COVID the 3rd (5 Viewers)

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I don’t really know the answer to Mark’s question because the test she took was a swab test and back in April she took a swab test and had the results in two days. A few weeks ago I had a colonoscopy (oh, joy!) and five days before I took it I had to have a test but it was a saliva test where you spit into a tube and then add a chemical. They had the results back in less than 48 hours. My impression is that you receive results quicker with the saliva test.

testing usually take 2-3 weeks to get results...
that's not good...
God knows how many people you can infect while you're waiting...
while waiting...
I doubt many people self-quarantine unless they are told they are positive...
and even then...who knows if they actually self quarantine...

Texas is exploding with new cases now...
usually the highest number or one of 3 states with the highest number of new cases daily...
the new epicenter state...

hopefully late fall there will be a vaccine...
even if it requires a booster shot...
it would help considerably...


My endocrinologist thinks these second waves in California and Texas are worse than the first.

She thinks part of it has to do with masks. Too many people think all you have to do is wear a mask and you are immune. The masks are absolutely vital but so are the other precautions. You can’t simply wear a mask and go back to your normal routines. You still need to practice social distancing, avoid large crowds, wash your hands etc.

My doctor told me they get results back in 3 days
That was a couple of months ago. Chris
Test results are back same day or next here. But with Mayo running the show, that could be skewed!
I think you also need to take into account testing capacity in your area, here they are processing for a large portion of our state, but the case numbers are not high comparatively.

Interesting how this thread has slowed to a crawl now. Hope my American friends are all ok?

Despite what your leader has stated about NZ's current relapse things are still way better than overseas.

Living on an Island/s has its advantages.

Take care.
This thing is going to flare up from time to time.You just can't shut down the world every time it does.The flu has been around over 100 years and this might be too.
My son thought he had symptoms last week and tried to find a "quick test" station. He called five locations who told him results would take 5 to 10 days. Finally he located a quick test location 90 minutes drive away from his home.
Thank God he tested negative.
I speak with associates and friends around the country and there experiences show testing result times all over the board.....2 days to 2 weeks.
Its crazy that after six months we can't get our testing under control.
Between morons not wearing masks and social distancing and testing so erratic we could be in for a long dark winter.
Morons leaving their dirty masks and gloves all over doesn't help either.
This thing is going to flare up from time to time.You just can't shut down the world every time it does.The flu has been around over 100 years and this might be too.

Agreed, while lockdowns give authorities some breathing space it's hardly a practical solution to battling a virus of this nature and no country can survive by shutting it boarders every-time there's a surge.
The thought that we can simply speed up testing is naive. So much goes into the testing procedures etc. for any type of medical condition.

A million years ago (30 plus years) when I became a diabetic long term blood glucose testing took 7-10 days from a lab and the instant test from a personal test kit took 20 seconds.

25 years after that we arrived at 1 day for long term outlooks and the instant test is now finally instant.

Granted this is a much bigger thing but the fact is nothing in the medical world happens overnight no matter what the severity.
Since March I have not worked nor have I received any benefit. I have not seen anyone but my parents and the lady at Jewel (groceries). I had a cold but just suffered through as always.
I sold my condo (100G hit) and my Camaro. Can't even invest the money till after the election.
People have made fun of me for living with my parents as lords. But I ask you, how much better have you done recently?
My uncle took a cool Mil in stimulus for his multi-mil. catering biz.
Now he's bankrupt. All that money down the crapper.
Dad's office has been looted 3 times. Thank God for Zoom trials, maybe?!
IL wants to ban History, yes, history until it can be rewritten (ethics?).
We have lost over 200 G with this. So tell me it's not a problem. Please, rich states, tell me it will be OK.
Because it won't. Not any more
You can't collect unemployment?When I see everything going on I count my blessings.I hope things get better for you and your family.
You can't collect unemployment?When I see everything going on I count my blessings.I hope things get better for you and your family.

Thank you.
Sorry I disturbed your peace by venting. Anyway, some great releases and sales for reals! Obviously can't take advantage but look at all the new releases! Very nice for the hobby
Best wishes to all
Look out Mike Miller! Basements may be cool after all!
Seriously I hope the damage is minimal. For Galveston and the World.
So the airlines are now threatening to layoff tens of thousands of employees unless they get more bailout money. This after receiving billions in handouts from the government. What scumbags. Many won't even refund tickets that were purchased during the shutdown. They are giving "vouchers" that have a thousand conditions hoping most people will never use them.
You can't collect unemployment?When I see everything going on I count my blessings.I hope things get better for you and your family.

A have a friend whos son worked part time at a sporting goods store, he was making about 150.00 a week part time......he got laid off and collected 600.00 a week...……………….then they asked him to come back, he said no thanks...………….then his unemployment got cut to "only" 400.00 a week...………….he's still collecting.

So he's making five times as much to stay home.

Murica, what a country.
I don't understand it.I always thought when you turned down a job your benefits was cut.
Similar situation in Australia, and they practically doubled the unemployment benefits to about AUD $1,200 per fortnight. How does Covid19 affect people that were Unemployed Before the Virus?
I heard they got the extra $600 also.

Unemployment ran out for me before the virus. I didn't apply again. It didn't seem moral. Of course, neither is the debt this country has accrued. I think my investment guy is going to freak out if one more person spends the 600/week they don't need on Apple or Amazon stock. That and the uncertainty has led him to think maybe the old money in a matress isn't the worst idea.
Clearly doing nothing would have been worse, but I can't pretend that the economic stimulus package worked very well.
Oh well. Gonna shave my head again since I don't know how to do a DIY haircut. It's not a good look for me but since I won't see anyone for months I should get away with it.
Anyway stay safe and happy
Unemployment ran out for me before the virus. I didn't apply again. It didn't seem moral. Of course, neither is the debt this country has accrued. I think my investment guy is going to freak out if one more person spends the 600/week they don't need on Apple or Amazon stock. That and the uncertainty has led him to think maybe the old money in a matress isn't the worst idea.
Clearly doing nothing would have been worse, but I can't pretend that the economic stimulus package worked very well.
Oh well. Gonna shave my head again since I don't know how to do a DIY haircut. It's not a good look for me but since I won't see anyone for months I should get away with it.
Anyway stay safe and happy

So you still can't nip out and get a haircut yet in the US? Or is that only in some states?

From what we've seen on the news here this week about the US, it seems like everyone is protesting something over there?
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