Conte's back!!! (4 Viewers)

Re: Conte is not back !!


You know I have visited this site and posted here along with the Hobbybunker one, and I am just amazed how a FEW people continue to bash Conte no matter what he does. I do not recall seeing any other forum that specifically sets out to "trash talk" any other manufacturer such as Barzo, CTS, TSSD, etc. It seems to me, that there are SOME people that think it is thier life's journey to bash this particular individual, despite everything he has done for this hobby--even with his delays. He has done more, in 10 years time, than any manufacturer in playset history INCLUDING MARX with new molds, expanding historical perspectives that were just touched upon by several manufacturers, and given collectors figures and poses only DREAMED about a mere ten years ago. If Conte shut down today, and he ISN'T, he still has done more for the hobby in general than alot of folks. This isn't trashing anyone else, as others are making product too-- some good, some not, but again, we as collectors choose what we like and support thier efforts. Its a wide open, free market place out there, and let the best man win. I have bought items off of everyone over the years, and I happen to like Conte stuff--not everything or all time slots, but even then, I realize that his stuff is above and beyond. I am hoping that he will get to the west soon, and go back and visit WWII PACIFIC THEATER, which he says he will. I know him personally, and I have NO DOUBT that the stuff he says he's gonna make, he will. Its YOUR CHOICE if you want to buy it, and if you don't, allow us the sanctity to freely choose to support whomever we want to........

There is a simple solution for all this: if you can't stand him or his product, DON"T BUY IT!!!! For all of us that do enjoy his marvelous creations, and are willing to wait for HOWEVER LONG it takes to get it, then allow us the chance to enjoy what WE LIKE.

As a foot note, I will bet you anything you want to bet, that those western figures WILL BE MADE..................Stryker II
Hi Stryker II

I appear to have struck a nerve and for that I apologise. However I do need to issue the following correction on your behalf. At no time did I state, imply or infer that I dislike either Mr Conte or his product.

On the contrary I love his product or else I would not have purchased the limited multiple plastic sets that I already have. My "grudge" (if one wishes to be overdramatic) is that I have "NO CHOICE" as to whether or not I purchase his product only because of Mr Conte's production and sales decisions.

I agree that Mr Conte's figure design is "state of the art" and that he has done more than a lot of other manaufacturers. I agree with every platitude and good comment that you made about him.

However Mr Conte needs to understand that if he wishes to move from a "back -yard" producer doing "fantastic one- offs'" then the production of the figures needs to be far greater to meet market demand.

I will not retract this comment - I am livid that Mr Conte is complaining that people wanted the Gis in particular colours. They should be so lucky- I can't get them at all :mad:

I also resent that my ability to make a reasoned post is questioned just because I couldn't buy something that was advertised as being available.

If Mr Conte wishes to make theoretical figures for a "what if" market I will join the "Oooohs and aaaahs". If Mr Conte is in the business of selling plastics and metal figures then they should be made available and I will be overjoyed when purchasing them.



I can't speak for Mr Conte directly, but I don't think when he started his "labor of love, as he calls it", that his intention was never to be the biggest toy soldier company in history. He jsut want to make and supply things that we as collectors always wanted marx or anyone else to always do. He is a long-time collector himself, and I know supported other manufacturers prior to his going into business for himself. With the uncertain conditions being made overseas, I'm sure he would be the first to say that he isn't happy with all the delays, etc that he has had to contend with--I know I sure would be if I was in his shoes.

I must admit that I am guilty of color preferences. I bought his Omaha sets, JUST so I could get the mustard tan color of his GI's. I love that color, and it matches up quite well with many of my old Marx figures. I'm not sure exactly how many were produced, but you could only get them with the sets. I wish you well in trying to locate and get any of his GI's. Have you tried to order from the new office location in NC yet?..................Stryker II
Re: Conte is not back !!

I personally thought Mr Conte was rather defensive on his latest webpage.

To complain that people are still trying to order retired sets (eg plastics) is a multiple failure as:
1) he's actually complaining that people wish to do business with him, and
2) he actually complaining that people wish to order goods that he is advertising as being available eg he complained that Pepe wanted the GIs in particular colours
3) he hasn't acknowledged that his webpages are the problem. eg has Mr Conte not heard of the word "retired" ?. Why can't Mr Conte keep his webpages up to date so people know what has been retired.

I am not impressed with the Darkest Africa nor the Western figures for one reason. I'll never see them for real as he can't get his supply working.

You appear to feel rather strongly about this issue and such is your privilege. I appreciate what I have been able to get from Conte and regret what I have not but it is not all that much of a concern to me since this is hardly the first company to have "supply" issues nor will it be the last.

I didn't take his post as defensive but I hardly think he can be faulted for responding to the various criticisms that have been posted about him. I also don't think he is complaining about anyone wanting to do business with him but merely noting that the moving specials have ended, as the site had said they would after the move. It would be nice if the website were up to date on availability but he has acknowledged that it is a work in progress and he is hardly the only site with that problem. In these days of instant inventory updating and online access we sometimes forget that no everyone has that type of system yet and in the "old days", it sometimes took a while to update inventories. So be it. It didn't take long for me to understand that if you really wanted to know if something was available you had to call to find out. Not perfect but hardly a crisis.

