Current Interest In a King&Country Made .....Stuka (3 Viewers)

Cost is always a factor. The diehards on here say they will buy one but I'm not sure if this Forum is reflective of the collector community as a whole.

At a price point of between 450 and 500, as Brett mentioned, that's almost halfway to a wooden warbird and if that's the case I'd rather have a wooden one.
I would probably get one depending on what it looked like and, how well it was made. I passed on the typhoon, not for cost, but some detail issues for the cost and, it would be no different with the stuka. With no disrespect to anyone I think this as a aircraft of interest was rather dormant. Wayne kind of championed the idea and made it a topic of discussion. Although the aircraft are popular many (most) are still freely available in many dealers stores around the world. It depends on whether we are talking about the same sold out as Andy may have in mind. I would guess, as no other warbirds are really hard to get, that the stuka would be any different.

Having seen the JJD they looked very nice but, from private conversations I had shipping price and, similar issues were the death blow to this aircraft being produced. Brett has alluded to some issues also.

Figarti for me also does not show anything in the market for demand as they produce so few that they could really make anything, and they will attract 100 people worldwide to buy it. It was detailed enough I just want mine to be in one piece and, the paint to stay on. Probably not an issue we will have with a K&C one They also had problems with this aircraft in mediums that K&C do not use. I wonder how the polystone issue which, was at the heart of stopping K&C making this aircraft has been recified?? Many times I hear people say ''andy says never say never'' but, he has also stated several times on here and elsewhere that larger aircraft in polystone; mossie, light bombers, twin engined stuff was unfeasable because of weight dispatch and cost.

If it comes, or when it comes, I will look at it and see if its worth what is being asked. if not, I will pass and await something else. I am sure some will buy it regardless but, I would venture the concerns at K&C are that many collectors will think of cost and space etc first and, be practical, than dive in with the I must have. Cost in the UK will also be a huge factor as I am sure with some of the prices being bandied around on here. Personally, I don't think the aircraft is popular enough for a price tag of $ 450 or
$500 dollars or pounds. I would think it would have to be a really low edition of 100 or 150 at a push and, I wonder if even that would see it as some big seller.
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I would pass even in the 200-250$ range.( I am simply not into aircrafts)
A few things for me would decide if I got a Stuka should K&C produce one. The variant and camo, the price are two biggies for me, I personally think a Stuka would look superb hung from the ceiling as a) its fixed undercarriage lends itself very well to this and b) it would solve the space issue as a 1/30 Stuka would take up some considerable space. All these factors thrown together would decide the issue for me.

IMO, a Stuka at a price-point of $400-$500 is a non-starter for MOST collectors. It will be the kind of thing the majority will look at, whistle at, say "Thats really beautiful", see the price, and then move on to the next item. Of course there are going to be well-heeled collectors who will buy them and the fan who has been waiting for 'his absolute favorite aircraft of all time', so he will buy. But at that price point, it will not be a huge seller to the general collecting population. As several on this thread have pointed out, even with their very limited nature, the more expensive aircraft releases can still be found. Bring the Stuka in a $250-$300 and it will sell. At $400-$500 it will sit. JJD obviously must have felt this breaking point and thus cancelled the Stuka. Remember, JMO.:wink2: -- Al
IMO, a Stuka at a price-point of $400-$500 is a non-starter for MOST collectors. It will be the kind of thing the majority will look at, whistle at, say "Thats really beautiful", see the price, and then move on to the next item. Of course there are going to be well-heeled collectors who will buy them and the fan who has been waiting for 'his absolute favorite aircraft of all time', so he will buy. But at that price point, it will not be a huge seller to the general collecting population. As several on this thread have pointed out, even with their very limited nature, the more expensive aircraft releases can still be found. Bring the Stuka in a $250-$300 and it will sell. At $400-$500 it will sit. JJD obviously must have felt this breaking point and thus cancelled the Stuka. Remember, JMO.:wink2: -- Al

Agreed. It would be nice but I do not think it would sell. I think it would cost more like 1-2 thousand dollars anyway.

