COVID the 3rd (3 Viewers)

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Hoping for effective vaccines as well but remember you must get at least 75 to 80% of the population to take it.
Right now polls show that 50% of our population either won't take it or are very skeptical.
The government can make it mandatory according to legal experts I have listened to but enforcing that can be problematic and start a revolt.
Certainly schools can deny attendance to those who don't take the vaccine unless they have medical conditions that have contraindications.

People just don't trust any institution right now whether it is government, the media or science.

I am no anti-vaxxer or anything, but I am a little nervous about taking vaccines, or giving them to my children, that have been rushed to market. I do trust Dr. Fauci, but it definitely makes me nervous.
I am no anti-vaxxer or anything, but I am a little nervous about taking vaccines, or giving them to my children, that have been rushed to market. I do trust Dr. Fauci, but it definitely makes me nervous.

you never know without long term test results...we all might end up with a generation of sterile people...or worse...
Oh it's fine, not a problem at all for people they said and yet even today Agent Orange still causes the deaths of Veterans and all sorts of deformities in Vietnam.

When or if a Vaccine is released it'll be a case of Roll the dice as it has been for so many other things, but I 'll be one of them in the queue for a jab, because one way or another none of get out of life alive !

Oh it's fine, not a problem at all for people they said and yet even today Agent Orange still causes the deaths of Veterans and all sorts of deformities in Vietnam.

When or if a Vaccine is released it'll be a case of Roll the dice as it has been for so many other things, but I 'll be one of them in the queue for a jab, because one way or another none of get out of life alive !


I don’t want to cause hysteria. One thing I know they are doing, since a friend of mine is involved in it, is paying to get production ready much earlier. So, some money will get wasted, but it will really speed some things up. That does have a big impact without being dangerous.
you never know without long term test results...we all might end up with a generation of sterile people...or worse...

Good point Mike. It takes years to 'safely' research & develop any type of vaccine and as the world scrambles to discover one and pharmaceutical companies compete to be the first to produce one, corners are being cut as the pressure mounts.

And lets not forget the vast sums of loot to be made by being the first to get a vaccine on the market. Why do you think the likes of Bill Gates are so heavily involved in their production?

As for mandating their use and forcing people to take them, know that's a world I definitely don't want to be part of and a very slippery slope to be heading towards.
I am no anti-vaxxer or anything, but I am a little nervous about taking vaccines, or giving them to my children, that have been rushed to market. I do trust Dr. Fauci, but it definitely makes me nervous.

I used to work for big pharma (in fact, for one of the companies working on a vaccine) and our QC was always very good. I’d say the same for the other big companies. I’m sure nothing would be released unless they were completely satisfied with the results, particularly with the kind of attention that is being paid right now, not to mention plaintiffs attorneys will be waiting to pounce if something adverse takes place.
I used to work for big pharma (in fact, for one of the companies working on a vaccine) and our QC was always very good. I’d say the same for the other big companies. I’m sure nothing would be released unless they were completely satisfied with the results, particularly with the kind of attention that is being paid right now, not to mention plaintiffs attorneys will be waiting to pounce if something adverse takes place.

Interesting given your background that you've never heard of the 'National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 1986' which was created to protect Big Pharma from being sued due to all the injuries their vaccines have previously caused.

I'm guessing most members on here have no idea of this Act or who under-writes it which I can't mention because it's against TF rules about raising politics.

Essentially you can't sue Big Pharma.

There's been loads of adverse reactions to so called safe vaccines over the years, hence the warnings in the fine print on the packaging and in their instructions that no one ever reads including many medical professionals.
Interesting given your background that you've never heard of the 'National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 1986' which was created to protect Big Pharma from being sued due to all the injuries their vaccines have previously caused.

I'm guessing most members on here have no idea of this Act or who under-writes it which I can't mention because it's against TF rules about raising politics.

Essentially you can't sue Big Pharma.

There's been loads of adverse reactions to so called safe vaccines over the years, hence the warnings in the fine print on the packaging and in their instructions that no one ever reads including many medical professionals.

I don’t recall saying any of that :wink2:
Interesting given your background that you've never heard of the 'National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act 1986' which was created to protect Big Pharma from being sued due to all the injuries their vaccines have previously caused.

Essentially you can't sue Big Pharma.

I'm confused...

are you saying Big Pharma can't be sued at all...
or can't be sued for faulty vaccines they produced?

Purdue Pharma (oxycontin) is currently being sued by almost every state in the USA...
I'm confused...

are you saying Big Pharma can't be sued at all...
or can't be sued for faulty vaccines they produced?

Purdue Pharma (oxycontin) is currently being sued by almost every state in the USA...

