Connoisseur Figures (4 Viewers)

Is there any way back, once you've crossed over into connoisseur figures? Besides alcohol and strange women, then going broke.

Not actually,,as to the others I prefer the women to be slightly strange
Superb collection Mike. Congrats !
Russian romans are the best.
It's very difficult to come back. Of course if you want enough figures to make a square of british infantry, you better go with another company like First Legion since russian studios are not offering enough poses to make something realistic. However, if you want to buy figures in order to display them by themselves, you better go with russian figures or kits that you get painted. But there s no going back. I also do think that russian figures offer a nice way to invest your money in little art works


Alex thank you for your kind comments.It is appreciated.I agree the Russian figures are hard to beat.I also am using FL to mix with the Aeroart ,Kolobob figures it works very well and saves a lot of money.Happy New Years to you and your family and thanks again.Mike B.^&grin
Happy New Year to my fellow bloggers. may be throwing another log on the fire here, but the Tiberius figure with armor and sword raised to consider, looked OK. Wouldn't mind purchasing either.
Count von Zeppelin figure from Aeroart - looking very peacockish:

Does anyone collect studio Lasset models from the 1970s that they might post photos of. I have always liked the simple style. They are hard to find. Thanks
Some new Roman personality figures from Aeroart - Cleopatra, Empress Valeria Messlina, and General Julius Caesar Germanicus:



Not sure about that blue
Actually, Aeroart quality is all over the hill these days.. Some good, some great and some just ok
What do you think Combat ?


I have to agree. Just looking at Aerarts EBay auctions gives you the impression of inconsistency. You have to select carefully. Every once in a wile you see an Arsenyev casting, but it has been painted by Thor,s artists and just does not look the same.
I have to agree. Just looking at Aerarts EBay auctions gives you the impression of inconsistency. You have to select carefully....

I have to agree also. eBay probably isn't the best source. I have gotten some really
nice ones, but few and far between. Nothing like the ones I got in Moscow. I'm
begining to think the good ones never leave Russia.
well some do
but I think that some russian studios & painters boycott Aeroart
I have to agree also. eBay probably isn't the best source. I have gotten some really
nice ones, but few and far between. Nothing like the ones I got in Moscow. I'm
begining to think the good ones never leave Russia.
You are right
The representative of the Thor has recommended itself bad
I had to dust my curio last week and it gave me the motivation to pull out my Samurai for an updated photo shoot.

Part 1








superb pictures. I really like this era and some beautiful figures you have in your collection
Really like those Samurai, we don't see them enough on this forum. The fine detail is incredible right down to the writing on the swords! I've got to pick up a few at some point. ^&cool

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