For the most part 350 would be about my max for a price point, although there may be exceptions. At 400, I would delay as I have done for the ME-110 and the Owl. I had the chance to buy the AK 110 but declined. A single winged A/C for that price is too much IMHO. The detail of the Typhoon did not meet the extravagant cost.
I love planes. The most expensive I have purchased is Figarti's P -38. However, I could not see going over $399 for anything but a medium or heavy bomber. I think if the plane prices keep going up even many plane lovers may revert to only buying an occasional plane at most.
I love planes. The most expensive I have purchased is Figarti's P -38. However, I could not see going over $399 for anything but a medium or heavy bomber. I think if the plane prices keep going up even many plane lovers may revert to only buying an occasional plane at most.
Very good point. I am already cutting back. I have cancelled 4 of the 6 pre-orders I currently have with my dealer, and I passed on the Figarti Owl and P-38 because of price although these were aircraft I would have loved to have. -- Al
Not sure it was extravagant at its price, high certainly and a shock to many I remember. Maybe thats why we are being tested with equivalent prices for what JJD were thinking of charging to test the waters so, to speak. I would have bought one but, there were too many issues for me in terms of detail that made it a pass. The Owl is the most expensive new item I have purchased but, the detail and size at least justifies the price tag.

For the most part 350 would be about my max for a price point, although there may be exceptions. At 400, I would delay as I have done for the ME-110 and the Owl. I had the chance to buy the AK 110 but declined. A single winged A/C for that price is too much IMHO. The detail of the Typhoon did not meet the extravagant cost.
I have the Figarti Stuka so I wouldn't buy another from K&C or any other company because I only needed 1 for my airfield diorama. However I think I would spend up to $500 us for a Junkers 52. I saw the red one K&C made but even though its beautiful I wouldn't pay their asking price. But a nice basic JU52 I could see at $400-$500. I think that plane is badly needed in this hobby. Keith
Some very interesting points made here which was the whole Saying the plane will cost $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 is way, way off the mark here.
The speculative price mentioned was around $500.00 . This whole topic is only of course going to appeal to an aircraft collector in the first place.A few things to me that would make this all a success would be: Limited production number, appealing paint scheme and design, Price point under the Speculative price mentioned.
Great discussion here, whether pro or con, keep the constructive comments coming ! :salute::
Some very interesting points made here which was the whole Saying the plane will cost $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 is way, way off the mark here.
The speculative price mentioned was around $500.00 . This whole topic is only of course going to appeal to an aircraft collector in the first place.A few things to me that would make this all a success would be: Limited production number, appealing paint scheme and design, Price point under the Speculative price mentioned.
Great discussion here, whether pro or con, keep the constructive comments coming ! :salute::

My mistake on the price. I was thinking of a larger aircraft. You are right. However, even at 500.00 I think they would not sell well.

My mistake on the price. I was thinking of a larger aircraft. You are right. However, even at 500.00 I think they would not sell well.


Are you sure Ludwig ??? Your pockets are so deep they are hanging down to the floor !!! {sm3} Just Kidding :wink2:
Are you sure Ludwig ??? Your pockets are so deep they are hanging down to the floor !!! {sm3} Just Kidding :wink2:

Seriously I was thinking of something big like little miss mischief size. I am working on something special for the UK/CM boys. It is getting close.

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Price is an important consideration in consumer acceptance, but the price paid also depends on (among other factors) how many Stukas K & C intend to release and who flew the Stuka, Rudel or some lesser known pilot.
Price is an important consideration in consumer acceptance, but the price paid also depends on (among other factors) how many Stukas K & C intend to release and who flew the Stuka, Rudel or some lesser known pilot.

Here would be a nice K&C version : Rudel's last Stuka 1945 Winter Version


  • rudel winter stuka.jpg
    rudel winter stuka.jpg
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  • rudel winter stuka II.jpg
    rudel winter stuka II.jpg
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Would bet my collection K&C would not do a Rudel after one so similar - apart from some white paint applied - had been made and released. Not sure that having a named pilot means that much IMO. I mean the 262 was supposed to be Gallands but, we know that was not true but, its still available, was quite expensive, and limited. How many on here can name other famous stuka pilots apart from Rudel?? Not sure it really matters who flew it so long as its done right. An incorrect version but, of a named pilot, would not make me fork out anything for it.

Time will tell I suppose

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