Mike beat me to it. Products liability cases against pharmaceutical companies happen often in my experience (26 years as an appellate attorney, after 2 years as a clerk for Federal Judges).
Okay...I think I just answered my own question...I did not know this...

When a vaccine is properly prepared and is accompanied by proper directions and warnings, lawsuits over its side effects are not allowed under the 1986 law.

"Vaccine manufacturers fund from their sales an informal, efficient compensation program for vaccine injuries," Scalia said. "In exchange they avoid costly tort litigation and the occasional disproportionate jury verdict."
Per this article from the Health Resources and Services Administration, any COVID vaccine will not be subject to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program but to a different program called the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program. See

So given that we don't even have a Covid Vaccine yet, authorities are all ready preparing a compensation program for when it goes wrong. That's astounding!

It certain demonstrates a great confidence in their future product.
Okay...I think I just answered my own question...I did not know this...

When a vaccine is properly prepared and is accompanied by proper directions and warnings, lawsuits over its side effects are not allowed under the 1986 law.

"Vaccine manufacturers fund from their sales an informal, efficient compensation program for vaccine injuries," Scalia said. "In exchange they avoid costly tort litigation and the occasional disproportionate jury verdict."

That's it in a nutshell Mike. You can't sue Big Pharma for any adverse affects to a Childhood Vaccine.

You can take a case for compensation to court under the 1986 Act, but the bar is set so that its puts many folks off. In saying that Uncle Sam has had to pay millions to those who have won their lawsuits.

I understand why this Act was created, but it sets a dangerous precedent.
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So given that we don't even have a Covid Vaccine yet, authorities are all ready preparing a compensation program for when it goes wrong. That's astounding!

It certain demonstrates a great confidence in their future product.

The PREP Act dates back to 2005.
The PREP Act dates back to 2005.

Thanks Brad, but that simply reinforces my previous post.

I think it’s important to remain informed and if I’ve managed to raise an issue with members that they were previously unaware of then I’m happy.

Even the CDC acknowledges the dangers of vaccines and it’s important folks do their homework.
Thanks Brad, but that simply reinforces my previous post.

I think it’s important to remain informed and if I’ve managed to raise an issue with members that they were previously unaware of then I’m happy.

Even the CDC acknowledges the dangers of vaccines and it’s important folks do their homework.

There is risk in everything. Including doing absolutely nothing.

No vaccine/drug has, can or will ever 100% guarantee that it wont have adverse effects.

Given that, should there be no vaccines/drugs?
Toddy, the public policy underpinning the Act is that in a public health emergency you want companies to develop vaccines, diagnostics, equipment and treatments to meet the emergency and that if exemptions for liability, except in the case of willful misconduct, were not provided, they would not do so. As Rutledge pointed out, no vaccine or is going to be absolutely risk free but in a public health emergency you do want these companies working on these vaccines, etc.
This morning on CNN Admiral Brett Giror who is in charge of testing and vaccine development for the virus was interviewed.
He stated that currently there are approximately 3.5 million tests available monthly. He added that 6 to 8 million monthly
tests are needed to open the economy safely. In the mean time he said several times that wearing masks is the most effective
way to prevent the spread of the virus.
This should have been clearly and emphatically communicated from the top down months ago!
I thought I would copy and paste this here. Humor is good medicine . . .

😁 Mike

So we're into our 5th month of defeating COVID-19. These words made me laugh but there's a lot of truth mixed in to consider. . .

1. So let me get this straight, there’s no cure for a virus that can be killed by sanitizer and hand soap?

2. Is it too early to put up the Christmas tree yet? I have run out of things to do.

3. When this virus thing is over with, I still want some of you to stay away from me.

4. If these last months have taught us anything, it’s that stupidity travels faster than any virus on the planet, particularly among politicians and bureaucrats.

5. Just wait a second – so what you're telling me is that my chance of surviving all this is directly linked to the common sense of others? You’re kidding, right?

6. People are scared of getting fined or arrested for congregating in crowds, as if catching a deadly disease and dying a horrible death wasn’t enough of a deterrent.

7. If you believe all this will end and we will get back to normal just because we reopen everything, raise your hand. Now slap yourself with it.

8. Another Saturday night in the house and I just realized the trash goes out more than me.

9. Whoever decided a liquor store is more essential than a hair salon is obviously a bald-headed alcoholic.

10. Remember when you were little and all your underwear had the days of the week on them. Those would be helpful right now.

11. The spread of Covid-19 is based on two factors: 1. How dense the population is and 2. How dense the population is.

12. Remember all those times when you wished the weekend would last forever? Well, wish granted. Happy now?

13. It may take a village to raise a child, but I swear it’s going to take a whole vineyard to home school one.

14. Did a big load of pajamas so I would have enough clean work clothes for the week.
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