COVID the 3rd (7 Viewers)

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I thought I would copy and paste this here. Humor is good medicine . . .

😁 Mike

So we're into our 5th month of defeating COVID-19. These words made me laugh but there's a lot of truth mixed in to consider. . .

1. So let me get this straight, there’s no cure for a virus that can be killed by sanitizer and hand soap?

2. Is it too early to put up the Christmas tree yet? I have run out of things to do.

3. When this virus thing is over with, I still want some of you to stay away from me.

4. If these last months have taught us anything, it’s that stupidity travels faster than any virus on the planet, particularly among politicians and bureaucrats.

5. Just wait a second – so what you're telling me is that my chance of surviving all this is directly linked to the common sense of others? You’re kidding, right?

6. People are scared of getting fined or arrested for congregating in crowds, as if catching a deadly disease and dying a horrible death wasn’t enough of a deterrent.

7. If you believe all this will end and we will get back to normal just because we reopen everything, raise your hand. Now slap yourself with it.

8. Another Saturday night in the house and I just realized the trash goes out more than me.

9. Whoever decided a liquor store is more essential than a hair salon is obviously a bald-headed alcoholic.

10. Remember when you were little and all your underwear had the days of the week on them. Those would be helpful right now.

11. The spread of Covid-19 is based on two factors: 1. How dense the population is and 2. How dense the population is.

12. Remember all those times when you wished the weekend would last forever? Well, wish granted. Happy now?

13. It may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to home school one.

14. Did a big load of pajamas so I would have enough clean work clothes for the week.

Haha, that worked. Thanks!
For anyone interested in the topic, there was a very similar debate in the 1950s about the Polio vaccine. It was a terrible disease but did not afflict nearly as many as the current virus. There was a debate about rushing a vaccine into production. It did prove to be effective but quality controls were not the same as today and some people were given a bad batch resulting in the death of some children.
Latest poll/survey:

73% of Americans believe wearing a mask will help stop the spread of the virus and are ok with mandatory mask wearing
in public places or when social distancing is not possible.
For anyone interested in the topic, there was a very similar debate in the 1950s about the Polio vaccine. It was a terrible disease but did not afflict nearly as many as the current virus. There was a debate about rushing a vaccine into production. It did prove to be effective but quality controls were not the same as today and some people were given a bad batch resulting in the death of some children.

Well, my dad's bro got polio just before the vaccine and he would have taken a risk to get vaccinated.
My ex-GF's bro died of flu vaccine complications.
Dad's PI lawyer friends get vaccinated, as do we, but they don't trust untested new procedures at all.
So there you have it...
Keep the masks on I say! Only kids and barflies and, apparantly, the rich folks who live near my P's house don't.
And seriously, Best Wishes to All. I pray for those who have passed recently.
Where's John of Texas?! I hope he's OK. I wanted to congratulate him for teaching his grandkids how to fight with a katana in each hand!
Don't take me too seriously. Please.
Paddy of Paddy fame
Hi guys!

Just to share that, after 28 days of contracting covid-19, I'm back to work! It was not an easy ride; in my case, thank God, I had no breathing problems or headaches, but I had 15 days of incessant and relentless (and sometimes extremely high) fever and I coughed like never before in my life. I still have no taste or smell ... Fortunately I was lucky not to pass it on to anyone in my family or work colleagues!
Hi guys!

Just to share that, after 28 days of contracting covid-19, I'm back to work! It was not an easy ride; in my case, thank God, I had no breathing problems or headaches, but I had 15 days of incessant and relentless (and sometimes extremely high) fever and I coughed like never before in my life. I still have no taste or smell ... Fortunately I was lucky not to pass it on to anyone in my family or work colleagues!

congrats to you!!!!!!
Really sorry to hear that Carlos. Hope you are doing better. Welcome back. Do the doctors think you’ll get back your taste and sense of smell.

Um abraço

Hi guys!

Just to share that, after 28 days of contracting covid-19, I'm back to work! It was not an easy ride; in my case, thank God, I had no breathing problems or headaches, but I had 15 days of incessant and relentless (and sometimes extremely high) fever and I coughed like never before in my life. I still have no taste or smell ... Fortunately I was lucky not to pass it on to anyone in my family or work colleagues!

