Connoisseur Figures (3 Viewers)

Nice picture indeed! In the background I recognize the Kinkaku-ji (Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto. I was there 3 years ago but didn't see any samurai :)
WOW looks Great . I have so many beautiful Figs I wish I had the Photographic skills to go with em. They do deserve to be Photographed like this. Thanks for sharing. Gebhard
A couple older Aeroart figures from my collection:


Can anyone identify this Aeroart figure? I know he is WWI, but he may not be German - maybe Austro-Hungarian (sorry about the poor quality photo). I bought him off the Aeroart ebay site years ago and have never seen another:

Here is a better picture of the WWI mystery man on the right. Can anyone ID the uniform:

I don't think the figure is Baron Von Richtofen. Among other things, he wore a Ulan (cavalry) uniform which was double- breasted with red piping. The head gear also seems incorrect.
A couple Civil War pics. The "gallant" Hood. This Aeroart figure must be pre-Gettysburg as he still appears to have the use of his arm.

Several Civil War personalities here - Grant, Lee, Sherman, Johnson, Hancock...these are all Aeroart figures:

A few more Civil War figures. These are all Aeroart. Winfield Scott and Lee/Jackson:


Meade and Chamberlain. Billy Yank and one of Wheat's Tigers.

To the extent anyone is interested, Aeroart has one of the seated Winfield Scott civil war figures listed on their ebay site. The current price is reasonable. Not likely to see many of these since it is an older figure.
A few Napoleonics. These are figures that I bought in Moscow, Paris, and Rome. Again sorry for the quality of the photos which do not do them justice.
First a group shot:


Marshals Soult, Victor and (I think) Massena:

Kutusov and the Duke of Brunswick:


Osprey did a set of Marshals - these are Augereau and Davout:


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