Connoisseur Figures (1 Viewer)

Incredible works of art Frank. It simply doesn't get any better than that. Wonderful photography and scenic environment too.

Thanks for sharing these stunning images.

2 great looking Aeroart figures (Trajan and a German Barbarian)

Frank, that is one very impressive collection of Samurai. Each one is so well done and the detail on them is amazing. Thanks for showing them off as you 'dust the curio'!:)

Some pictures of my own collection

Many historical eras here..

Working on a diorama right now




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Alex, that is a magnificent group of figures. Just beautiful. -- Al
Incredible figures Alex! Thanks for sharing. My favorites are the running knights, but all of your figures are elite. Congratulations on a brilliant collection. Joe
Very nice collection, Alex. You seem to collect the pieces you like rather than a particular period . Sometimes, I'd like to be more disciplined in sticking with an era, but haven't had much success in that.

When a man is without a woman he feels like a fool. When a man is with a woman he is the fool.

I use to collect only two periods from one manufacturer (K&C WWII and NAPS). Then moved to FL for Naps. Stopped collecting WWII all together
And now I'm buying only russian pieces from any period
I have samurais, ancient greeks, tournament knights, russian knights, and so on.
I now buy only a figure because the figure by itself is pleasant to my eye. And I don't care if it goes or not with the others I do have.
I will have enough figures soon to build some small dioramas however and this will be awesome.
I still need to do something about my pictures because they look crappy to me.



Very nice collection, Alex. You seem to collect the pieces you like rather than a particular period . Sometimes, I'd like to be more disciplined in sticking with an era, but haven't had much success in that.

When a man is without a woman he feels like a fool. When a man is with a woman he is the fool.
Re: Connoisseur Figures: Aeroart

Am I the only one getting tired of seeing the thick legged and armed Romans produced by AeroArt? I cannot understand this sculpting, particularily in a marketplace/hobby that demands more. With such sculpts AeroArt falls closer to K&C and farther away from Pegaso and, needless to say, Arsenyev Studio. Opinions?
I held off on a couple figures like Tiberius and Germanicus for this reason alone. I love the idea of famous Romans and would love to have a Germanicus figure but the beefy legs look odd.
Re: Connoisseur Figures: Aeroart

Am I the only one getting tired of seeing the thick legged and armed Romans produced by AeroArt? I cannot understand this sculpting, particularily in a marketplace/hobby that demands more. With such sculpts AeroArt falls closer to K&C and farther away from Pegaso and, needless to say, Arsenyev Studio. Opinions?

I think there is a difference between photographs and seeing them in person. Some manufacturers believe - and I'm not saying this is the case with Aeroart since I don't know for sure - that the figures look better with disproportionate features. Apparently this is a common trick in the art world with sculptures. And do you really want a Roman with chicken legs? I remember a discussion about KC apparently making figures with big hands for this reason. I do know that Aeroart occasionally trades on historical "accuracy" to improve the figures appearance. Thor has always been upfront about that so it's no real secret. For example, their Pharaoh figure looks exactly like Yul Brenner and nothing like the diminutive Ramsey.
Whether it is intended or not i do not think it is working. Larger hands i can understand, but this latest tendancy at aeroart is the interpretation of the artist i think and it is not attractive. I have never seen another top artist sculpt in such a way. I have seen these pieces in person and have felt the same way. Thor has been at this a while and I cannot understand why he embraces this trend.
Re: Connoisseur Figures: Aeroart

I think there is a difference between photographs and seeing them in person. Some manufacturers believe - and I'm not saying this is the case with Aeroart since I don't know for sure - that the figures look better with disproportionate features. Apparently this is a common trick in the art world with sculptures. And do you really want a Roman with chicken legs? I remember a discussion about KC apparently making figures with big hands for this reason. I do know that Aeroart occasionally trades on historical "accuracy" to improve the figures appearance. Thor has always been upfront about that so it's no real secret. For example, their Pharaoh figure looks exactly like Yul Brenner and nothing like the diminutive Ramsey.

unfortunatly the trend in fashion,,models etc is for females with chicken legs,,victorias secret was cought recently altering the photos of their models beyond chicken legs,,more like those on the females fighting sigourney weaver on the space ship
King Leonidas of Sparta

I just received this yesterday from Russia. Depicts a wounded Leonidas, King of Sparta and his comrade Hoplite
at the Battle at Thermopylae 480BC. Metal 120mm, just over 5 inches. Says the file is too large for this forum
so you'll have to click on the links below. The photos aren't mine
Last edited:
Beautiful piece. Cannot go wrong with Arsenyev studio. I have picked up a few 54mm mounted pieces over the last year and will post photos soon.
Re: King Leonidas of Sparta

I just received this yesterday from Russia. Depicts a wounded Leonidas, King of Sparta and his comrade Hoplite
at the Battle at Thermopylae 480BC. Metal 120mm, just over 5 inches. Says the file is too large for this forum
so you'll have to click on the links below. The photos aren't mine

Hi Mr Reed ,
I thought I would post the photos of your latest acquisition its just too beautiful not to be seen , hope you don't mind . Congratulations {bravo}} what a beautiful set .. thanks for sharing ..Regards Gebhard



Re: King Leonidas of Sparta

Hi Mr Reed ,
I thought I would post the photos of your latest acquisition its just too beautiful not to be seen , hope you don't mind . Congratulations {bravo}} what a beautiful set .. thanks for sharing ..Regards Gebhard
I don't mind at all. Thanks for doing that. I'm well pleased with the figure. I wish I could
find some more. I'm really in a buying mood. I've been to Russia several times, but I
wasn't into these figures then. So to find this one really made my day.

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