This is the most useful post of all on this thread.
Get better!
And keep us posted. We can all learn from your experience.
Best wishes from Chicago to Brazil

I would like to thank you for sending me a shout out for my brief absence. I thank you. The rest of you scalawags should take note.

Anyway, busy with the wifes surgery last week and fortunately it was the 2 hour surgery not the 5 hour one, whereby if they found the breast cancer in other lymph nodes they would have a cut out party and the damage to the body would be fierce. THAT did not happen and a huge sigh of relief last Thursday and I tell ya I was holding my breath all day until the doc called me. The next day the wife was in my *** about shoving stuff in the kitchen drawers. The struggle continues... Now, 5 weeks of radiation therapy every day for an hour. This part sucks, but the we are over the hump with chemo, surgery and the last part.

Saturday took a trip to Dilly, Texas to help a friend and client with an install of a garage epoxy floor. He's an undercover cop who does concrete as his cover and a valued friend. At first glance, he looks like an Aryan Brotherhood guys, but is ex-Army and a EOD specialist to boot. Remember the bomb scare in Austin last year? Yeah, he was on that case. So, nonetheless there is NOTHING in Dilly, TX except a DQ, the "Relax Inn" for $42 a night (where we stayed) and a Pacho's Mexican Restaurant. Came back on Sunday dead tired because the bed was lumpy, stunk and did not get any sleep...hell even the AC sucked. But hey, what one does to help a brother out. Thank God he is armed because there are mountain lions, wild hogs and the occasional illegal walking around at night out there. But, it sure is quite and the stars are beautiful.

This week I am at the shop filling in while Daughter #1 attending a wedding in Seattle for our niece. My other two kids were supposed to go, but they are not having it with COVID and all and stayed home. So, I got the cush life right now working in cold AC, cleaning and organizing and figuring out what feast we are going to have for lunch. But that ends this Friday and I will be back in the "salt mines" (my back yard) pouring more footers of concrete to finish this project. I'm behind schedule and unfortunately next week we go back into the 100's and I was trying to pour all my crete before August, but duty called with the wife and my cop buddy. I'll be alright though its just one pallet of crete.

My office has officially been moved to the basement and gents there is no feeling like having your own space to display, tinker and relax in. I am FINALLY able to start unpacking my collection and displaying it and I will send pics of progress soon. In the mean time here are a couple of shots:





Oh, I forgot to add I smashed my big toe with a iron rod by accident and it is black and blue under the nail. Not trying to be to graphic, but I was at home depot with no steel toes buying concrete form stakes and I will NEVER go that aisle again with out the steel toes. It was all my fault and man did it hurt.

John from Texas

I would like to thank you for sending me a shout out for my brief absence. I thank you. The rest of you scalawags should take note.

Anyway, busy with the wifes surgery last week and fortunately it was the 2 hour surgery not the 5 hour one, whereby if they found the breast cancer in other lymph nodes they would have a cut out party and the damage to the body would be fierce. THAT did not happen and a huge sigh of relief last Thursday and I tell ya I was holding my breath all day until the doc called me. The next day the wife was in my *** about shoving stuff in the kitchen drawers. The struggle continues... Now, 5 weeks of radiation therapy every day for an hour. This part sucks, but the we are over the hump with chemo, surgery and the last part.
Nice Japanese collection! In every way.
Saturday took a trip to Dilly, Texas to help a friend and client with an install of a garage epoxy floor. He's an undercover cop who does concrete as his cover and a valued friend. At first glance, he looks like an Aryan Brotherhood guys, but is ex-Army and a EOD specialist to boot. Remember the bomb scare in Austin last year? Yeah, he was on that case. So, nonetheless there is NOTHING in Dilly, TX except a DQ, the "Relax Inn" for $42 a night (where we stayed) and a Pacho's Mexican Restaurant. Came back on Sunday dead tired because the bed was lumpy, stunk and did not get any sleep...hell even the AC sucked. But hey, what one does to help a brother out. Thank God he is armed because there are mountain lions, wild hogs and the occasional illegal walking around at night out there. But, it sure is quite and the stars are beautiful.

