the Russian figures. If they were produced in France or Italy, then the extra cost would put them beyond the means of almost everyone.
From what I know about it, you have talented artists in Russia who can make a decent living painting toy soldiers. That's not the case in most other European countries where the higher cost of living makes it prohibitive. Either the artist could not make a living or the price of the figures would be even higher. As it is, many collectors can't afford the Russian figures. If they were produced in France or Italy, then the extra cost would put them beyond the means of almost everyone.
I have to wonder a bit at the ebay strategy of putting a minimum bid on a new Aeroart prototype figure like Mackensen. Once that is done and a bidding war is initiated the figure will sell over the "buy it now" price. So by trying to save $30 the first bidder ends up paying much, much more than the buy it price or not getting the figure.![]()
I see the Mackensen figure went for $235 - about $70 over the original buy it now price.