Certainly I think everyone should feel free to express their reasons for liking or disliking any project here. At the end of the day, we will all either buy something we like when it is available or not. Our experiences along the way will obviously be a factor in that decision, and to a lesser extent, so will those of others.
Anything I have ever ordered off of Conte except 1 figure I have gotten.When he does come out with something you got to get it fast.For someone who everybody puts down his stuff sure goes fast.I can't understand why his products lose value like they do.
I am fortunate enough to have some of the ACW sets that were made some years ago. I have learned to be patient and good things come. OK well, it works for me. Certainly the honey versus vinegar approach works well. I am looking forward to the poseable plastic Immortals! They will be brilliant.:) It is sad that some of these figures are not going to be available anymore. RC has certainly stated that there is new stuff on the way and that is what he wants to make right now.

On an interesting note I emailed him last night with pics of the Spartans I painted and he phoned and left a message and emailed me to let me know how much he enjoyed my email. Said he will call back later. I was watching the Indy 500. :eek: So I am looking forward to that conversation to be sure.

(BTW Helio Castroneves won.)
Re: Conte is not back !!


You know I have visited this site and posted here along with the Hobbybunker one, and I am just amazed how a FEW people continue to bash Conte no matter what he does. I do not recall seeing any other forum that specifically sets out to "trash talk" any other manufacturer such as Barzo, CTS, TSSD, etc. It seems to me, that there are SOME people that think it is thier life's journey to bash this particular individual, despite everything he has done for this hobby--even with his delays. He has done more, in 10 years time, than any manufacturer in playset history INCLUDING MARX with new molds, expanding historical perspectives that were just touched upon by several manufacturers, and given collectors figures and poses only DREAMED about a mere ten years ago. If Conte shut down today, and he ISN'T, he still has done more for the hobby in general than alot of folks. This isn't trashing anyone else, as others are making product too-- some good, some not, but again, we as collectors choose what we like and support thier efforts. Its a wide open, free market place out there, and let the best man win. I have bought items off of everyone over the years, and I happen to like Conte stuff--not everything or all time slots, but even then, I realize that his stuff is above and beyond. I am hoping that he will get to the west soon, and go back and visit WWII PACIFIC THEATER, which he says he will. I know him personally, and I have NO DOUBT that the stuff he says he's gonna make, he will. Its YOUR CHOICE if you want to buy it, and if you don't, allow us the sanctity to freely choose to support whomever we want to........

There is a simple solution for all this: if you can't stand him or his product, DON"T BUY IT!!!! For all of us that do enjoy his marvelous creations, and are willing to wait for HOWEVER LONG it takes to get it, then allow us the chance to enjoy what WE LIKE.

As a foot note, I will bet you anything you want to bet, that those western figures WILL BE MADE..................Stryker II

Stryker II, this is exactly my point of view as I expressed in another thread, one called "Seriously, is Conte still in business?".

Richard Conte has revolutionized this hobby. Many people don't remember, or prefer not to, what metal toy soldiers or plastic playsets looked like before Conte Collectibles redefined the field. That's not our case, my friend. We acknowledge his accomplishments and we are thankful for them.


Re: Conte is not back !!

Stryker II, this is exactly my point of view as I expressed in another thread, one called "Seriously, is Conte still in business?".

Richard Conte has revolutionized this hobby. Many people don't remember, or prefer not to, what metal toy soldiers or plastic playsets looked like before Conte Collectibles redefined the field. That's not our case, my friend. We acknowledge his accomplishments and we are thankful for them.



Uthred: thanks for your letter of support and I share your views. I am not a businessman myself, but I know there are many issues staring at any manufacturer in todays world, that must be overcome to stay in business.

On Conte's latest posting, and since its Memorial Day here in the good old USA, here is something that everyone ought to think about. It seems that Conte himself has stated that he is giving a 15% discount to all military, police, and fireman--a very worthy gesture on his part. Now why don't these Conte bashers start up a link commending Conte for doing this, ASKING WHY OTHER DEALER'S AND MANUFACTURERS ARE NOT DOING THE SAME, AND FINALLY, TRASHING THEM FOR NOT DOING SO????? It seems that even when he does something very worthy like this, there are still people who don't get it..................Stryker II
As far as plastic goes I paint mine. So I can not see a preference for any one color. I will be glad to see the Immortals in whatever color pink, skyblue, lavender, whatever.:p

The discount thingy for the services is fantastic. Lots of cops should be buying his stuff.

I myself am going to hunt around the shop next week to see what I can find.

Patton try Black Cat/ Fubar a member of this forum. He had a lot of the WWII stuff. I noticed you were in Australia. Maybe someone here can help you out. I saw some at the shop last week.
Hi Stryker II

I appear to have struck a nerve and for that I apologise. However I do need to issue the following correction on your behalf. At no time did I state, imply or infer that I dislike either Mr Conte or his product.