This week I am at the shop filling in while Daughter #1 attending a wedding in Seattle for our niece. My other two kids were supposed to go, but they are not having it with COVID and all and stayed home. So, I got the cush life right now working in cold AC, cleaning and organizing and figuring out what feast we are going to have for lunch. But that ends this Friday and I will be back in the "salt mines" (my back yard) pouring more footers of concrete to finish this project. I'm behind schedule and unfortunately next week we go back into the 100's and I was trying to pour all my crete before August, but duty called with the wife and my cop buddy. I'll be alright though its just one pallet of crete.

My office has officially been moved to the basement and gents there is no feeling like having your own space to display, tinker and relax in. I am FINALLY able to start unpacking my collection and displaying it and I will send pics of progress soon. In the mean time here are a couple of shots:

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Oh, I forgot to add I smashed my big toe with a iron rod by accident and it is black and blue under the nail. Not trying to be to graphic, but I was at home depot with no steel toes buying concrete form stakes and I will NEVER go that aisle again with out the steel toes. It was all my fault and man did it hurt.

John from Texas
Prayers for your wife's recovery.
Glad to hear from you again. It's always interesting. My Dad and I both enjoy every post. Keep it up
And true good feelings from the North,
Paddy for the 2 Pats.
Hi guys!

Just to share that, after 28 days of contracting covid-19, I'm back to work! It was not an easy ride; in my case, thank God, I had no breathing problems or headaches, but I had 15 days of incessant and relentless (and sometimes extremely high) fever and I coughed like never before in my life. I still have no taste or smell ... Fortunately I was lucky not to pass it on to anyone in my family or work colleagues!

Welcome back, brother!:salute::

I am glad to hear the good news about your wife. Enjoy your new office space!:salute::
Hi guys!

Just to share that, after 28 days of contracting covid-19, I'm back to work! It was not an easy ride; in my case, thank God, I had no breathing problems or headaches, but I had 15 days of incessant and relentless (and sometimes extremely high) fever and I coughed like never before in my life. I still have no taste or smell ... Fortunately I was lucky not to pass it on to anyone in my family or work colleagues!

So happy to hear you made it through and didn’t pass it on!
John...double kudos to you and your family...glad you got a man cave to unpack and play a little with your collections...especially glad your wife's procedure was minimized and less invasive than originally scheduled!
John...double kudos to you and your family...glad you got a man cave to unpack and play a little with your collections...especially glad your wife's procedure was minimized and less invasive than originally scheduled!
Thanks Mike, and thanks for the phone calls and well wishes man I appreciate it. Almost out of the woods.

John your neighbor
That’s what’s fueled outbreaks in Spain as well, whose experience somewhat mirrors our own.

On testing, we’ve had an experience this week. My wife wasn’t feeling great and she had a slight temperature but not real high. Anyway she called the Dr., who ordered a test. The Hospital was supposed to call but never did. She called the Dr. back who called the Hospital, who finally called back and told her testing was being done by a testing center outside the Hospital and would call her. She waited two hours; they never called. Not being a patient person I had her call an urgent care center and she managed to get an appointment. We went over and they told her she wasn’t sure she could get a test because they were low on swabs but because she’d recently had heart surgery they tested her. They told her it would take 10-14 days to get results.

Fortunately, it doesn’t look like she has it as her temp has been normal the last couple of days and she’s feeling better.

However, there you have a small snapshot on testing.

15 days after being tested, she finally got the results: negative, fortunately.

15 days? There’s the problem with testing in this country.
Also, with Gov Devine testing positive early in the day and then a few hours later testing negative.

testing usually take 2-3 weeks to get results...
that's not good...
God knows how many people you can infect while you're waiting...
while waiting...
I doubt many people self-quarantine unless they are told they are positive...
and even then...who knows if they actually self quarantine...

Texas is exploding with new cases now...
usually the highest number or one of 3 states with the highest number of new cases daily...
the new epicenter state...

hopefully late fall there will be a vaccine...
even if it requires a booster shot...
it would help considerably...
I thought there were test that take 5-15 minutes to get results?
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