conversions (1 Viewer)

I started a whole bunch of brunswickers and dutch belgians and just lost interest in them half way through.


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Heres the dutch! Some day I,ll get around to finishing these half painted projects.


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fishead19690 said:
The problem with most of my conversions is that they end up half painted and set a side and I forget about them or loose interest and I end up with tons of half painted figures.

I have the same problem. Iget interested and then poof! On to the next figure. They looked nice though. Usually I 'm done by the time I hit the bases.
kilted vampire said:
Who manufactured these figures?
If your talking about the dutch figures they are a mix of marx alamo mexicans, cts(clasic toy soldiers) and a call to arms. They are mostly just repaints but a few of the marx were converted and repainted or started to repaint:p as belgains. Some times just a simple repaint as a different unit is a great conversion all on its own. Heres a repaint of some airfix french painted as Swiss neuchatel troops!


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Here is the backs of the same figures.Also the black brunswickers from the other post were a call to arms british with timpo prussian heads(the figure with the horse hair on his shako that looks like he is throwing a rock) I just cut off the shako and add it to the british figures and you have deaths head brunswickers. Also if you look at the advant guard brunswickers I have a few conversions mixed in also if your familier with the stock hat figures. If anyone has any intrest in this stuff i,ll go over how I go about doing them.


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Here are a few britains metal coversions that I did. I put the origanal figures on side of the conversions so you can see what i did. The figures are from the north gate set and before I get slack for cutting them up I have many of the same poses that I picked up on ebay and only paid $5 and change for each figure.


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Here are the french that I converted. I also had many of this pose and converted a few by cutting the foot free from the base and bending it up and cutting off the head and repositioning it looking forward to make it look like the figure is running forward. The figure in the middle is the origanal and the two on the sides have been coverted, one with just the foot change and the other with the foot and head also.


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Come on guys I know i,m not the only one who coverts figures out there lets see some posts guys. Should I just give this thread up or what??? Does anybody even like this thread?:confused: Here are a few more conversions of austrain artillary. They were made from cts mexicans and reamsa artillary crews and the one with the great coat was a marx cavalry figure with new arms from a imex cival war figure and a two part putty great coat. The hats are also 2 part putty.


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Here are some converted austrain-hungarian troops!


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These are various conversions with parts from all kinds of other figures, mostly Italire figures but a few others also, like the officer and drummer which are imex revoltionary figures and also a bmc mexican with italire gear added that was cut from another figure. Its good to save all your cut up arms legs and heads for future use. Sometimes I forget where the arms and came from but its nice to have them to look through for just the right parts in a jam that are already cut off just sitting and waiting for a home.


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Austrains with helmets converted! Note the officer which was made from a a.i.p. cival war officer.


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Here are some simple head swopes to shakos from call to arms british. But if I was to do any more I would use the call to arms dutch shakos that just came out becuase they are closer to the shakos that the austrains used but were not available at the time I did the conversions.


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A closer look at the helmeted austrains. I never got around to finnishing the paint on them and they have been sitting around so long the paint thats on them is starting to fall off.:p Note the added gear to the back off the bmc mexican figure I converted, it was cut off another figure and added on.


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Thanks fishead for all the great photos of your conversions! I can see that plastics offer a lot in the way of being able to mix and match heads and arms and things. Do you just cut off what you want to swap out and then super glue the new head or appendage? I look forward to your step by step conversion topic planned for winter.
Come on guys lets see some posts! FUBAR I know you have a ton of great conversions can you post some?

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