On the contrary I love his product or else I would not have purchased the limited multiple plastic sets that I already have. My "grudge" (if one wishes to be overdramatic) is that I have "NO CHOICE" as to whether or not I purchase his product only because of Mr Conte's production and sales decisions.

I agree that Mr Conte's figure design is "state of the art" and that he has done more than a lot of other manaufacturers. I agree with every platitude and good comment that you made about him.

However Mr Conte needs to understand that if he wishes to move from a "back -yard" producer doing "fantastic one- offs'" then the production of the figures needs to be far greater to meet market demand.

I will not retract this comment - I am livid that Mr Conte is complaining that people wanted the Gis in particular colours. They should be so lucky- I can't get them at all :mad:

I also resent that my ability to make a reasoned post is questioned just because I couldn't buy something that was advertised as being available.

If Mr Conte wishes to make theoretical figures for a "what if" market I will join the "Oooohs and aaaahs". If Mr Conte is in the business of selling plastics and metal figures then they should be made available and I will be overjoyed when purchasing them.



Excellent post! I think some are getting confused here. Some including myself are annoyed that we can not get things from Conte. We like his product ALOT! But a bunch of prototypes is not the real thing. And it gets old seeing them when you dont know if you will really be able to ever purchase them. Would love to buy some of his new items but at this time correct me if I am wrong... there is nothing to buy! Hopefully that will change.
Excellent post! I think some are getting confused here. Some including myself are annoyed that we can not get things from Conte. We like his product ALOT! But a bunch of prototypes is not the real thing. And it gets old seeing them when you dont know if you will really be able to ever purchase them. Would love to buy some of his new items but at this time correct me if I am wrong... there is nothing to buy! Hopefully that will change.

Well, my friend I just bought a box of metal toy soldiers from Conte himself, not some dealer. Not prototypes either, the real deal, a pack of 4 Roman Barbarians long out of productionand being discontinued. He sent the box right away, and it arrived here on Brazil only 12 days after I paid for it.

Doesn't it mean he is still in business?

It certainly does to me (and many others).


Well, my friend I just bought a box of metal toy soldiers from Conte himself, not some dealer. Not prototypes either, the real deal, a pack of 4 Roman Barbarians long out of productionand being discontinued. He sent the box right away, and it arrived here on Brazil only 12 days after I paid for it.

Doesn't it mean he is still in business?

It certainly does to me (and many others).


ok??? I dont know if this has anything to do with my comment my friend but ok ???
ok??? I dont know if this has anything to do with my comment my friend but ok ???

Well, you said you did not want to see prototypes, but the real thing. I'm telling you, he has sold me the real thing a couple of weeks ago.

What else do you want? He's in business, and that's all that matters.

When are the prototypes becoming available is another matter, but it shouldn't take long now. You will get his amazing Zulu War figures, if you want to. Richard Conte has amazed us before, and will do it again.


Well, you said you did not want to see prototypes, but the real thing. I'm telling you, he has sold me the real thing a couple of weeks ago.

What else do you want? He's in business, and that's all that matters.

When are the prototypes becoming available is another matter, but it shouldn't take long now. You will get his amazing Zulu War figures, if you want to. Richard Conte has amazed us before, and will do it again.


I hope he does amaze us! He is in business and thats all that matters is your opinion not mine. His business practices matter to me. Seems you have a hard time with others opinions? For me when I see a NEW figure ready to be shipped I will be convinced.
I hope he does amaze us! He is in business and thats all that matters is your opinion not mine. His business practices matter to me. Seems you have a hard time with others opinions? For me when I see a NEW figure ready to be shipped I will be convinced.

No, my friend, I respect your opinion. It's only that in my humble opinion a man like Richard Conte, for all he's done before, deserves a little credit.

I give him credit for his achievments. You prefer to distrust him for his faults.

We have different approaches to life, just that.


No, my friend, I respect your opinion. It's only that in my humble opinion a man like Richard Conte, for all he's done before, deserves a little credit.

I give him credit for his achievments. You prefer to distrust him for his faults.

We have different approaches to life, just that.



You are getting way to deep for me. Are will still talking about toy soldiers?
You are getting way to deep for me. Are will still talking about toy soldiers?

Oh, yes, I am talking about toy soldiers.

Richard Conte has made more for us collectors, in only 10 years, than any other manufacturer before or after him. His playsets redefined the way playsets were made, his metal sets changed the look in toy soldiers forever. He's always pushing the envelope making things others never tried to.

I'm not trying to be deep, or anything. I only think we should give him credit for what he's done. And he's done a lot, who could say otherwise?


Oh, yes, I am talking about toy soldiers.

Richard Conte has made more for us collectors, in only 10 years, than any other manufacturer before or after him. His playsets redefined the way playsets were made, his metal sets changed the look in toy soldiers forever. He's always pushing the envelope making things others never tried to.

I'm not trying to be deep, or anything. I only think we should give him credit for what he's done. And he's done a lot, who could say otherwide?



Well this is officially boring! I will be one of the first back on the thread when I have a figure in my hand until then goodnight and I will hold any praise till then.

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