Death by Planking - how stupid can you get (1 Viewer)

The Military Workshop

1st Lieutenant
Jul 31, 2005
This happened in Brisbane today. I think I will give this new fad a miss.
The rail he was attempting to "plank" on was no wider than 6".

A MAN who plunged to his death from a Brisbane 7th floor unit balcony was planking, and police fear it will not be the last death due to the craze.
Planking involves participants lying flat on their stomach in different and sometimes dangerous settings and sharing photographs of their efforts with fellow plankers.

Acton Beale, 20, fell from an inner-city unit block in Kangaroo Point's Main St and died at the scene shortly before 4.30am on Sunday.

Deputy Commissioner Ross Barnett told reporters the man had been trying to lie on the balcony rail when he fell.

He said the man and another person had been planking in various spots on their way home from a night out.

"He has tragically lost his footing and fallen to the ground below," Mr Barnett said.

"It is what we've been fearing."

The deputy commissioner said he did not know whether it was Australia's first death from the recent craze.

However, he feared it would not be the last as plankers tried to out-do each other in more and more dangerous places.

"Police fear that as planking gains popularity there may be more injuries and, potentially, further deaths," Mr Barnett said.

He warned plankers they would be charged if they tried the fad in dangerous locations. A 20-year-old man was issued with a court appearance notice for trespass when he was found planking on a squad car in Gladstone last week.

"Accepting a risk of injury for yourself is one thing, but the potential is there for others to be injured as a result of your behaviour," he said.

"But no penalty will ever return this young man to his family and friends.

"This is a tragedy and our condolences go to the family."
I have so little sympathy for people who do this sort of stupid acts. In Newcastle a few years back we had numpties who would watch for the metro coming (local train system) and see if they could run across the lines within inches of the train!!! needless to say when one chap lost a leg it was then not seen as funny. re-invents the old saying it now should be ''thick as two short plankers''
Yep! I'm a survivor of running across the Rockport harbor breakwater during a "Nor'easter."
You know its sad to see a young life taken short. We all do something dumb in the name of fun, especially when we're young. I survived in spite of myself, and yep did some really stupid ( thought they were funny at the time ) things. Lucky I lived to be wiser. My boy is 17, and sometimes PLANKS. But he's learning it can be dumb and dangerous. Johno.
Very sad and foolish. Similar activities include laying down on the dividing line in high speed traffic (depicted in the movie Varsity Blues, but deleted) and "surfing" on top of a moving car, which has led to some deaths and brain injuries. Chris
Look up "The Darwin Awards"

If a "planker" was able to survive in an environment where planking was a favorable trait, and pass on his planking genes, that would fit into Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection.

This assumes someone would actually mate with a "planker."

Interesting to note only 8 posts but nearly 4,000 views since 15 May. More views than the Baseball thread which has been going for 6 months. Suggests some views or search results coming from non forum members which is good.
surely planking is not more interesting than baseball!!!!!!!
Check out this ""Planker" so it started in the 40,s hey some bored GI somewhere.................{sm4}



In Fire/Rescue we used to look at people who do these kind of things as job security. As long as people have free will and the "idiot" factor exsists, Fire/Rscue and the Police Departments will NEVER be out of work.:wink2: -- Al
I can't understand why everyone is mis-spelling on this thread. You should be writing "Plonkers" not "Plankers" Trooper
I can't understand why everyone is mis-spelling on this thread. You should be writing "Plonkers" not "Plankers" Trooper

I realize you are an esteemed English scholar but I would suggest in a spirit of academic collegiality that the letter "a" is just fine where it is. I feel the letters "Pl" are incorrect and should be replaced with a single letter which would make the work more accurate.
I realize you are an esteemed English scholar but I would suggest in a spirit of academic collegiality that the letter "a" is just fine where it is. I feel the letters "Pl" are incorrect and should be replaced with a single letter which would make the work more accurate.

That's harsh mate, there are a number of ex-tankers on this forum. {eek3}
And Bankers have already had a rough time of late!


I would have gone down that route, but since we have a 6'5" rugby playing banker on the forum, who has my credit card number and will be seeing me in a month, I thought I better tread cautiously. {sm2}
Let's not forget Ranker's, aka, the footsloggers who do the dirty work.:wink2: -- Al

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